FAQ - feeding and eating disorders of childhood
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what are solutions to childhood eating disorders?

I'm doing a research project and need some solutions for eating disorders and children

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what quallifies a person with an eating disorder to need a feeding tube?

do theyjust need to be underwieght and anorexic, or can they be any wieght, any eating disorder?

underweight and anorexic.  (+ info)

Hospitalized for an eating disorder - how to stop tube feeding?

How can I stop the stuff from getting through the tube when the alarm goes off whenever the stuff can't get through (I tried twisting it around and around, it sets off an alarm). I'm 13 B.T.W.

And also, I was thinking of just eating until they take the tube out, then stop, but then they'll put it back in. But I was thinking that it's a sort of procedure they need you to co-operate for, would it work if I just flat-out refused to let them put it back in?

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What is the relationship between depression and eating disorders/issues?

I am doing research on depression for hospitality class (cooking)
that means I need to talk about how it might relate to changes in eating, anorexia/bulemia nervosa and other eating disorders.
the more info the better!

Hey, I studied this this year!

Depression is a clinical disorder of the brain. It causes suicidal thoughts and suicide, and yes, can affect eating disorders. The ones you are referring to are very common with people who are clinically depressed. Depression does not just affect the emotional aspect of your life, but the physical aspect as well. Because the brain connects emotional and physical health, depression affects both at the same time. If you are feeling bad about yourself, or are depressed, your emotions will constantly tell you to be better, that you are doing something wrong. That is where the physical aspect comes into play. When people are unhappy with themselves, studies show they are usually unhappy with their bodies. With anorexia and bulimia, the person who is clinically depressed usually wants to make their bodies look better to makes themselves feel better. The only problem is that it can cause even more emotional damage when they don't see the changes in their bodies, and vice versa if their depression continues.

If you don't know much about anorexia and bulimia, here's a few facts.

Anorexia is an eating disorder where a person refuses to eat. Basically, they look in the mirror and say 'I'm too fat,' and refuse to even touch food. The signs are obviously, extreme weight loss, headaches, fatigue, nausea, and external bleeding and loss of bone health. Because nutrients are not making it into an anorexics body, their skin cells don't develop the way they are supposed to. A tiny cut could bleed a lot, and you are more likely to break bones or tear muscles.

Bulimia is also an eating disorder that is more common in the clinically depressed. Usually, extreme grief causes bulimia. A bulimic is very hard to catch; because they are eating, they don't shed the weight, and because they vomit their food back, you can never really catch them in the act. However, if you have suspicions of bulimia in a friend or relative, take them to a dentist. The acid from the vomit of the person breaks down the enamel on a person's teeth, and causes unhealthy teeth and sometimes even gum disease.

It's very important to keep an eye on all of these issues, so please continue your work! You might want to bring up the fact of depression causing suicide, and how eating disorders actually cause it quite often. The reason being is because the more unhappy they become with their bodies, the more depressed they will be. And the longer someone waits to tell a parent or adult, the worse the situation will get.

Hope this information helps you out!  (+ info)

What are some signs of eating disorders?

I think my little 13 year old sister has eating disorders. She never eats much at all and if you ask if she is hungury she says no i'm fine and at super she pushes her food around to make it look like she ate a lot. Once I watched her the hole time through dinner and she only took 3 bites. Also she always is saying how she ways so much and how fat she is. She seems to exercise a lot also.

There are four common types of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, compulsive overeating, and binge-eating disorder. If your sister has any it is most likely not the last two, because they involve eating a lot. But it is possible your sister may have anorexia nervosa (commonly referred to as anorexic) or bulimia nervosa (commonly referred to as bulimic)

Anorexia typically involves irrational fear of becoming obese, and results in severe weight loss due to self-starvation; may include bingeing and purging behavior.

Bulimia typically involves extremely restrictive dieting and regular and repeated binge eating, followed by self-induced vomiting, purging through abuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas, or excessive physical activity.

Some signs are:


- Has lost a great deal of weight in a relatively short time period
- Continues to diet although bone-thin
- Remains dissatisfied with appearance, claiming to feel fat, even after reaching weight-loss
- Loses monthly menstrual periods
- Develops strange eating rituals and eats small amounts of food (i.e., cutting foods into tiny pieces, moves around on plate)
- Becomes obsessive about exercising
- Appears depressed much of the time
- Denial of hunger


- Binge regularly
- Purges regularly
- Diets and exercises often
- Disappears into bathroom often (for a long period of time to induce vomiting)
- Appears depressed much of the time
- Has swollen neck glands
- Has bad breath
- Has scars on the back of hands from forced vomiting


I believe, from the information you gave us, that your sister may very well have either anorexia or bulimia. It is most common in females in their teenage years and is caused by low self-esteem, fear of becoming fat, fear of growing up and becoming independent, peer pressure, and media influences. I would definitely talk to a guidance counselor, health teacher, your parents, or someone else that will be able to help her. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TRY TO HANDLE THIS YOURSELF!!! You need to get your sister professional help, because people with one of these disorders can take anything you say and think of it as another reason to keep losing weight.
These diseases can cause serious health problems and can even become fatal. The bottom line is your sister needs help. Please do not hesitate to get her help. Good luck and I hope everything turns out well!  (+ info)

What percentage of obese people have eating disorders?

What percentage of obese people have eating disorders? Is it more common than unhealthy lifestyle?
To clear it up, I mean people who have had eating disorders from the start, not after they started eating enormous amounts.

Most people have unhealthy life styles, especially older folks who are passing their habits down to their kids. However, it is more common to have an eating disorder at a younger age. So, finding a statistic is going to be age based, and not representative of everyone.

Contrary to your question, most people that have eating disorders are not obese, they are quite likely to be unusually thin. Think: young girls throwing up after a meal. The obese people will have a problem that deals with food as a source of soothing in an emotional setting.  (+ info)

How does Jenny Craig work? Is if safe for people that had previous eating disorders?

I am asking and being 100% serious so please I am begging no stupid/insulting answers.

I am 21 and would like to lose weight, problem is I had an eating disorder for roughly 6yrs. I've been in recovery almost 2yrs so I'm doing good but it's really hard to diet without crossing the line back into an eating disorder. I wanted to try weight watchers but they don't allow people that had eating disorders to join.

So my question is how does Jenny Craig work? Is it anything like weight watchers?

I used to work for Jenny Craig. Jenny Craig is a calorie counting program. It is similar to Weight Watchers, except you purchase your food from Jenny Craig, and in Weight Watchers, you cook your own.

The most highly successful program for exactly what you are describing in your question above, is one called, Weigh Down, by Gwen Shamblin. You can Google Search this, and find it easily.

It is Internet based, as well as live groups in your area. All the information you need is on their website.

This program has an extremely high success rate for people with eating disorders, addiction problems, or those wanting to lose weight. It is nominally priced, so most any budget can participate.

I recommend Weigh Down head, and shoulders above any other program out there!

Hope this helped you.  (+ info)

How do eating disorders affect society at large?

I'm writing an essay and part of it needs to address how eating disorders affect society as a whole...and why they are a significant problem to SOCIETY. (Obviously they present significant problems to individuals and families but I need to write about it as it applies to society)

plus any proposals to address society's growing number of people with food disorders.
ideas for prevention programs, etc.


Large? Thats what i'm talking about  (+ info)

What can be included in a project about eating disorders?

We are doing a class project on eating disorders and the presentation must last 60 minutes. Does anyone have any ideas on what we could do & include in the presentation?

You can start out with something like, "In todays society eating disorders are on the rise, the media shoves distorted perceptions of body image and the ones suffering are our children"......stuff like that. You could possibly get signed release forms and talk to young children around the neighborhood about being skinny or fat and how the media makes them feel about it, make it into a really strong documentary type film. When the kids are talking...you could come in with pics of underweight celebs, etc and then fade back into the child who is talking. Research the statistics on the many variety of eating disorders that there are today. I hope that this helps you  (+ info)

How do people die from eating disorders?

Mainly anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. I have been doing research on the two eating disorders and I would like to find out what others have to say or think about the two.
The pictures that I've seen are haunting me!

Usually anorexic people die from organ failure (kidneys, liver, etc.) because they are not sustaining enough in their diet to provide what the body needs. Lack of protein also can cause lack of concentration and other problems with the workings of the brain.  (+ info)

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