FAQ - esophagitis
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I been having bad chest pains. Esophagitis is the only thing discovered can that cause bad chest pain.?

It hurts really bad when i smoke marijuana. also couphing seems to make it worse.

Take some magnesium tablets. Your food no longer provides enough.

Rolaids, Tums, have aluminum. Do not take.

Maybe a tablespoon of Milk of Magnesia. Or others.

Quit the problem stuff, cancer anyway in 40 years.  (+ info)

What do you know about eosinophillic esophagitis?

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i have Esophagitis what treatment or pills should i take now?

i have Esophagitis what treatment or pills should i take now and what can i eat or drink

Did your doctor not give you a scrip or any guidance when s/he diagnosed you?
Try to avoid large rich meals, particularly in the evening and this will reduce the tendency to reflux.
Chocolate, peppermint, coffee, fruit juices and alcohol prevent the oesophageal sphincter from working properly.
Constipation increases the tendency to reflux by raising pressure inside the stomach cavity.
Try to lose weight if you are overweight, avoid large, high-fat meals and ,bedtime snacks, limit coffee intake, reduce alcohol consumption, stop smoking.

If the symptoms are not frequent - less than five times a month - they can be treated with over-the-counter medications such as antacids and histamine antagonists. Your doctor or pharmacist will be able to provide advice about the most appropriate ones for you.  (+ info)

Do you have eosinophilic esophagitis?

I have just been diagnosed with this disease and was wondering how many other people have it.
I also took an allergy test, and it showed I was not allergic to anything.

My two year old son has it. He was diagnosed with it about 8 months ago and has been on several different medications (cingulair, nexium, prevacid, inhaler) Basically the medicine is to try and help the eosinophils (white blood cells) go away. We found that he was alergic to eggs and wheat so we pretty much eliminated those from his diet and he seems to be doing well.  (+ info)

esophagitis in really bad pain help?

I've been to the ER twice in the past 5 days do to bad chest pains i was diognosed with esophagitis they gave me prilosec and told me to take maalox i haven't ate in 4 days everytime i swallow it hurts badly when will my esophogus become un-inflamed?

scratch the Prilosec. Go with Zantac 150 mg. Miracle.

Start slurping some vegetable boullion along with saltine crackers. Or decaf herbal tea and crackers or dry toast. Have some gatorade and lots of water.

Try some acidopholus to restore friendly bacteria and do this once a day for about 5 days. This is also miraculous.  (+ info)

Is Esophagitis (secondary to Gastroesophaegal Reflux disease) curable?Does it recur?On what instances?

my client was diagnosed for this illness and i am now claiming disability compensation. I would like to know if a person afflicted with this illness can still go back to seafaring?

Here is a site http://healthology.com/
where you can watch ( video clips ) & ( read reviews ).

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Your search for "Esophagitis" returned 5 results.
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Heartburn has millions of Americans running to the shelves of their supermarkets and drugstores to end their discomfort. Most of the time, over-the-counter medicines and lifestyle changes can provide relief. Listen in as doctors explain the symptoms ...
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Smile, You're on PillCam!
A new technology has combined a camera in a pill, allowing doctors to get a virtual tour of your insides. Already being used to diagnose an array of intestinal troubles, how will the be used to diagnose reflux and other problems of the esophagus?
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& more.*  (+ info)

What is Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction Esophagitis?

I can't seem to find a definition anywhere on the web and I need it before Thursday so if someone could help me out thank you!!!!

esophagitis means inflammation of the esophagus [throat inside].
dysfunction--not function correctly of course
cricopharyngeal--what I found on it was difficulty swallowing. It is a little ring muscle at the top of the esophagus. When you swallow the rings opens a little in a split second to let food or drink through to the stomach.  (+ info)

Any body Know About Esophagitis?

I have Esophagitis and want to know if any body has had it and how they got rid of it. also what was the cause of it. I am on carafate right now. any good suggestions.

The drugs won't cure your esophagitis unless you just care about the symptoms.
If acid reflux is causing the inflammation you have to figure out what is causing it.
Overweight? puts pressure on the stomach
Age? chances are higher as you age
Wrong diet?

Elevate your bed (head) about 8" This will keep the acid from washing up into the throat as you sleep

Eat yogurt or better yet, Kefir. It will add more good bacteria to the digestive track. Good digestion is important

Eat the peel of an organic orange. Just a small piece whenever the burning starts. Surprisingly, this isn't too bad to eat. Chew it up well, then swallow. This works best for me.

Honey and apple cider vinegar help, too. A tablespoon of each in a glass of warm water. Twice a day.

Someone told me red delicious apples work. don't know about that.

Keep a diary of your food intake and make notes about reactions, if any.
This takes a little time, but it sure beats medicating for your lifetime.  (+ info)

I have Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE) I got a question?

Okay so I am only 13 and I have to go on a total elimination diet and am scared. Has anyone out there had to go through it? How hard is it? How long did it take to find what you were allergic to? Will you tell me everything you went through so I know what to expect? I really want to know.

Yup, been there. It takes a while, because you'll want to introduce new foods slowly, one at a time, to make sure that when you have a reaction, you know exactly what's causing it. It will suck, seriously, and you will hate it, but it is worth it in the long run. Don't give in to the temptation to cheat, because it will totally defeat the purpose of what you're trying to do. Be strong, be brave, and be proud of yourself for having the will power to carry through with something with long term benefits and short-term hardships. The hardest part will be sugar withdrawal, which will make you moody and headachey and generally achey, but it will pass in about a week. My advice is to find a good distraction, like reading or good friends, and just totally invest yourself in that.

I ended up being allergic to only a few things, while my mom and my sister had a good number of bad ones. It was really hard, I won't lie to you, and at the time I resented my mom for making us do it. But, as I got older, I realised how benefitial it had been--my sister, who is a serious asthmatic, was always in and out of the hostpital before the diet, but after, and still now, she does extremely well, and while she still uses medication, she hasn't been to the hospital since. That, for our family, was no small miracle. So try not to hold a grudge against your parents or your doctor. It may suck, and royally so, but beleive me that it will be worth it!  (+ info)

Does anybody know an effective treatment for esophagitis(heartburn)?

I was diagnosed with esophagitis in january, and the doctor put me in a two month treatment of diet and medicine to block the acid from my stomach. Im not taking the medicine anymore because the doctor told me to stop but im still on a diet. however i still have the same symptoms which consist of heartburn, and chest pain and stomachache..if you know a solution to this problem please let me know! =]

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