FAQ - adenocarcinoma
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If someone is diagnoised with adenocarcinoma and undifferentiated small cell carcinoma, what are the dangers?

This is a Pathology Report from a friend in another country
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Small cell lung cancer is usually caused by smoking. Undifferentiated refers to the cell's different appearance from normal lung tissue cells and indicates an aggressive tumor. I don't know what you mean by "dangers," and I do not want to sound negative, but the statistics for lung cancer survival are grim. About the same number of new lung cancer diagnoses and lung cancer deaths occur each year. I wish your friend the best of luck.  (+ info)

what is high grade dysplasia intramucosal adenocarcinoma of the bowel?

Colon cancer.  (+ info)

what is the prognosis for locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the pancreas?

mass is already 3-4 cm

Removal of the mass (if it is operable) is the best hope for long term survival. Pancreatic cancer usually carries a very poor prognosis. The 5-year survival for patients who undergo surgical resection of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas is about 20 to 40%.  (+ info)

My Mom has been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, can anyone tell me what the prognosis probably is?

Mom is 86 years old and has opted not to take treatment. The cancer is in one lung, the lymph nodes in her chest, and her shoulder. The doctor says it is stage 4. She can still walk for a few minutes at a time with a walker. She is on a morphine capsule once a day, and 10mg Lortab every four hours. For now, it is keeping her comfortable.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. I am taking Family Medical Leave and would like to have some idea of how long this may endure.

At age 86 she may pass relatively easy but then you never know. Human beings are very tough and often hang on very hard to life. It sounds like her Dr is addressing her pain properly. Make sure and ask her every time you see her or several times daily if she lives with you, how she is feeeling, whether she feels like she has a fever or any type infection. Address any problems promptly. Ask about her genreal comfort level and make sure her bowels are working ok. Many older people won't talk about bowel function and because pain meds are very constitpating taking extra stool softeners can make a world of difference in her comfort level.

You also need to get local hospice involved. If this has not already been done you can search this web page for local resources and a wealth of other end of life info that will be essential reading for you.

All the best to your mom and her family.

http://www.hospicenet.org/index.html  (+ info)

I know someone withstage 4 Adenocarcinoma in the lungs,liver, scalp, ribs and spine?

Heart is working 20%. They are 5'10" and weigh 105. What is your thoughts on their life expectancy?

Honestly, poor. The heart function alone is not an indicator of a long life. When you figure in Stage 4 cancer, it goes way down.  (+ info)

Where are the successful treatment centers for adenocarcinoma?

There are designated comprehensive cancer centers throughout the US. What this means is that the top research and medical facilities share information and network treatment protocols. You can check to see if a designated cancer center is near you at the National Cancer Institute website:

NCI: Cancer Centers Program

NCI: Cancer Centers List by name, state, region

Incidentally you should be more specific as to the type of cancer that the adenocarcinoma affects . . adenocarcinoma starts in the gland tissue of all these sites - breast, colon, lung, prostate, stomach, pancreatic, cervical , and vaginal are all cancers that may be adenocarcinoma related (ie Adenocarcinoma of the breast; Adenocarcinoma of the lung, etc)  (+ info)

chemotherapy in adenocarcinoma of siglmoid colon after surgery?

female 58 had surgical resection on 9/6/2009 for adenocarnoma of sigmoid colon.pt.is diabetic & under insulin.her wt.is 34 kgs.when chemotherapy should be started in duke c type?

The details of Cancer such as symptoms, cause, diagnosis, treatments,types, stages etc are available on

http://www.cancerssociety.org  (+ info)

Does anyone know a person(s) who has experienced adenocarcinoma and how did they deal with it and live and bea

t it? What treatments are you aware of that can help?
I am talking about lung I think, but the fluid is showing up as a mestatatic cancer. I am not sure how they determine where the fluid originated.

The one person who will really be able to tell you what to expect, and ways to help you deal with it is your oncologist, assuming you have one. If it is metastatic disease to the lung, that means that the original cancer was somewhere else and that bits of it moved to your lung and began growing there. This means that your cancer will probably need to be treated differently than other cancers and you will most likely need chemotherapy. But again, talk to your oncologist. He/She will not only be able to tell you all the details about your disease, but also about any support groups or counseling available. There are cancer survivor groups out there who would be happy to help you prepare for what's ahead.

A good place to start would probably be the American Cancer Society (www.cancer.org).  (+ info)

What is Adenocarcinoma, Well Differentiated?

my father's biopsy result is Rectal Mucosa, Mucosal Biopsy: ADENOCARCINOMA, WELL DIFFERENTIATED. is it still curable? i don't knwo what it means? the doctor's said it's colon.and some other things..that i really cant understand...can someone please explain it to me..simpler.

Adenocarcinoma of the colon is a cancer of the epithelial cells lining your father's rectum. That the pathologist determined that the cell type was well differentiated was an excellent sign as this means the cancer will be more easy to treat than a poorly differentiated type which would characteristically be harder to treat or cure than a well differentiated type.

You did not say what stage cancer your father had. This staging is what will really tell you what tendency for a cure he might have. Read this article on adenocarcinoma of the colon and scroll down to the section on staging for a fuller explanation. Find out if the Dr has told him what stage yet and we will be better able to answer any other questions you might have.

If his cancer is confined to the mucosal lining of his rectum then my guess is that his cancer was caught quite early and his chances for a cure are excellent but without more info I can not give you anything but my guess.

good luck to you both


Here is another article that will be helpful to you.

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/colon-cancer/DS00035  (+ info)

Is adenocarcinoma cancer a genetic disorder?

Strictly speaking all cancers are genetic disorders but a very tiny percentage are hereditary. Adenomatous polyposis coli is a rare colon cancer that is hereditary. Adenocarcinoma of the lung, a Non Small cell Lung Cancer is not hereditary but it has a high percentage 30 % of mutations in K-Ras an oncogene.
Cancer is really a disease of genes rather than an hereditary disease but where those disesed genes are in your germ cells( ova/sperm) then its heritable. Most cancers are in your somatic = adult cells  (+ info)

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