FAQ - Weil Disease
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my son wants to play canoe in the canal but there is risk of weil's disease?

in london there is lots of activities such as canoe kayak in the canal... but they say that there is a rare risk of WEIL'S disease, because of the rats it might be in the canal...
what should i do? can i let him go there... or it is a very serious disease?
is there a vaccine?

Weil's disease is also known as leptospirosis. See the following for a discussion of the disease:


While the occurrence in humans is fairly rare, I would not want a child of mine to take that kind of risk. If unrecognized, and therefore untreated, the disease can lead to liver and kidney damage.

I would think that a canal is a fairly likely source of the disease because it is transmitted in mammal urine--especially dog and rat urine--both of which are fairly likely to contaminate canal water in run-off from streets, etc.

Find a safe, but fun, fun activity for you son elsewhere. Is there a public swimming pool or other location where he can have fun in the water?  (+ info)

Could I Have Weil's Disease?

I have just started a new job at a garden centre, where a outbreak of rats has been noted. Some of my collegues told me I could catch Weil's disease from handling the soil and water.

I don't feel very well at moment and have stomach pains and muscle aches and I feel really hot I also have a dry cough but I have been around gravel.

I am really worried that I might have caught Weil's disease but could it also just be the stress of having a new job?

Or I am being really paranoid

  (+ info)

could i have weil's disease?

i went fishing with my sister and i put a hook in the water tried to put it into the bait then it went in my finger. that was 3 days ago and now i have a dry cough a blocked nose and i'm getting headaches. have i got weil's disease or have i just got a cold and its a co-incidence that i'm ill at this time.

Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection carried in rat’s urine which may contaminate water in lakes, rivers, etc. The bacteria does not survive long in dry conditions or salt water. The risk of infection is greater in stagnant or slow-moving water but cases have occurred in swift moving streams and lowland rivers. There is an enhanced risk where flash floods have washed out rat runs.

The infection is caught by direct contact with the urine or polluted environment. Bacteria enter through skin abrasions or via eyes, nose or mouth.

The usual incubation is 2 to 12 days. Usually a ‘flu’ like illness occurs which resolves in 2-3 weeks. There may be fever, severe headache, pains in the back and calf and prostration. A few cases develop Jaundice, when the condition is known as Weil’s disease.

Each year an average of 3 canoeists contract Leptospirosis. It is very rare and it’s deterioration into Weil’s disease even more rare. Weil’s disease is however, a serious ilness and must be swiftly diagnosed and treated. Death may occur in about 15% of Weil’s disease cases (i.e. jaundiced patients) but death without jaundice is virtually unknown. Antibiotics during the first few days help in limiting infection. Many cases recover without specific treatment.

If you think you may have the infection go to your doctor and explain that their may be a risk of leptospirosis. The diagnosis is by clinical suspicion. Blood tests can rarely confirm the illness in time to affect treatment but are needed to subsequently confirm it.

  (+ info)

I think I caught Weil's disease?

3 days ago, I went sailing to the Thames river. The instructor waned us about Weil's disease. He said that it's unlikely to catch, but possible. The sypthoms are flu-alike and should appear 2 to 30 days from infection.

Now, I woke up today morning with a bad headache and blocked nose... I went to my mum straigh away and asked if we could go doctors and check if it's alright, because I don't want liver problems (that's what Weil's causes...), and I have the sypthoms of Weil's... She just laughed at me and said that's because I have been sailing and I'm ill now.

Tomorrow I'm flying to Belarus... They don't really have idea how to cure it or anything :l

What should I do, I need to get checked very quickly.

I have:
blocked nose
dizzy sometimes
tired eyes

How can I convince my mum to take me doc's first think in the morning? What should I do if she laughs me off again? HEEEELLLLPPPPPP!
Woah... I'm 14 :'( can't tell her I'm eggo preggo because she would simply kill me.

Besides she would belive that. I'm too much of a goody-goody...

Yell her you're serious and need to see a doctor.
If that doesn't work tell her you think you're pregnant. She'll have you in the doctor's office as quick as possible.  (+ info)

What is the definition of a disease, and specifically a mental disease? Has science truly failed?

I think this is the biggest failure of science and generally the world. It is full of imperfections, even though religion is not a better alternative.

But, what can you define as a disease; and what can you not? First of all, we have to realize that all humans are different physically. But they should be treated equally on moral basis, and on the basis of humanity (whether its gay ppl, straight ppl, women, old ppl; they should be treated equally on moral grounds).

Because people are different physically; they exhibit different behavior due to the chemistry of their body. Here is where the tricky part comes. What can you categorize as an illness/disease/disorder and what can you not? This is the biggest failure of science: why do you need to categorize things into illnesses and non-illnesses? It is clear you are letting your bias through. Modern feminists define rape that is only committed by a man on a woman. So there come the discrepancies. Why can you not accept behavior that everyone's behavior is deviant from one another. Why do we have to claim somethings are anomalies, and some are not? I know pedophilia and rape is wrong, but can you categorize is as an illness/disease/disorder? Do we have any proof that pedophilia and rape are not illnesses/diseases/disorders? Is there any proof that homosexuality is not an illness/disease/disorder? I dont think so.

So why do we have to say that pedophilia and rape are done intentionally, when they could very well be 'illnesses'. And how can we say homosexuality is not a disease/disorder when it could be?

The fact is that these are faulty premises. We cannot categorize things into illnesses/diseases/disorders. Everyone is different from each other physically and psycologically. That is the best way to deal with things. Science cannot even come to a consensus when (at what time period) a child in a mother's womb is alive; or whether abortion is murder or not (after what stage). So i think science has failed in that aspect.

Feminists wants the EXACT same physical rights for women that they want for men. Men and women are different physically, remember that. So I would want rights to be 'balanced out' between male and female; and that would constitute as EQUAL rights, not the EXACT SAME rights.

Is there any proof that homosexuality is NOT a disorder/illness. Then why does science say it is NOT a disorder/illness? Is there any proof that pedophilia/rape is NOT a disease.

Please answer these questions, and give me conclusive studies NOT theories for this. Evolution as you like it or not is NOT proven, it is a THEORY. I also mentioned religion is not a better alternative.

Science is science. Medicine is medicine,.Religion is religion. Religion should not mix in often with the first two, and then, only rarely.
None are absolutes, they are always changing and being refined, sometimes out and out shook up and turned on their heads.
You can define plenty of things as illness/ disease and others as disorders.

I think you are concentrating on the grey areas of how religion and culture can shape policy and definitions and blaming science for those grey areas. Please remember all areas of science, medicine, religion, and politics are influenced by PEOPLE. People have opinions/beliefs,etc. and those opinions influence how they are going to interpret their work and world outlook. So if you want to blame anyone for the grey areas, blame the people that create them, NOT science.

and as for equal rights, we just want the same opportunities when qualified, and the same pay for the same work.
Please remember ALL people are physically different. Compare Don Knotts to her: http://www.wrestlingkingdom.com/women/women_of_wrestling_good.html and tell me who is physically (strength wise) superior?

p.s. this is getting pretty close to a rant which is illegal on yahoo answers. Most of this should be in the philosophy or the R/S section anyway. They are used to this sort of thing there. We usually just answer questions about diseases here.

Evolution- you need to look up what that means, seriously. Are you very young and go to an evangelical church or anything? I see this sort of thing in the RS section all the time, usually by youngsters who haven't attended 9th grade biology yet. Ok, Have you ever heard of MRSA, VRSA, antibiotic resistant Tuberculosis? Well, there is evolution in action. You also need to look up the scientific definition of Theory is. Here are a few more "the THEORY of GRAVITY" the THEORY of ELECTRICITY". lol! This is just plain silly, please post elsewhere!  (+ info)

What is the difference between an immune disorder and an autoimmune disease?

1.What is the difference between an immune disorder and an autoimmune disease?

A.When an immune disorder becomes very severe, it becomes an autoimmune disease.
B.An immune disorder occurs when the immune system does not function properly. An autoimmune disease occurs when the body's immune system attacks its own cells.
C.An immune disorder is the overreaction of the immune system to substances that are not dangerous. An autoimmune disease occurs when germs affect the immune system.
D.An immune disorder is a disease caused by germs, such as pollen or dust. An autoimmune disease occurs when the body's immune system attacks its own cells.
2.An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to

B.a substance in the environment.
C.carbohydrates in food.
D.an autoimmune disease.
3.During an asthma attack, the

A.bronchial airways narrow and become clogged with mucus.
B.bronchial airways constrict in response to environmental stimuli.
C.lining of the air passages swell and become inflamed.
D.All of the above
4.All of the following are good steps to take to avoid an allergic reaction except

A.avoiding substances you are allergic to.
B.washing sheets and blankets weekly.
C.cleaning bathrooms and kitchens to avoid molds.
D.taking long-term control drugs every day.
5.Which of the following is not an example of an autoimmune disease?

A.rheumatoid arthritis
B.type 1 diabetes
C.multiple sclerosis
6.Most allergies and autoimmune diseases can be

B.treated with medication.
C.eliminated with stress management techniques.
D.reduced by avoiding allergens.
7.Which of the following suggestions is not an important step to take if you are diagnosed with an immune or autoimmune disease?

A.Follow your treatment plan without asking any questions.
B.Let your doctor know if new symptoms occur.
C.Be honest with your doctor.
D.Learn about medications and medical tests necessary for your condition
8.Match the following terms to their definitions.
1.itchy swellings on the skin caused by allergies to foods or certain drugs
2.an autoimmune disease in which the immune system begins to destroy the linings of the joints
3.a disease in which the immune system attacks the cells of the body that it would normally protect
4.a disorder that causes the airways to become narrow and clogged with mucus
5.a disease in which the joints of the skeleton wear out as a person ages

A.rheumatoid arthritis
B.autoimmune disease

Do your own homework.

You - FAIL  (+ info)

What disease are related to the skeletal or muscular system of the body?

Use an internet source to provide some information about a disease related to the skeletal or muscular system of the body.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the disease and what effects does it have on a patient.
2. What is the prognosis?
3. What can be done to cure or treat symptoms of the disease? (example: medications, therapy, amputation--yikes!)

Check out DMD
1. Problem: defective gene resulting in abnormality of the muscle cell membrane scaffolding protein dystrophin. Result progressive muscle wasting and weakness...to the point of wheel chair confinement and eventually to the point where your respiratory muscles aren't strong enough to breath
2. There's no cure. Death by their 20's
3. No meds. rehab therapy, light exercise to promote strength and stamina. Will need a wheel chair. May need surgeries to prevent permanent contraction of the tendons (contractures). May need ventilatory support

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000705.htm  (+ info)

What is a disease that is caused by dysfunction in the production of a hormone in an endocrine gland?

What are the symptoms of this disease?
How is this disease treated?
Can this disease be cured completely?

Are you thinking , Thyroid? If so, take thyroxin to supplement the deficiency. Otherwise, there are many endocrine hormones that can get out of whack. Some you use drugs to suppress the gland that is overactive which cause another gland to be out of whack. For example. The kidney has an adrenal gland that controls testosterone, so if you have polycystic ovaries, this can cause the adrenal gland to over produce testosterone causing facial hair, deepened voice and excess testosterone in women causing the women not to have menstrual cycles and also cysts on their ovaries. They use a diabetic drug to also control this or a drug called spironolactone. This just shows you how entailed the endocrine system truly is.  (+ info)

What disease has normal white count and a high level of creatine kinase?

In NCIS, Director Shepard had some sort of fatal disease, and in the episode "Stakeout," Abby discovers that the Director's blood has a normal white count and a high level of creatine kinase. What diseases could this indicate?

it could be
Heart Disease
or Thyroid Disease

It really could be a lot of things... would need more information!  (+ info)

What is the disease that stops the muscles in the face to move?

A disease which attacks the muscle motors, so that the muscles in the face won't move. What is the name for the disease?

Erb's Palsy  (+ info)

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