FAQ - chromosome fragility
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Is Klinefelter recessive or dominant in a particular chromosome?

question for my project that i don't understand.

Klinefelter is when there is an extra sex chromosome...XXY the offspring is usually an infertile male. It occurs as a nondisjunction during meiosis. It's neither recessive or dominant but a mutation.  (+ info)

What genetic disorder, which is a disorder of chromosome 15, celebrated its national awareness week during the

last few days of April and the first few days of may? end of the question over here. ^_^

Autisim?  (+ info)

how would a blood test find a male y chromosome in a females blood after she received a kidney transplant?

she was an eighteen- year -old and she received a kidney transplant and stem cells from her brother. A year later she had a blood test done and they found a male y chromosme. How would this happen?

Stem cells make the blood cells. The stem cells have the brother's DNA, including the XY chromosomes in them. So, her blood would end up with blood cells containing his DNA and sex chromosomes. It is highly unlikely the source of the Y chromosome is from the kidney.
I  (+ info)

Does anyone know where to find the chromosome that affects PKU?

i've looked everywhere and I can't find an actual photograph of the chromosome affected by PKU (Phenylketonuria). this is for a science project.

Thanks so much!

The gene that causes PKU is called Phenylalanine Hydroxolase (PAH). This gene is located on chromosome 12, which essentially looks similar to every other choromosome :).

Here are some links for pictures I found:



http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/vol297/issue15/images/medium/jmn70032fa.jpg  (+ info)

Does any one know which chromosome that Tourettes Syndorme is linked to?

I'm doing a school project and cant find the answer. Please give me the e-mail address or how you found out the answer so i can site it in my bibliography. THANKS!

" In a paper published in the October 14, 2005 Science magazine, (a publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science), Vol.310 (#5746) pp 317-320, findings were reported by a team led by Dr. Matthew State, Assistant Professor of Child Psychiatry and Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine and Child Study Center. Pursuing genetic analysis of one boy with TS with a known chromosomal abnormality, the group was able to pinpoint a gene (SLITRK1) on Chromosome 13 that is associated with some forms of TS. This gene is expressed in several areas in the brain—specifically the cortex and basal ganglia—the same brain regions previously implicated in causing TS symptoms. When functioning normally, this gene is involved with the growth of neurons in these regions. In other affected individuals, two additional rare abnormalities in this gene were identified."

From http://www.tsa-usa.org
click on ""medical" for more information  (+ info)

Impact of Bilberry supplement on tissue fragility?

I know that Bilberry supposedly helps with night vision, but does anyone know if it has any positive effects on preventing tissue fragility?

Because of its STRONG anti-free radical properties, bilberry would be excellent for this condition, as long as the person taking it is absorbing and metabolizing herbs and supplements well. I would also add to this Vitamin C and its bioflavonoids, some CoQ-10, and a wonderful supplement called Circucaps by Sanhelios. Circucaps is a butcher's broom, concentrated thyme and concentrate rosemary extract. It is AWESOME in its ability to support and to heal circulation issues, and I know this from my own experience. I have serious post-embolitic thrombophlebitis as a result of a genetic blood clotting disorder. I can see this supplement work in my own body on a daily basis. My ankle can swell to the size of my calf if I don't use it. Looks completely normal when I do use the product. Look also at using horse chestnut extract/tincture and at taking it internally. Are we talking about use in a geriatric patient here? Could you be a bit more specific about the condition? Tissue fragility as a result of what? And again: Take those bioflavonoids. Hersperidin, rutin and quercitin are wonderful for this!!!!! Ginger should help too, as tissue fragility has to do with stagnant, cold conditions oftentimes. Try some cayenne as well. It's very strong in its catalytic, healing, "hotting things up and dispersing them" properties. You should also look at some cardiac blood tonics. Hawthorne comes to mind.  (+ info)

Can you explain how a disease passes through a defect in the X chromosome?

I'm trying to understand better how hemophilia is passed down genetically.

The gene for hemophilia is located on the X chromosome. All of your Xs must have the bad gene to develop the disease. Males have an X and a Y chromosome, so if the X has a bad gene, they get hemophilia. In females, two Xs and no Ys are present. They must inheret Two bad genes (instead of one) to get the disease. That's why there are so many more males with hemophilia. Color- blindness works the same way.  (+ info)

Is it true that women live longer than men because they have an extra X chromosome?

I heard the second one is like a backup to the first. Is that true?

I don't know why but yeah -- women are supposed to live up to 5 years longer than guys do. (but i think they are catching back up now...)
I always thought it was just because in general we're supposed to live more healthy...
and besides all the shit we have to go through (periods, pregnancy, menopause, shitty gr.8 year... and constant pressure to be thinner, skinner, and prettier...) you know all that shit, it makes sense we gotta have something better than you guys....

haha yeah thats my reasoning lol  (+ info)

How can i tell if i am an intersex (xxy chromosome )?

I have some things that wikipedia states about the intersex , aka third gender , but i have a male reproductive organ only . So how do i know without looking for a doctor . What symptoms can i identify on my own

The XXY Karyotype is known as Klinefelter's Syndrome. The penis is usually of normal size, but the testicles will seem disproportionately small. Excess breast tissue is common, lack of facial and body hair can also occur (although not always). The arms and legs are usually very long in comparison to the rest of the body.

Most people never know they have the extra X chromosome. Sometimes they will be infertile, but not always. They are still male, the body just produces excess estrogen due to the extra X chromosome.  (+ info)

Is it possible for a baby to be missing more then one chromosome from the normal 46?

I know that a baby can be missing One chromosone, resulting in some form of deformity depending upon which chromosone. But do not know if it is possible for a baby to be missing more then one.
I am taking a class and it was disscussed in our class that each parent gives 23 Chromosones when creating a baby .. so the baby ends up with a total of 46 chromosones. Missing a set depending on which one results in a disorder/deformity of some kind. What i want to know can a baby be missing more then one ?

In some very rare cases, males may have three or four X chromosomes instead of the usual XY. (47,48, etc) Those boys who have one of these less common chromosome arrangements will show exaggerated features of Klinefelter syndrome and mental retardation may be present.
And yes, it is also possible to have 44 chromosomes.  (+ info)

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