FAQ - Wernickes encefalopati
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Surgery to correct wernickes syndrome?

Does there exist any surgery to reverse or repair the symptoms or effects of wernickes korsakoff / encephalopathy?

No, there isn't a surgery, but there's a non-surgical treatment which, if used early, can lead to a rapid and complete recovery. Ask a doctor about it  (+ info)

Wernickes Aphasia?

Hi, does anyone know how much a recovery that a person can make from this? My Dad has just been diagnosed as having this and although I studied it briefly at uni, I cant find notes on if and hwo someone can recover. I know what area it affects ect, its the recovery I am trying to find info on. Thanks in advance. If you dont know what this is, please dont answer the question.

This is a list of articles on Pubmed...you have to have a subscription to read and access, I believe, but you might be able to get your local librarian to get them for you??


These articles do not specify Broca's or Wernickes, but may be helpful...





To be honest, no one will know how much recovery your father will make until they conclude he has reached his maximum...it is impossible to predict. Every patient is different. Two patients with the same age and health status can have vastly different recoveries. The best thing you can do for him is be his advocate, ensuring he is getting the maximum amount of therapy and support available.

Best of luck to you and your father.  (+ info)

Might seem like a silly question......?

Ok, here's the deal. Im 35 weeks pregnant, have a few things goingon at the moment and need to relax. I havent slept for the past while and I was thinking of going up north for the night with my dog, for a bit of rest and relaxation. It is only 45 drive or less from Glasgow city so if anything was to happen, im well within reach. I should maybe also give a bit of backround, some may have already read this (apologies for going over it again). But I live in Glasgow, parents live in Canada adn I received a call last week to say my Dad was in intensive care, so he's now out (thank god), but he has a bad head injury and cant really string his sentances together (wernickes aphasia), so I am stressed for not being able to help out, was going to fly but family are scared that something will happen tot he baby. So, I havent slept through stress. Also, last nigth I had to listen to my neighbours playing music adn then go on to having sex, so again, I didnt sleep (poor sound proofing in our flat)
I guess im just really needing away from it all, getting back to nature ect and was wondering if you all thought it ok to go away , its just for one night. Family here are worried incase I go into labour.... I wouldnt think so, I just need a break! Would any one advise or advise against it?Thanks in advance.x
Jackie, im only goingot Tyndrum and you forgot about the most important hospital which is the Southern, you know, where they are building the new mat unit ?

Sounds like your body knows where it needs to go right now. Listen to it.

Pack up the car, load up the cell phone and drive away for a while.

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad (I'm from Canada and living in Ireland, and my mother is sick...I know how torn you feel).

Maybe think about taking your partner (if you have one) with you, because if you go into labour I don't think you'll want to be driving into town, but 45 minutes isn't that long, specially if you start driving if you go into labour right away.

I think getting away from it all, spending time with your dog, being in nature will really allow you to get into the right head space for labour and bringing a baby into this world.

Do it. You'll come home feel refreshed and mentally ready for what you have ahead of you!

Best wishes, and I will keep your dad in my thoughts.  (+ info)

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