FAQ - fissure in ano
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Anal fissure complete remedy,is it possible without surgury?

I am suffering from anal fissure for eight years as I was anally raped,I have been prescribed GTN,but It just heal the injury,but it doesn't help to reshape or regrow the anal area like natural.Is there any way to heal the injury and make it look like the normal ?Please share ur secret and experince.

GTN acts as a local pain reliever and has no effect on healing. You need to keep your stool very soft indeed, but short of being frank diarrhoea. This allows the area to recover without being traumatised every time you open your bowels.  (+ info)

what diet can a diabetic and fissure patient have?

my husband is 43 yrs old. he is suffering from chronic fissure for the past 3 to four years. for the past 2 yrs. he is suffering from diabetic as well. what kind of diet can he take? i give him lots of fruits and vegetables. but this increases his sugar level. please advice.

Diabetic diets should focus on lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and low fat. The lean protein is what is going to keep him feeling full and maintain his blood sugars. You should avoid any of the simple sugars like white bread, potatoes, and pasta. These are the sugars that spike your blood sugar then drop rapidly and cause you to be hungry again shortly after eating. Consider talking to a dietitian or his doctor. Also you might check out meal delivery systems for diabetics like Bistro MD. Their plan was designed for diabetics and fits them perfectly. A value of their program for diabetics is that their meals are already portioned out. You don't have to worry about measuring food AND making sure you aren't OVER - eating. Their dietitian designs your program with you in mind so you get your perfect meals sent right to your door. It's a great program.
Good luck in all you do
=  (+ info)

Is a little fissure in my crown something to worry about?

Four years ago, a crown was placed on one of my back tooth. At present, I have little fissure on that crown. To be sincere there is no pain, but I am wondering if this is something important to go to a dentist. I don't want to be overtreated.

No not at all  (+ info)

How do you treat a fissure on feet?

A friend of mine has a large and deep fissure on each foot right below the ball of his foot, below the big toe. How can i treat this and get it to heal???

moisturizer 4 times a day will cure him  (+ info)

How good is laser surgery of piles/fissure?

I have piles since childhood when I was only 5-6 yrs old. Some how it was cured(not fully). Now I am 28yrs old. Some times I see blood during bowel. Now days a small external portion has come out (thrombosed). I have checked with several doctors, they advised me for surgery. I am affraid of regular hand surgery. I have controlled my diet and nowdays feeling better. Today I checked with one laser surgeon, he found that I have two piles (7 and 11 o'clock position) and one fissure. He advised me to do laser surgery, which will take 10-12 minutes and I will be able to do regular work after the surgery. This surgery is quite expensive (Rs. 12000/).
What should I do?

I would go with the advise of the doctors and be through with this.  (+ info)

What is the after affect of fistula-in-ano surgery?

I have fistula-in-ano and doctor said that you have to remove it by surgery. I am concerned about surgery that how painful is it and how long does it takes to heel up, how many days do I have to take off from work. If somebody has the fistula-in-ano surgery experience then please share with me.


Agree.  (+ info)

im 16 and i had an anal fissure its getting better but im hurting everyday?

when i was 15 i had a anal fissure and now im 16 and it still hadn't healed..i used to have anal sex but i stopped because i cant now..if i get the surgery..will i be able to do that again and live a healthy life?

  (+ info)

Can a fissure on a tooth be healed?

I've got a case. There is fissure on the incisivus (permanent tooth). The tooth is quite firm, but it will be painful while biting, so that for this period of time (several days post trauma), eating something quite hard is unable to be done. Can the tooth be healed without any intervention made? How to rescue the tooth? Thanx.

Actually I don't really understand your question but im guessing you are talking about a fracture on your tooth. One of the way to test is to place a gauze on the tooth and bite on it. There will be pain when you release the gauze n not when you bite it. Once there's a fracture, it cannot heal by itself. It's the same like ur other body parts. You need to get it treated b4 it can heal. But if the fracture is only on the enamel, it's alright. You may want to visit a dental professional to find out how bad it is and whether something could be done. =)  (+ info)

I had botox injected for an anal fissure?

It has helped some. But now i'm concerned because I have a small skin tag above where the fissure is. It gets itchy from time to time but not terrible. It is sensitive to the touch though. What caused this? And how does it get treated?

Oh...And does anybody know exactly how long botox lasts for anal fissures?

Any kind of botox lasts up to 6 months. About the itch, that sshouldn'thappen, maybe it's a allergicreaction. That depends on how long it has been since you got botox and hoe long you had the itch. Just to be sesecureyou should see a doctor.  (+ info)

Best way to cure an anal fissure?

My daughter is three and has been suffering from an anal fissure for several months now. Every time she has to go she screams and cries from the pain. We've been to the doctor and have been applying Neosporin, Vaseline, and liquid bandages like they have told us. However, none of these seem to be working. Is there anything you can suggest to help my daughter? Also how long is to long for her to be suffering like this?

Most acute fissures need some home treatment, including soaking in a shallow tub of warm water (sitz bath) 2 or 3 times a day, increasing fiber in the diet, and taking stool softeners or laxatives. Some people find relief within a day or two of home treatment. Although your pain may go away, it may take several weeks for the fissure to heal completely. Sometimes fissures heal without treatment.

Try to prevent constipation, because it can keep a fissure from healing. The pain of a fissure may make you anxious about having bowel movements. But trying not to have bowel movements will only increase constipation and create a cycle that keeps the fissure open and painful.

Drinking lots of water or other fluids also will make stools softer and easier to pass.

You may want to use a nonprescription ointment such as zinc oxide, Preparation H, Anusol, or 1% hydrocortisone to soothe anal tissues. But evidence suggests that fiber and sitz baths help symptoms better than nonprescription creams.1 Talk with your doctor about whether you should use these medicines for a short period of time.

If a fissure lasts a long time, prescription medicine may help. Prescription medicines used to treat anal fissure include nitroglycerin, high blood pressure medicines, and botulinum toxin (Botox).

You may need to consider surgery if medicines do not stop your symptoms. The most commonly used surgery is lateral internal sphincterotomy. In this procedure, a doctor cuts into part of the internal sphincter to relax the spasm that is causing the fissure.  (+ info)

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