FAQ - gingival overgrowth
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What is the best natural product for candida overgrowth in men?

In the colon, digestive system, bowels...

You want to treat it internally. Stop eating breads and refined sugars. There are a few cleanse products out there. Go to your local health food store and purchase one that has caprylic acid in it Solaray brand has one called Yeast-cleanse. Start out slow. The recommended dose is 6 a day. Start out with 3 a day for first week to two weeks. Then increase to the 6 a day. Increase your water intake to flush out the toxins. Also add acidphilus to your diet whether you do yogurt or in supplement form. There are also books on what other foods you should avoid you should be able to find them in your health food store or a local bookstore.  (+ info)

How long one would require to fast on water to get rid of small intestine bacterial overgrowth?

I am fructose intolerant as well ;(

You do not say if there is a medical condition that needs attention. Fasting on water will not rid your intestinal tract of bacteria. In fact, lessening the amount of bacteria will almost certainly make you sick. The competition between all the varying species keeps any one bacterial species from over-populating and causing a problem. If you do have a diagnosed medical condition caused by an intestinal bacteria then the only real treatment will be antibiotic therapy.  (+ info)

Symptoms of Yeast Overgrowth throughout WHOLE body?

What are the symptoms of Yeast Overgrowth throughout WHOLE body? How do you treat it?

Mr Answer is right. Systemic candidiasis only would develop if you had a severely compromised immune system (think AIDS or SCID) and yes the symptoms would be death. Don't worry you'd know if you had it ;)  (+ info)

I have a probelm with yeast overgrowth in my intestines does this mean I might also have intestinal worms?

I have heard the two go together. If so what would be a good thing for me to try and get rid of them. By the way I have trouble concentrating and have brittle or very dry hair ( if this makes any difference).

Chiropractors will not be able to help this problem. They are like certified Drs., finding a prinicipled one can be really hard. I would agree with the probiotic. Do a paracleanse if you think you have worms. Plus possibly be on ASAP brand collodial silver.  (+ info)

Does anybody else have problems with an overgrowth of anal hair?

and how do I get rid of it, my BF does not like certain positions because of this.

That is where the new and improved Anal Hair Trimmers, by Ronco, come in so handy.
The only problem is that in a few rare cases, they have also depenisized a few men, and devulva-ized a few women.
But only in a few rare cases.
*runs away*  (+ info)

Can yeast overgrowth cause fructose intolerance?

I have fructose intolerance which is when you can't absorb fructose a type of sugar found in fruit and vegetables. I have intestinal yeast overgrowth and was wondering if it could be messing with my intestines ability to make the enzyme needed to digest fructose. Fructose is in almost everything and I'm desperate to be a normal person again. Do you think once I get rid of this infection that maybe I'll be able to eat fructose again? Do I have any hope???

Its largely genetic (which oddly as it sounds, is NOT to be confused with hereditary fructose intolerance - which is a liver problem, not an intestinal issue)...

I actually suspect that its the other way around, that the intestinal condition makes you predisposed to other opportunistic infections, yeast being one of them...  (+ info)

I got an intestinal yeast overgrowth. and it is hell to live with one!?

symtoms are bad breath, bad skin bloating.

i got rid of em while on a special diet. but that diet is a living hell. today is thanksgivingand couldn`t help but eat. and immeadiatly noticed all the symtoms above.

how should i treat this one? since i am trying to gain weight for my sports i need to eat and can`t be on this diet for f-ing ever) should i use antifungul and what kind?

I have an awesome probiotic that works wonderfully. I will give you the info if you email me. I find that it works overnight but must be maintained to reestablish the intestinal flora.  (+ info)

Is it bad to eat nutritional yeast if you have candida overgrowth problems?

There are good and bad yeasts, just like there are good and bad bacteria. To kill the candida there is a product called candex. All of the products like it are designed to kill off the bad yeast in your system allowing the toxins they produce to be flushed out. Sugar feeds them so that is the worst thing your can have.
Die-off - can cause cramps, bloating and gas. Start slowly and go from there so it is not overwhelming.
Replace what your system needs to be healthy with a good Pro-biotic.
Health to you.  (+ info)

The section of a tooth that extends from the incisal edge to the crest of the gingival height is the?

Dear Daniel,
Thank you for humiliating me...It was the necessary kick that I needed. The answer was right in front of me. I just stressed myself out. "Clinical Crown"! Sincerely, First time user

This question has come straight off a workbook or test! Please, do your own work! If you ever have a patient in the chair, are you going to run to Yahoo answers when you have a problem!
This is BASIC knowledge YOU must have down cold!
Do your OWN learning, be a professional!

Dr. Dan  (+ info)

Does the "beneficial bacteria" in yogurt kill Candida Albicans overgrowth in the intestinal tract?

I was just wondering if the lactic acid bacteria kill pathogenic yeast in the intestinal tract and E. Coli.

I don't think that the acidophilus kills the other. They just move in and take up more territory.
Beneficial bacteria thrive when you eat lots of fiber and the yeasts don't do well in that environment. There was a news story in the past few months about paleolithic diet and the amount of fiber. Somehow the scientists found evidence of the amount of beneficial bacteria in those ancient ancestors was very high due to the amount of fiber they ate.  (+ info)

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