FAQ - fissure in ano
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What is the best way to get rid of a Heel Fissure?

I got one on my foot cause it got so dry and cracked and it hurts when i walk. Can anyone help me? It's small but it is so uncomfortable.

Keep the crack full of neosporin for a few days

Then start applying a debriding lotion such as carmol (ask a druggist - sometimes its behind the counter) to eat away the dry skin.  (+ info)

What is the best cure against anal fissure?

I used to use toilet paper that was cheap and rough, until I got blood on it. I went to a proctologist and he prescribed a salve containing cinchocain as active ingredient. Bleeding stopped but I got itching sensation and sometimes have painful bowel movement. I know that I can get an operation but it causes you to shit in your pants later on in your life. What can I do?

Believe it or not the current treatment is nitro ointment because of the vasso-diatation effect for healing. Only side effect is headaches and rarely some low blood pressure. See a colorectal doctor for prescription - do not leave this condition alone it will get worse if untreated  (+ info)

I really like anal sex but I have a anal fissure and its preventing me from having sex. What are my options?

I know this question will probably get all sorts of comments but seriously.. I like anal sex and the pleasure that is derived from it. Having an anal fissure is definitely putting a damper on that. I eat fiber and also take fiber pills so constipation is not an issue. I probably don't drink all the water I should everyday but drink more water than the average person. So if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them..

If you're one of the many unfortunate sufferers of a condition called anal fissures, you know how difficult it is to heal this condition. For many of us, this is a very unpleasant condition to discuss with others, and can cause us to suffer in silence, allowing things to sometimes become chronic, thus requiring surgery.

Things You'll Need:

stool softeners
lots of fruit and high fiber food

Step 1
The first step is to eat high fiber food, fruit being one the the most desirable choices. Mangos are my personal favorite. This allows you to have soft bowel movements which are less likely to reopen the tears, over and over.

Step 2
Use stool softeners such as Dulcolax. Avoiding hard bowel movements is crucial to healing these tears. Having diarrhea is actually preferable to constipation.

Step 3
Avoid twisting around as you sit, as this stretches the tissue and breaks open the tears. Also when "wiping', do so as gently as possible, with aloe lubricated toilet paper. (Rubbing Aloe Gel around the damaged tissue helps heal and prevents scar tissue buildup.

Step 4
One of the most painful and damaging symptoms of fissures are the anal sphincter muscle spasms. Try to avoid stress at all cost.

Step 5
Hot baths or Sitz baths after a bowel movement, and when the muscle spasms get severe helps calm the muscles, and sooth the discomfort. Also avoid stress, as this causes the sphincter muscle to become tight, thereby exacerbating the condition.

Step 6
Doctors recommend that when a fissure doesn't heal within 6 weeks, surgery is usually the only option. However, these surgeries can result in incontinence, which isn't a desired way to live the rest of your life.

Step 7
Anal Fissures can be healed many times with changes in diet and lifestyle, but if you develop this condition, it's imperative that you consult with your family doctor, and preferably a GI specialist, for the best course of treatment.  (+ info)

how long after getting a fissure sealant can i eat?

i got some fissure sealants done about an hour ago, how long do i have to wait before i can eat? and hot or cold foods?

You can eat as soon as you leave the office. It's bonded and dried at the office.  (+ info)

I had a sugery because of an anal fissure, Can I have sexual relationships as bottom after it?

Hi, few days ago I had a surgery because of an anal fissure. My question is, is it possible for me to be bottom again after recovering period? How long will it take to be completely ok? Which would be the instructions for practicing homosexual relationships again as bottom?

Thank You

That would cause no problem at all:you need to ask your Dr when it is ok to have anal sex again:he knows when it is healed properly.
Instructions:Use a condom always and plenty of lube:stretch your anus prior to sex with first one then two fingers or a dildo,
Planets  (+ info)

can you have braces on top of fissure sealants?

Can you have braces if you've had fissure sealants put on your teeth?

yupp .

i have them bothh .  (+ info)

How long does it take for a clavicle fissure to heal?

During a soccer game some guy tripped me and I landed on my shoulder I heard something popped and it started hurting really bad...

  (+ info)

How to heal an anal fissure?

When I go to the toilet and do a number 2 I feel this sharp pain and there is always bright red blood on the toilet paper, so I'm definitely sure I have an anal fissure. I'm only 14 and I'm scared to tell my mum or go to the doctor. It's been like this for nearly a month now and I'm really worried. How long does it usually take to heal and what should I do to try to make it heal by itself? Thanks.

Actually, it's more likely to be hemorrhoids than an anal fissure, though I couldn't say for sure from your description. Anal fissures cause excruciatingly painful muscle spasms, and they don't bleed as much as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are very common and relatively harmless. You can buy yourself some over the counter cream, and that'll probably clear it up over the course of a few days. Try taking warm baths without any bath oils or bubbles (see the link), that should help everything heal quicker.

If it doesn't get better (or if it gets worse) you're going to have to see a doctor. There are perscription strength medications that might be necessary to heal your problem. You don't have to tell your mom why you need an appointment, if it's too embarrassing. As for the doctor, I guarantee you they've seen and heard WAY more embarrassing things. Yours wasn't even caused by your behavior, it's something that spontaneously happens to people all the time. Hemorrhoids and anal fissures are completely run-of-the-mill for any general practitioner or family doctor. You might not even be the only patient they see that day with that issue! There's really nothing to be afraid of.  (+ info)

How is an anal fissure different from a hemmorage?

I know the technical definitions, but how* are they different?
Hemorrhage, sorry.

Do you possibly mean hemorrhoid? An anal fissure is a crack or tear in the membrane lining the large intestine, in the anal area. Sort of like a cut. A hemorrhoid is a varicose vein of the lower large intestine, which gets engorged with blood because it can't empty properly and can actually extend past the anal opening. It's covered by the membranes, but can break and bleed. The anal fissure doesn't involve anything budging, although it can and does also bleed. Anal fissures are caused by extremely hard and dry stools, and are usually from a recent change in bowel habits or other physical problem which has caused the stools to become hard and dry- like having been extremely dehydrated. Hemorrhoids are due to poor dietary habits which lead to chronic constipation and straining to pass the stools. The strain interferes with the ability of the veins of the lower intestine to drain. So the main difference is that the fissure involves the "skin" of the anal area, and the hemorrhoid involves the veins.  (+ info)

What fissure separates the temporal lobe from the rest of the cerebrum?

lateral sulcus  (+ info)

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