FAQ - granuloma, giant cell
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I need to make a edible model of an animal cell.Do you have any ideas on what I can use for the parts?

It can be a plant cell too. And im thinking of making a giant suger cookie that my class can eat. So edible parts would be great!
What can i use for the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the smooth one?

Hey i did this a couple weeks ago!
I used
nucleus: marshmellows
ribosomes: gumballs
golgibody: gummyworms
Cell wall: chocolate bars
Cell membrane: use a thin strip of netting..the membrane is semipermeable..
mitochondria: use a tootsie roll and carve lines in it...
chloroplast: jolly ranchers
Vacuole: use a cookie..a light colored one..
Nucleolus: skittle..

any other parts let me know..i just can't remember which other ones i did..  (+ info)

Pulmonary Nodules w/ history of Giant Cell Tumor...?

I am a 28yo female with a 3-yr persistent dry/barking cough and I recently had a chest x-ray that showed a 4x7mm dense pulmonary nodule. I also have a history of Giant Cell Tumor. Since I was referred to separate docs for each instance, I'm wondering if I should be worried that something was missed. Should I push the issue or would I be just another hypochondriac? I am also completely negative for Tb.

  (+ info)

Has anyone ever had or known someone whos had a Giant Cell Tumor?

I was diagnosed with a giant cell tumor 2 years ago i had it removed along with most of the bone in my femur [thigh bone], i had a hip replacement at the same time, has anyone had this tumor or known of someone who has? i just wanted to know if they have had a reoccurance..

If you have a recurrence of a giant cell tumor the symptoms are the same as the first time you had it - bone pain, inflammation and possible redness. It is highly unusual for recurrence to take place after five years so you only have three more years to go to be free of recurrence. It was my experience that you will develop pains where ever the affected bone was removed and this pain should not be confused with recurrence pain. Get an x-ray and if anything suspicious is found then get a bone scan if necessary. If you have a bone scan some residual inflammation will show up where the bone was replaced but if there is a recurrence the recurrence area will look different from the arthritic inflammation that will probably always be visible in the repaired area. I am almost fifteen years past surgery for a GCT of the tibia. I also thought I'd had a recurrence about two years after surgery. Turned out that it was not a recurrence. Probably you are just beginning to develop some new arthritis and it is not a recurrence but even if it is a GCT - this is still a treatable tumor. all the best  (+ info)

is Giant Cell Myocarditis curable?...?

is giant cell myocarditis curable without a heart transplant?
jw my friend has it and had a berlin heart put in today and will be in icu and it gives her actual heart a rest

There is no proven cure because of the unknown nature of the disorder. Heart transplantation looks to have the highest survival rate.

Check these sites to learn more. The second link looks to have a message board where you can post questions and learn more:

I hope your friend is feeling better and gets cured quickly.  (+ info)

Giant Cell Tumor Removal Surgery -- Anyone Else?

They found a giant cell tumor in the back of my knee, medial femoral condyle. It is 3 cm. I am having surgery to remove it next week. Just wondering if anyone else has gone through this surgery. How long was your recovery time? They told me 1-3 weeks depending on how the surgery goes. How big was the incision? Any information would be a great help.
Yah; It is under muscle and near the major arterie and nerves in my leg/knee. They dont know if my ACL or PCL are involved until they get in there but the surgeon said they may end up taking one or both of my ligaments which they would go in later and do reconstructive surgery.

The outcome is a little different for everyone, depending on the location and type of tumor. Here's about the worse that might happen.

My boss just had a tumor removed from the same spot two weeks ago. The operation was supposed to take about a half hour, but ended up taking more than 2 hours because the tumor was underneath tendon and muscle tissue, and part of the tumor was growing around an artery. So he ended up with a 4 inch incision, and a lot of damage to muscles and tendons that got sliced. He was on crutches for about 5 days. He didn't have much pain, and only needed about half the pain medication that was prescribed.

Because muscles and tendons were cut, the doc told him to wait 6 weeks before using the leg for anything other than just enough walking to keep the muscles from shrinking. After 6 weeks, he is supposed to start physical therapy. If the tumor had not been under muscle and tendons, the incision would have been half as long, and the recovery period would been a couple of weeks.  (+ info)

what causes giant cell lesions of the jaw?

There is no known causative factor for giant cell bone tumors.

That said, I sold shoes for several years as a teenager and because the boss would not let us sit on fitting stools I spent a lot of time resting on my R knee while fitting shoes. 25 years later I developed a giant cell tumor at the exact spot that my R knee would rest on the carpet of the floor of the shoe store. Coincidence - who knows?

This is just a personal anecdote because according to the medical literature the only known risk factor for giant cell tumors is age related with most cases occurring between ages 20 and 40.

http://www.emedicine.com/radio/topic307.htm  (+ info)

Hiya.. I'm still unable to use my leg properly after having a Giant Cell Tumor removed from my leg.?

I was hoping to talk to others who have suffered this tumor as it is very rare.. Ive been told it may grow back too..great!
Any feedback will be fantastic..
I had the operation done in Aug 2007 at stanmore..which was pretty grim also am on sick now due to it all
Thanks again peeps xx

I am 29 and had one removed from my femur when I was 17. It was 6 inches long and there was only a thin wall around the sides and back. I was lucky not to break my leg. I actually am in the middle of writing a speech for a public speaking class and just looked it up to see if I found anything on Yahoo. I had to get x-rays for three years but the chance of it coming back are very slim. I am quite active. I run, bike, ski, and even went skydiving four times since my surgery. So I think you should be fine over time. The one thing is that I did not stick to good to the therapy and I wish I would have, because now my opposite leg became my dominate leg and I think working it out more would have been a wise plan. Anyway good luck and keep your head up.  (+ info)

does anyone know what giant cell articulities is?

i just found out my aunt has this and i'd heard its hereditory, i was wondering if someone could tell me more about it thanks

http://www.emedicine.com/OPH/topic254.htm  (+ info)

giant cell tumor?

hey am stuck in hospital bored with a regrowth of giant cell tumor 3 mths after surgery..anyone who has sufferd bone cancer or can help wud be great x

I haven't, but I just wanted to say I hope you get well soon :)  (+ info)

Giant Cell Tumor Info.?

I just had a giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath removed from the back of my knee/leg. I was just looking for a little more information from someone else whose been through it. Did yours reoccur? They said it shouldnt but I'm scared it will. Also; do I have a chance to get another one anywhere it my body? Any information will be greatly appreciated!

U can refer to these wedsites to know more about gaint cell tumors. Don't worry, it won't reccur in any part of the body.  (+ info)

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