FAQ - heat stress disorders
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What bad things happen when a woman constantly misses her period, from stress, eating disorders, or her weight?

some women get so skinny, have such bad eating disorders- they don't ever get a period- or get it once or twice a year-
some women are just as stressed, they miss their period for long periods of time too...what kind of pain or damage occurs from women who don't get regular period because of weight loss, bulimia/anoxeria, or stress?

They become infertile in time. It's because a woman needs the right amount of 'female padding' to carry a baby, to protect it. So once a woman maintains a weight too low, her body's menstruation system starts to shut down. It depends how long the woman stays underweight for.

Some anorexia sufferers who've only been underweight for a year or two can gain weight, and their repoductive system recovers itself. But any period of time being too skinny will reduce the chances of conceiving. But for the women who've maintained a damaging weight over a longer period of time (say 10 years+?), they destroy their fertility basically. It's because the body expects to be insufficient to carry a child, after the absence of the essential fat for a certain time period.   (+ info)

What are the common stress related disorders in psychiatry?

Please explain some interesting disorders in totally non medical terms so that a normal man can understand (as if a doctor was explaining to a patient).

stress related disorders such as Paranoia..yup

it's when you worry about the wrong things in life and obsessing over it..either irrational or real...stress can destroy your brain, and may later lead to depression....  (+ info)

What could cause an uncontrollable itch that is increased by heat or stress?

The past few years I have dealt with this problem, but now it seems to be worse. During the winter months when the heat's on, when it gets to warm I itch uncontrollably. It happens during sleep, and random times while I'm awake. Also, if it's heated inside and I get nervous or worried, an itch "attack" is almost automatic. Does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong with me?

It could be an allergic reaction to mold, detergent left on your clothing or on blankets. It could also be a side effect to some medication you are taking.  (+ info)

Is it good to alternate ice n heat for stress fractures?

I'm having extreme shin splints, I think borderline stress fractures. I have to do a run evaluation in 2 days so I only have the weekend to heal. What's the best way to utilize my time to heal? Is it ok to alternate ice baths with hot showers back to back? Thanks

I run track and cross country. What I do after any hard practice or meet, even if I don't have shin splints right away, is take a shower, then i put my legs under the flow of water and gradually turn the water to cold, and then back to hot. But each time i make it colder and then hotter as I go. Eventually i just sit in the hot water and I never have problems. Also if you are having shin splints, find a curb and put your toes on it, then raise your body. Trust me, they work. (you can also hang onto weights to increase it after a while)  (+ info)

Can being in extreme heat and having lots of psychological stress cause diarrhea?

For the past few months I've working in lots of high heat and been under lots of stress and depression and found during times I'd have some diarrhea. Funny thing is, during times I feel relaxed and calm I'm regular. Of course, it's not too often I find times to be relaxed.

YES! Especially if yuo are dehydrated. Make sur eyoud rink plenty of flunids, like water and gatorade. Skip millk and soft drinks and things LOADED with sugar. Also, try to eat toast or dry crackers. This will help absorb the acid in your stomach.  (+ info)

Can stress induce heat in the body?

I have general anxiety disorder and mild depression as well. In the moment I am uder big stress because of some personal problems.
My problem is that every morning I am waking up with intense heat in my body. When I measure my temperature it is normal, but still I fell intense heat coming out of my body. Could the reason for this be anxiety and stress? Or is it something else?

Thanx a lot
Some advise how to reduce the heat?
My feet and arms are sweating at the same time.

stress and anxiety definitely increase body heat. when you're panicked or anxious, your blood pressure increases. you also get an adrenaline rush as well. try to walk it off and take deep breaths. clear your mind of whatever it is that's making you stressed. i'm not so sure why you feel this way when you get up...maybe it's hot in the house??? or you're having bad dreams?? try to find out for yourself and if you don't find an answer, maybe call your GP and see if they can help you out. good luck! and relax a little!! :)  (+ info)

Can eating disorders and stress cause late periods?

lately i have only been eating breakfast and dinner and sometimes ive only eaten once a day. and ive been under alot of stress from school lately.

try to take relaxing baths, keep a journal to spill out your anxieties or fears, read for a little bit before going to bed, etc..
why are you eating less? if you feel you're not getting enough food each day, eat more! =D
you should be trying to have regular peiods (mine are screwed up most of the time..) having regular periods helps especially when you're older, people with irregular periods usually have problems getting pregnant when you wanna start a family.  (+ info)

Can hypnotherapy be treated for post traumatic stress disorders or obsession compulsive disorder?

John, why isn't it recommended if it can help?

Well, yes it can help but is it recommended? No.

PTSD and other mental disorders/conditions, are treated by Hypnotherapy.

There is a technique in hypnotherapy called Past Regression and this MAY help release any feelings or emotions regarding what may of happened in the past. A Psychiatrist may be your best bet depending on how severe.

What hypnotherapy does is go into your mind and with your permission re-programs how you think about certain things. Its most commonly used to quit smoking, lose weight, overcome fears/phobias, etc.

Hope this helps you!  (+ info)

Does anyone suffer with anxiety or anxiety disorders like post traumatic stress?

I have anxiety and stress, that I cannot seem to get controlled. I do not want to take medication such as zanax or anything like that. I would like to find a natural way of curing this or at least a natural way of getting this under control. Does anyone have any suggestions??

I have suffered with anxiety/panic attacks and agoraphobia for about 2 or 3 years. Im the same i didn't want to just be given drugs and sent on my way. But my therapist is teaching me something called "Self Regulation Therapy"
Basically you learn how to get rid of negative feeling and how NOT to focus on bad things like feeling you cannot breathe or feeling like you have are about to choke, things you usually experience with panic/anxiety.
It is more powerful than medication you might be offered because once you get the hang of it you can use it whenever you need to and it doesn't cost anything or has any side effects.
There are loads of herbal remedies you can use for anxiety like lavender or chamomile to use in oils/tea's/bathsalts etc
Also remember to have a motive. Maybe a pet, or a hobby, something you can turn to when you are feeling bad. Pets are very theraputic, cats especially, because a lot of people find their purring very relaxing.

=]  (+ info)

Does eating ice cream help with heat stress?

I'm wondering if it is good for your body to eat ice cream when it is extremely hot out. I was always told that the sugar in ice cream (like in soda) means it doesn't cool you off and actually makes you thirstier.

it all depends on the ice cream. If its that generic store bought ice cream, then yes, all it does is make you thirstier. If its ice cream made from actual fruits that you can still find pieces of in the bar itself, then no, and this one will cool you off.  (+ info)

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