FAQ - Vulvovaginitis
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plz help? any gyno or nurse plz?

ok so my prob is that im pretty sure i have vulvovaginitis since i have 4 out of 5 symptoms... and i got online the kind of treatment for it... the reason i cant go see an actual gynocologist is because first of all i dont have enough money or any insurance and second of all the nearest gyno to me is 65 miles away and costs 100 just for the checkup... so please i am rly desperate...plz if ur going to answer me dont say "you should rly go see a doctor" or "borrow some money"... i just need a nurse or doctor or someone who knows to confirm with me if this will cure my vulvovaginitis:

hydrocortisone cream


Garlic (a peeled whole clove wrapped in gauze) used to rub around the infected area

Warm Baths (No soap)
For Nurse Annie:

The symptoms i experience are

this wierd odor
terrible itching
inflamation of labia, vulva, vagina

Any type of foul vaginal odor indicates that an infection is present and needs to be evaluated by a doctor. The two most common infections are yeast and bacterial vaginosis. A yeast infection has symptoms of a yeast type odor, itching around the vaginal opening and surrounding area, and a cottage cheese type discharge. BV has a fishy type odor, and the discharge can either be yellow, green, or white. In the meantime, make sure you eat a balanced diet. Cotton underwear is also helpful in preventing moisture from developing. Make sure after going to the bathroom that you wipe from front to back. In the mean time refrain from any type of douching, as douching can not only disrupt the normal pH of your body, but can also make it more open to infection. Avoid use of any types of feminine sprays, talcs etc as they can also disrupt the normal balance. Also avoid any type of scented toilet paper. You will need to see a doctor for an evaluation to determine what type of infection, so the proper treatment can be prescribed. In your particular case your best bet would be to visit a local Planned Parenthood as their fees work on a sliding scale according to what you can afford. You can find a local clinic here
http://www.PlannedParenthood.com  (+ info)

Clit orgasm sensation won't stop 2 wks on and off worse then viagra?

Dr. is baffled went to ER non stop climax feeling tried diflucan r/o yeast vulvovaginitis? urine culture is normal... no tight clothes cotton undies no sex can't stand any pressure on my pubic area..tried more diflucan and lotrisone , i think its a pinched nerve. makes me whacka doodle.. 40+ and holding any ideas? useful helpful....
GYNO: said something about a depression pill that will stop nerve sensation?no drug mentioned but with my multiple allergies he said try the lotrisone steroid- antifungal first.. as i recall on ANSWERS comment if you have an idea to share of relevance free points for sorry? next...
The studies of Prof. Waldinger have shown that ReGS, including PSAS or PGAD, is a well-described neurological disorder that can be treated with TENS and or medication (daily clonazepam, or oxazepam, or on-demand tramadol; local injection with bupivacaine 0.5% or bupivacaine 0.5% + 40 mg methylprednisolon

Amazingly I just saw a program on tv called Strange Sex. In part of the program one lady had very a very similar condition. I say condition because it was a medical condition that she was diagnosed with. She went through weeks of seeing doctors without results. Finally the dr. put her on a medication for something else and it seemed to remedy her situation. In one of the test the dr. checked blood flow to the clitoris and the findings were that she was stimulated constantly leading to her apparent discomfort. The medication which controlled dopamine production in the brain reduced the blood flow to the clitoris relieving her situation. I remember that she had done a lot of research over the internet to learn of this condition and that many women are affected with this. I believe the numbers were 400,000 women in the U.S. alone. Still this is relatively few so there is little information available. Hopefully this helps.  (+ info)

Is thrush caused by pinworms?

Ok, so about 3 weeks ago i diagnosed myself with pinworms, and i realised i must have had them for a few months.
I went to my mum and she got me the treatment (im 15, female) so now they're all gone.
BUT i have and have had for a few months vaginal discharge, a smell down there, itching and irritation, and a thin layer of white stuff on the labia lips.
Now i refuse point blank to go to a gyno (please dont suggest that) and am perfectly happy with over the counter treatment. I have no idea whether its thrush or vulvovaginitis or bacterial vaginosis and what treatment to use with the right one - please help!!!!
No the smell is very rare
what treatments could i use (over the counter)?

Could be yeast or BV. If the pinworms found there way to the vagina, it could cause vulvovaginitis. Consult w/ your doctor.  (+ info)

Can Vulvovaginitis be cured at home/with OTC medications?

*I know it's a lot to read, but please bare with me here*

A few weeks ago I experienced what I figured was a UTI (burning sensation while urination, and urinating very frequently). I took antibiotics left over from the last time I had had one (I took one tablet twice daily for about 4 days), and the UTI went away. Almost immediately after the painful urination/urinary frequency went away, I started noticing that I had a thick, white, paste-like discharge with an odd but not fishy-like odor. It was also extremely itchy, and I figured it was a yeast infection, so I used some Vagisil, though not regularly, and it helped the itching go away but because I had itched so much and so hard I had a cut right above my clitoris and it hurt around the opening to my vagina.

The itching has been going on for about a week or so, though its cut back the last two days. Me and my boyfriend had not had sex for about 2 weeks, given my condition, but I felt much better "down there" today, and we had sex. Immediately after, he noticed that my vulva was extremely swollen. He took a picture and showed me, sure enough, it was extremely swollen, and painful. He looked at it and said that it looked cracked, too.

Also. and I forgot to mention this earlier, I wash my vagina a lot. I know I shouldn't, but I do wash it out thoroughly with antibacterial soap, and then wash it out with a scented body wash. I rinse every time, but I know I shouldn't be washing it at all with the soaps or body washes. I won't be doing so from not on, so please do not lecture me.

We just looked it up online and a lot of the symptoms I am having seem to be related to Vulvovaginitis:
Irritation and itching of the genital area
Inflammation (irritation, redness, and swelling) of the labia majora, labia minora, or perineal area
Vaginal discharge
Discomfort or burning when urinating or while having sex

Is there any home remedy or over the counter medication/cream that will cure it?

And and all help is very greatly appreciated, thank you.

This may sound very strange, but I had a very similar issue, and my gynecologist recommended a product called "Bag Balm". It was created for use on cows with cracked udders. It has antimicrobial properties and is very soothing. I use it at night before I go to sleep and it has really helped calm things down. I had cuts, redness, and irritation. The problem I have is where to buy it, but there is an e-mail address to write to at the product website, and I've linked to the drugstore.com page where you can order it.  (+ info)

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