FAQ - cystocele
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I have an embarrassing problem. I have both a cystocele and a rectocele. What type of doctor can repair these?

My gynocologist told me this, yet he made no mention of surgery to correct it. Has any other woman out there had this problem and is willing to share what you did for it and what the results were for you? It makes stooling difficult and sex a total embarrassment, not to mention it takes away from the pleasure of it. Only serious answers please, this is very personal. Thank you.

You should go see a colon/rectal specialist or better yet, a urogynecologist, and there are reconstructive surgical procedures to correct this. A Urogynecologist is an Obstetrician/Gynecologist who has specialized in the care of women with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. The Pelvic Floor is the muscles, ligaments, connective tissue, and nerves that help support and control the rectum, uterus, vagina, and bladder. The pelvic floor can be damaged by childbirth, repeated heavy lifting, chronic disease or surgery. You can contact the American Urogynecologist Society for a physician near you by going to the following web site:  (+ info)

I have a cystocele due to taking Tamoxifen for 3 years.?

I have just started a relationship and it hurts like hell to have sex. Has anyone overcome this problem. My man is very supportive but the pain is too severe? Please help.

I have not met anyone with this particular problem from taking Tamoxifen but I would recommend getting in touch with your doctor as well to have them evaluate the situation further to see what they think could be going on.  (+ info)

How do I know if I'm doing Kegals correctly? I am so weak from cystocele that I cannot stop my urine stream

to locate the muscles that I am supposed to contract.

The ONLY way I know of to be sure you're doing the exercise correctly is to become proficient in stopping your flow. The Kegels are directly responsible for this action, so until you can do that you won't know which muscles you need to contract.

You may need to talk to your doctor. There may be some other type of exercise that can be done, but this was how I had to learn.  (+ info)

can i get pregnant with a third degree cystocele? what are the precautions i should take while trying for ?

pregnancy with a severe degeree cystocele? the cystocele is not causing me any problem but it protrudes out of my body.

Your doctor may recommend a surgery to correct the problem before you start trying.  (+ info)

Anyone know what a cystocele is?

Just wondered what a cystocele is, i go to the bathrm a lot at night and someone said i might have that.

it is a fallen bladder  (+ info)

Has anyone had good results with Cystocele repair (prolapse of the bladder)?

i haven't srry  (+ info)

Has anyone ever corrected a mild stage 1 cystocele/rectocele by doing Kegals?

You cannot cure a cystocele or rectocele by doing Kegels.

The purpose of the Kegels is to treat the symptoms, usually urinary incontinence.  (+ info)

which one is better in cystocele repair?mesh or tension free vaginal tape ? pls help . ?

my doctor suggested for a mesh.

If your doctor suggested the mesh I would go for it.  (+ info)

After surgery for a cystocele, rectocele, and urethral sling, how much walking and stair climbing can I do?

I've never had that, but after my hysterectomy, I was told to take it easy for 6 weeks. No lifting, no driving, and to be a couch potato. I would imagine your surgery was more involved. Take it easy, and rest. There's nothing important enough to risk your health for
Tess  (+ info)

Anyone here diagnosed with a cystocele after giving birth? Where your bladder droops down into your vagina?

If so, how did you get rid of it? Kegels? Surgery? If you had surgery, how was recovery?

Surgery is the only way.  (+ info)

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