FAQ - fissure in ano
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what is the homeo and biochemic remedy for a disease of chronic hepatitis b with diabetes and anal fissure?

i am suffering from these three major disease for the last 3 years. I am only 31 years old and an university teacher.


Dragon Herbs

315 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 917-2288

Ask for their Master Herbalist. These people make miracles happen: I have used them for over 10 years now.

Best of luck.  (+ info)

how do you know if your anal fissure has become chronic?

I just found out that I had one. At first it looked like a miniature anus because it was a small bump that was circular . Like those floaty donut hole. That was like 2 weeks ago and just today it I see a visible red hole that is like 2-3 mm in diameter. I thought it got better but I guess not, how do you know if it is chronic. Do you think it can heal on its own?

By definition, anything is chronic when it reoccurs over time, or will not heal. Having one for 2 weeks is not chronic.4 months would be.

Now, in order to cure this, change your diet by increasing fiber, avoid straining, and take sitz baths. The main thing, like hemorrhoids, is to avoid constant staining when sitting.

Yes, they do heal on their own. It it is causing you discomfort or bleeding heavily go see a doctor.  (+ info)

How can I tell if it's a hemorrhoid or an anal fissure?

How can I tell which it is? Please keep in mind that I can't exactly look directly at my own anus.

Hi Gemini6Ice,
Hope I can help you.
An anal fissure is a common and painful condition appearing as a small, tear near the external anal opening. An anal fissure is most common right on the midline of the anus, following the natural cracks in the area, as this part of the anal wall is relatively unsupported by either muscle or tendons

Please be aware when a fissure occurs on another part or your rear other than the midline this could be signs of other problems like,leukemia,tuberculosis,herpes,ysphilis,gonorrhea,cancer,chlamydia,chancroid or Crohn’s disease.So a doctors visit is a must.

Anal fissures can occur spontaneously or as a result of difficult or explosive bowel movements. While anal fissures are almost always benign, they are usually tender and painful, especially during bowel evacuation.The reason for this is there are an abundance of nerves in this area.

Symptoms of an anal fissure are bright red blood on underwear, in toilet water, or on toilet paper, and severe sharp pain in the area when any kind of pressure is applied.A fissure is a cut in the body, but they do not generally have the distinctively lumpy feel of a hemorrhoid, mostly an anal fissure is a tear in the anus, while a Hemorrhoid is a lump in the anus.

Hemorrhoids are itching, painful, or bleeding masses of swollen tissues and varicose veins located in the anus and rectum. So some of the conditions are similar to anal fissures,again a docs visit is advisable.

I wish you all the best Peter  (+ info)

What is a good oral antibiotic to cure fissure with secondary infection?

yeah = the infection needs to be tested to see which antibiotic is appropriate.

go to a doctor.  (+ info)

How do you get rid of an anal fissure?

I was prescribed medication, but it didn't go away. Any suggestions?

Non-surgical treatment is recommended as first-line treatment of acute and chronic anal fissures. Customary treatments included warm sitz baths, topical anesthetics, high-fiber diet and stool softeners.

Surgical treatment, under general anaesthesia, was either anal stretch (Lord's operation) or lateral sphincterotomy where the internal anal sphincter muscle is incised. Both operations aim to decrease sphincter tone and thereby restore normal blood supply to the anal mucosa. Surgical operations involve a general anaesthetic and can be painful postoperatively. Anal stretch is also associated with anal incontinence in a small proportion of cases and thus sphincterotomy is the operation of choice.

A new medical/surgical development came in 1993 when researchers reported injecting botulinum toxin into the anal sphincter to relax the sphincter and promote fissure healing.

From 1995, doctors began to prescribe various drugs to reduce the tone of the internal sphincter and operations for anal fissure have since then decreased by two-thirds. All treatment options have recently been reviewed by Collins and Lund.  (+ info)

what does pit and fissure stains look like?

Does every black spot mean a cavity had started at some point? My back molars have many black spots in them, they are dotted all over them in the grooves. My dentist said they were just stains a few months ago but they bother me as in appearance and I always think they are cavities. God i hate my teeth!

Itf the pits and fissures are deep and stained easily they may be susceptible to decay. You can ask your dentist if he would grind out the stains (it should be painless if they are confined to the enamel, and place sealants into the pits and fissures. This would remove the stain and prevent cavities.  (+ info)

what are the main components of fissure sealants and their percentages?

for dentists or dental technicians only
what are the main components of fissure sealants and their percentages?
what are the differences if we have more or less from a certain component.

the sealant material is bascially the same material as flowable composite, except it is self-bonding. Percentages of the composite strength depends on what brand you get.  (+ info)

How do you tell the difference between a anal fissure and hemroids?

Without a doctor

Many times diagnosing this problem necessitates a rectal exam, in other words you really would need to see a doctor for evaluation.
The difference between hemorrhoids and fissures, is a the hemorrhoid is actually a blood vessel that has become irritated and enlarged and will cause discomfort and bleeding. You can get them externally and internally. If they are external, you can feel them and when they are really inflamed they will look like a large purplish lump around the rectum. Internal ones can be found with an exam.
Fissures are actually small tears in the mucosa in and around the rectum and also cause discomfort and bleeding.
Both can be treated conservatively with warm sitz baths, anucort suppositories (prescription) or over the counter creams/suppositories like Anusol.
You also need to make sure your diet includes lots of water, lots of fiber and green veggies. It helps digestion if the veggies are warm/steamed. This helps them to break down more easily, thus helps with softer/more regular bowel movements. You can also add something like Fiber Con or Metamucil to your diet every day.
Hemorrhoids, or piles, is a sometimes painful mass of distended (swollen) veins in the lining of the anus and rectum, resulting from the formation of varicose veins around the anus. Internal hemorrhoids occur at the junction of the anus and rectum and are covered with mucous membrane. External hemorrhoids occur just outside the anus and are covered with skin. On occasion an internal hemorrhoid may prolapse, or protrude, to the outside, cutting off the blood supply.
Hemorrhoids can occur at any age, often without apparent cause. A typical scenario for developing hemorrhoids might be someone with a little chronic constipation, who sits for several minutes or more for each bowel movement, often reading a magazine or newspaper at the same time.You may be aware of some "extra tissue" protruding through the anus, or note a little trace of blood on the toilet paper. Hemorrhoids can cause itching and burning and may bleed during a bowel movement.
Temporary relief from hemorrhoids may be obtained by applying a cold compress directly to the affected area until the pain subsides. This is most easily done if the patient lies face-down and another person applies the compress. Tepid water baths may also help. A person should eat a high-roughage diet to ensure regular defecation of large, soft stools. Ointments, creams, and suppositories containing corticosteroids may also ease the symptoms. In addition to these measures, avoiding constipation is certainly key. It is important to have an adequate amount of fiber in your daily diet. So what do we mean by that? Well, the short answer is to have some sort of bran cereal for breakfast, like All Bran (probably the highest fiber content of the options available), or Raisin Bran, then be sure to include salads and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your other meals. You should also drink 6-8 glasses of water or juices per day. Lots of fiber without enough fluids can make the situation worse, similar to the difference between a dry and a wet sponge. The fiber (sponge) can absorb lots of liquid, but without the liquid, the stool will be hard to pass (like a dry sponge).
Anal fissures are small tears in the mucus lining of the anal canal. They can occur as a result of passage of a large hard stool. Fissures can be quite painful, particularly with bowel movements. Often, some bright red blood will be noticed on the stool, or on the toilet paper after wiping.
If you have ever had a painful paper cut on your finger, you can understand all about anal fissures. The anus is the ring-like sphincter or valve at the end of your rectum. It relaxes and tightens at your will to allow a bowel movement when convenient. An anal fissure is a small tear in the rim of the anus - just like a tiny paper cut.
One problem with a paper cut is that every time you use your hands, you tend to break open the small wound, which delays healing, and causes more pain. The same holds true with an anal fissure. Every time you have a bowel movement, the anus is stretched and the fissure can possibly be reopened causing more symptoms. This makes some anal fissures chronic and difficult to heal. This problem is quite common and may cause considerable misery.
Fissures will often heal on their own, if constipation is avoided. There are some simple measures that can be used to hasten the healing, including the use of stool softeners, and ointments such as Preparation H. Prescription medications may also be used, including a variety of analgesics, and steroid preparations, Nitroglycerin Ointment and surgery.
I hope this gives you a bit more information, remember an exam can actually diagnose the difference, see your doctor, Miralax.  (+ info)

What can I do for my Anal Fissure?

It hurts when I go to the bathroom. There is also red blood that I catch with the tissue paper. I showed the tissue to my neighbor and she said to see a doctor?

WOW, What a Terrific neighbor you must have!!!
You really need to up the fiber in your diet, not kidding. Also, you can use Colace it works terrific for softening stool. For now, you can get Hydrocortisone cream and/or preparation H. Those will help for now. Use wipes instead of toilet paper as they are more gentle for that area. Try to lay off of red meat too, it is really NOT terrific for stool.

That's Terrific!!!!

IGNORE PEOPLE TELLING YOU TO IGNORE ME!!! I have had the SAME issue as you and this is what I did and I am fissure free and I am more terrific for it!!! PS a DOCTOR prescribed a cream for me it is called
Proctozne-HC 2.5% and it is pretty much hydrocortisone cream, ALL of this advice came from a DOCTOR NOT an EMT!!!

http://www.rxzone.us/product.cfm/rx/Proctozone-Hc-Cream-25-1-oz-571612.html  (+ info)

How to relieve an Anal Fissure or something along those lines. I am not sure exactly what I have....?

It hurts whenever I sit, even if I sit on a couch. It is so annoying! Something easy that I can do?

Try gooping it up with Preparation H. It's designed to shrink those things as well as numb them.

If that doesn't work you're going to have to go to the proctologist and get it removed. (no big deal, really)  (+ info)

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