FAQ - diaphragmatic eventration
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Is it normal to be able to see your heart beating through your chest?

i am 19 years old. but since my days of a child, whenever I exerted myself such as in exercise, or simply walking up the stairs, my heart beat would be visibly noticeable just by simply look at my chest. Ive seen this for years, but just earlier in the bathroom I looked in the mirror, took a deep diaphragmatic breathe, and couldnt help but notice every time i inhaled, I could see my heart pulsing in the mirror, and i hadnt even exercised. Is this normal?

yes it is normal. sometimes i too see the pulsing of the heart. if still you are afraid then consult a doctor and check.  (+ info)

Is it possible to train yourself to breath diaphragmatically by subconscious?

use diaphragmatic breathing sometimes, but it takes me so much efforts, I have to pay most of my attention to it and thus can't concentrate on other stuffs, if I do pay attention on something else, my breathing will become shallow again.

Is it possible to train it long enough until it becomes a subconscious movement?

Yes, in my experience, it is possible to train yourself to use your diaphragm to breathe. When I was in 5th or 6th grade, I Attend a theater camp in which one of the teacher told me I was breathing incorrectly. After she showed me how I was supposed to breathe, I tried my hardest to teach myself how to do it properly. I started just focusing on it before I fell asleep. That way, I was in a dark room with nothing else to distract me, plus, it helped me calm down enough to sleep. Now, I can do it without a single thought.
Another thing that really helped was a yelling exercise my voice coach had me do. You take a deep breath and yell 'Hey" really fast. You use you stomach to punch the air out, kind of like a cannon. After a couple of times, your stomach muscles will tire, but that's normal. It's kind of like doing crunches/sit ups. You'll feel the burn...hehehe  (+ info)

diaphragmatic hernia ...

when a diaphragmatic hernia occurs some of the abdomianl contents such as the liver , intestines and stomach, may enter the chest. With in the chest these organs would occupy the ____ space outside the lungs? peritoneal, vascular, pleural or pericardial

  (+ info)

Diaphragmatic hernia in my baby brother?

My 2.5 yr old baby brother has the following symptoms...
Vomiting 3-4 times a week, then he is hungry again (right away)
Constipation at birth
Acid reflex
Fevers, constantly!
Excessive thirst

My Mom saw a show on the health channel about a baby that has the first 3 of those symptoms, and the doctors kept telling the woman that it was only acid reflex. Later, she found out that he had a diaphragmatic hernia.

My Mom has taken him to the pediatrician 5 times about these symptoms and they give him a new medication each time, telling her it is acid reflex (the same thing happened to the woman in the show). None of these medications have helped.

Do you know anything related to these symptoms? Could it be a diaphragmatic hernia or another type of intestinal blockage? A kidney malfunction?

Even though the pediatrician has said that it is acid reflex, we keep feeling as if she is dismissing us without really listening. She has a lot of patients.

I believe that it would be highly unlikely to be a diaphragmatic hernia. Usually children with them tend to have severe respiratory distress at birth. Has your brother ever had an xray? Usually that would be seen on an xray.
When you say he's had fevers, what do you consider a fever? Normal temperatures can range from 97.7-99.0 in infants.
In the absence of infection, sometimes fevers have a neurological basis.
Has your brother had his electrolytes checked? If he is vomiting so frequently, he may have an imbalance.
Lastly, you and your family know your brother best. DO NOT let a doctor push you away, as your are his best advocate. She very well may be too busy to provide decent care. I'd recommend a second opinion if you are still concerned.  (+ info)

I have Hernia Diaphragmatic...........................?

I have Hernia Diaphragmatic .. and I don't have any problem with it..I take Lansoprazole 30mg an Dompiridon 10mg every day and I don't haveproblems.. days ago, I drunk orange juice which was so sour.. and after that I felt a tension in my esophagus and pains I never used to.. and also I felt the food in the top of my esophagus..how can I treat this tension in my esophagus?.. is there a medicne for that?.. because I think that it is temporary tension..
All that was
all that was because of orange juice..

It's actually a diaphramatic hernia. While is can be deadly in newborns, in older children and adults, it's just an annoyance. If you have no symptoms, do nothing. There is no cure other than surgery, but the symptoms can be treated with antacids, H2 blockers, and proton pump inhibitors.  (+ info)

what long term problems will my son have after having a diaphragmatic hernia. he is just over two years of age

none - I had two - he will be aroun and active in just a few days-
don' worry your self  (+ info)

Why would a foetus with a Diaphragmatic hernia need aborting?

It says that a baby with a diaphragmatic hernia would be transferred to the Neonatal unti immediatly after birth and an operation a few days post delivery, But the Doctors made it seem like this pregnancy had to be terminated?

Now I know that there would be a lot of complications? But did this baby really need to die?

I do not personally know the woman, she was just a patient where I work, I am not judging this woman I know it must have taken a lot of courage and bravery to do this, but was it the only option?

God bless to them both.

Sometimes a diaphragmatic hernia can be a sign that other things are wrong with the lungs, heart etc. so it may be thats why she was advised to abort the baby. I really feel for women in situations like this it must be awful to get so far through the pregnancy and have to do this! At the end of the day if she wanted to say no to the abortion then she could have done so i suppose that she was in support of the doctors advise!  (+ info)

How can I tell if I am using diaphragmatic breathing?

I have searched all over the net and have found many different answers regarding how to know. I have seen videos where people's stomachs are showing a large amount of movement (although I've also been told this is known as stomach breathing and the two are not the same). I have read that the ribcage should open up slightly, but other than that there should be little movement in the torso. Is this true?

Please only respond if you have either been taught or teach diaphragmatic breathing yourself. There is so much mis-information out there it is very confusing for a newcomer.

Many thanks,
Anne Onymous.

The best and easiest way to practice diaphragmatic breathing is to sit up straight and take a deep breath WITHOUT LETTING YOUR SHOULDERS RISE UP.

You'll notice that your stomach automatically moves outward, and that's exactly what you want--out, not up :-)  (+ info)

Diaphragmatic Hernia?????????

Has anyone born a child that has this defect?? If so what was the outcome?? If you don' know what this is.... its when the heart is pushed over to far, and the abdominal organs pass through a hole in a diaphragm which causes the lungs to be under developed. Please give good info and good advice, and please pray for my little girl.

Oh Yeah!!- 8 months pregnant
Had an amnioscentsis done and everything was normal.

I really have no personal experience but this is a web site that had a lot of info.

http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/uvahealth/peds_hrnewborn/dph.cfm  (+ info)

Do any of you know what Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia is? Visit www.parkersingletary.com please!?

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) is a congenital abnormality that is often life-threatening because it can limit the growth of the lungs. The site of herniation is most commonly found on the left side in the hole originally designed for the entry of alimentary canal. Herniation is sometimes found near sternum.



It involves three major defects.

* A failure of the diaphragm to completely close during development.
* Herniation of the abdominal contents into the chest
* Pulmonary Hypoplasia

Early diagnosis and presentation

This condition can often be diagnosed before birth and fetal intervention can sometimes help, depending on the severity of the condition.[1] Infants born with diaphragmatic hernia experience respiratory failure due to both pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary hypoplasia. The first condition is a restriction of blood flow through the lungs thought to be caused by defects in the lung. Pulmonary hypoplasia or decreased lung volume is directly related to the abdominal organs presence in the chest cavity which causes the lungs to be severely undersized, especially on the side of the hernia.

Survival rates for infants with this condition vary, but have generally been increasing through advances in neonatal medicine. Work has been done to correlate survival rates to ultrasound measurements of the lung volume as compared to the baby's head circumfrence. This figure known as the lung to head ratio (LHR) may be used to determine if fetal surgery may be used as an option.  (+ info)

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