FAQ - dental leakage
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Anyone tried to remove a skin tag with dental floss?

I have a small skin tag near my right underarm. It's not hideous or terribly noticeable, but I am a bit self-conscious about it, especially when wearing a swimsuit. Also, certain clothes and bra straps tend to irritate it.

I had read on several health related websites that it was safe to remove it by tying a piece of string or dental floss tightly around it in order to cut off the blood supply and that in a few days, it would dry up and fall off. I tied a piece of floss around it yesterday morning, and now it looks swollen and is a reddish-purplish color. Is this normal, and how long will it take it to fall off? Also, when I changed the bandage I'd placed over it so that my bra strap wouldn't irritate it, I noticed that there was a teeny tiny amount of "leakage" on the band-aid. I'm not certain this was caused by tying the floss around it though. Sometimes it would bleed a little bit if my clothing or bra irritated it. Should I be concerned? Anyone else tried this?
Sunita, did yours swell up any after you tied the hair around it, and did it turn reddish-purple?
Update in case anyone cares:

It had swollen to about twice its normal size, but today it shrank significantly and turned a very dark purple. It looks like it's shriveling, so it shouldn't be too much longer before it dries up and falls off. Yay!

I have tries removing a skin tag with my own hair. It works, but it is a little painful as you have to tie it tight. later it sheds off within a weeks time. I have not tried dental floss. I guess you can, you just need something which is strong to tie the skin tag.  (+ info)

Has anyone tried to remove a skin tag with dental floss?

I have a small skin tag near my right underarm. It's not hideous or terribly noticeable, but I am a bit self-conscious about it, especially when wearing a swimsuit.

I had read on several health related websites that it was safe to remove it by tying a piece of string or dental floss tightly around it in order to cut off the blood supply and that in a few days, it would dry up and fall off. I tied a piece of floss around it yesterday morning, and now it looks swollen and is a reddish-purplish color. Is this normal, and how long will it take it to fall off? Also, when I changed the bandage I'd placed over it so that my bra strap wouldn't irritate it, I noticed that there was a teeny tiny amount of "leakage" on the band-aid. I'm not certain this was caused by tying the floss around it though. Sometimes it would bleed a little bit if my clothing or bra strap irritated it. Should I be concerned about this? Has anyone else tried this method of removal, and what should I expect?
Yeah, I also read that it was safe to clip them off if you were very careful about sterilization. But, I chickened out! Figured the dental floss might be less painful.
Update in case anyone cares:

It had swollen to about twice its normal size, but today it shrank significantly and turned a very dark purple. It looks like it's shriveling, so it shouldn't be too much longer before it falls off.

i have those too. i find that id you use a stran of hair it works better, it took 5 days for it to dry up and fall off. i don't know about the loss of liquids but the colour is normal as its the blood that can't leave it. i hope that was helpful  (+ info)

Is radiation leakage possible from a dental x-ray machine?

We purchased a used stand dental x-ray machine on wheels about 1 1/2 years ago. It has been a pain in my rear since we got it. It is hard to deal with b/c you have to roll the heavy thing around the patient, and it is on an arm which has to be bent/lowered just right to avoid the whole stand tipping over. Anyways, just this last week it seems a short has developed in the cord that extends so I can go out in the hall to expose patients for dental x-rays. When I push the button it has been shutting off completely after partially exposing half the dose it should or even none at all. At that point, it just shuts off even though the power is still on. You have to turn it off and back on to reset it. Last week I was able to hold the button just right and get it to work, avoiding the short in the cord so I thought. However, today it shut off during exposure and won't come back on at all. Is it possible there could have been a problem this whole time and it could have been leaking?
Is it possible it could have been leaking while it wasn't in use? It also made a beeping sound like a bomb getting ready to go off before quitting. I tried to plug it back in, but it only makes a sound like electricity is running through it and won't come back on.
Good question. I don't know why we are using it other than it was a good deal when purchased. Wasn't 100% sure it was messing up at first b/c if the button isn't pushed just right it will error.
When I finally realized it was really messing up and not just erroring b/c I was pushing the button not just right, etc., I took a closer look at it and realized something was really wrong.

Given the information you have provided I would have to first wonder why your office would be using such a machine. Second, when an Xray unit fails to properly work you don't continue to attempt to use it, you get an equipment technician out to the office ASAP...I doubt that you or anyone else has been overly exposed but continuing to attempt to use the machine is unhealthy for everyone in the office.  (+ info)

dental filling question: what happens to the surface that is covered by a tooth filling?

I had fillings for two teeth did the NOT have cavities. The dentist said the ridges were deep and so he said fillings would make brushing my teeth earlier.

I felt I was rushed and forced into the procedure without time to think about it. I've had zero cavities.

Now I'm being very concerned about how the fcomposite illings need to be maintained/redone every few years. And what about the surface of the teeth that the fillings are covering? And leakages?

I think they did (fisher sealing) for your teeth which is a very good thing BTW, it's like composite but it helps to protect teeth that have deep fishers...did you get what I mean, it's to prevent caries because you have high susceptibility for caries...you should change them every year or year and a half, you should thank the dentist who did it.
don't worry as long as you brush them well, and re-new them every one to two years everything will be great.
Best wishes  (+ info)

Why does the leakage of blood inside my nose every time i spit is not getting better?

An E.N.T. Doctor saw (by using an instrument inserted in my nose) that there's a leakage behind the left and right side of my nose. He gave me a medicine to take for 5 days. This bleeding is more than 2 years already and until now there is still blood on my sputom. I wonder why though i had returned with my doctor for so many times.

If your current doctor is not finding answers that satisfy you, then you need to get another opinion from another doctor. It is what you pay for.  (+ info)

What is the reason of leakage when you have tampon inside?

I have been using tampon since one year and half ago. at the begining it was good and no leakage,but since 3-4 months ago when i insert tampon, i have drops and sometime the amunt of blood that comes out is too much though i have tampon inside so i have to use path too.

i have changed the brand of tampon too, thought it might be because of the type of tampon but still no change. sometimes even the tampon doesnt absorb the blood at all.

does anyone know the answer?

Either because you are not using the right absorobtion for your flow, or because you arent inserting the tampon correctly. - You may be putting it in a different angle than what its meant to be going in. But what you said about how it doesnt absorb all the blood, it sounds like you arent inserting it right.  (+ info)

How can I ease engorgement and leakage while weaning my breastfed son?

I'm weaning my son from breastfeeding and I'm doing it gradually. He's down to once before bed. The problem is that my breasts are engorged and are leaking. He's had no problem with it so far, but can any mothers help me to make it a little easier on myself? How can I stop or at least ease the engorgement and leakage? Thanks!

I've heard of wrapping your breasts in cabbage leaves. I didn't have the problem with engorgement with weaning. It was a real gradual process for me though. I nursed all of mine to a year and so we just decreased feedings little by little. I'm not sure how old your baby is. Other than that, unfortunately it's just a process of your body decreasing milk production. You could use some cold pack, my lactation nurse told me frozen peas work great! Just make sure not to cook them after thawing and refreezing. If you express your milk though, you'll only keep your supply up, so don't do that. It'll take a few days, but it will get better. This is what non breastfeeding mothers go through when their milk comes in.  (+ info)

Is it normal to have breast leakage about 2 inches from the nipple?

My sister is 30 weeks pregnant and she is having breast leakage about 2 inches from her nipple. It is pretty heavy. This just started today. I know a woman has milk ducts outside the nipple area, but is it normal to have the leakage somewhere other than the nipple?
The leakage is just outside the nipple area.
I am pretty sure I know where the aereola is? For the second time, it is outside the aereola.

Wow! Ok, I am assuming that 2 inches from the nipple is still on the areola here in this case, right? In that case, she is probably having an overactive montgomery gland reaction. Basically, her areola is lubricating the heck out of itself to prepare the nipples for breastfeeding. If it's really a lot, or colored, liquid then I would definitely call the doctor! GOod luck!  (+ info)

What is the best disposable nappy for preventing leakage up baby's back?

My baby girl does lots of runny poos and every time there is bad leakage at the top of the back of the nappy so it goes up her back and then needs to be changed completely. I am using Huggies but perhaps there is a better option. Any suggestions?

I think its just a matter of trial and error... however you could try using liners- like the ones you put in cloth nappies to make them more absorbent and you can just throw them out with the nappy.   (+ info)

can the ingredient guarana in energy drinks cause anal leakage?

My girlfriend said she heard a rumor that the ingredient guarana (sp?) can cause anal leakage is this true?
What I mean by girlfriend for all you immature people out there is my friend that is a girl!

That is a good and interesting question...Here is what I found for you.

Guarana should not be used by people who are sensitive to caffeine or xanthines.

People with heart conditions, diabetes, high blood pressure, epilepsy, overactive thyroid, anxiety, insomnia, and kidney disease should only use guarana under the supervision of their doctor.

The safety of guarana in pregnant or nursing women has not been established. Since many doctors recommend limiting caffeine during pregnancy and nursing, guarana should be avoided because caffeine content differs from product to product and it isn't possible for consumers to accurately estimate how much caffeine they are consuming through guarana.

Guarana should not be taken with any products containing ephedra. Serious adverse effects have been reported with this combination. It may increase the risk of stroke, hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, and sudden death and has been associated with increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and potentially harmful changes in glucose and potassium levels.

A report published in the Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy described the case of a heart rhythm abnormality called premature ventricular contraction associated with two herbal supplements that both contained large doses of guarana.

Initial symptoms of guarana overdose include difficulty urinating, vomiting, and abdominal cramps and spasms. If you suspect a guarana overdose, seek medical attention immediately.
  (+ info)

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