FAQ - hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies
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what is hereditary sensory autonomic neuropothy?

it is a disease

Hereditary: A condition, characteristic or disease that can be passed on from the parent to the offspring.

Hereditary: Transmitted from parent to child by information contained in the genes.

Sensory disorder : disorders of the special senses (ie, vision, hearing, taste and smell) or somatosensory system (ie, afferent components of the peripheral nervous system).

Autonomic neuropothy :
A disorder of the nervous system concerned with regulation of activity of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands, usually restricted to the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.  (+ info)

What are the symptoms of autonomic dysfunction?

What are the symptoms of autonomic dysfunction? What will you ask to your patients if you suspect autonomic dysfunction?

The link below will help you.  (+ info)

What are some of the best sensory activities/products for children with autism?

This question is for parents of children with autism and autism professionals. I am looking to provide a really good sensory diet for my 3-year-old daughter, who has autism. Therapy catalogs are full of pricey products. Which ones have you found to be the best?

hi there! My son is 3yrd old and has asd, autistic spectrum disorder.

I have several things for him

I have a big tupperware item filled with beans ( uncooked ) and I hide farm animals in them so he has to put his hands into the beans to find his animals

I also have a rice one as well. Yes they can make a mess but its fun

Also bath foam from walmart, put a little bit on a paper plate or mat and let them put their hands in it to paint with.

I have a book also where I make things, its a book the professionals at TEACHH here in NC use. If you would like the name of it, email me!

There's lots of stuff I do with him, playdoh, cooked noodels in a container ( this one we are working on still,lol )

theres lots of stuff you can do around the house and make!

email me at [email protected]

We can help and support each other.  (+ info)

Can sensory processing disorder cause a person to appear drunk?

Is there anyone with sensory processing problems that have slurred speech, awkward movement and slow responses to questions, in other words appear to be drunk most of the time or is it just me?

  (+ info)

What exactly is stress and how is it connected to sensory overload?

I kind of understand the concept but what is stress and how does sensory overload directly affect it.

Stress, as you've guessed, is a combination of mental and physical fatigue. I pastor a Church and deal with it personally and in counseling. I even wrote a short booklet on it. Your mind and body are connected. Worry, fear, anxiety, and such things add to the body's stress as well. A body that is run down, exhausted, or sick can impact your mental state as well. Stress is unavoidable. It is part of life. We feel it any time there is pressure. Pressure to perform, pressure to be somewhere, pressure to do something, pressure to be something. All of this is stress.

Sensory overload, to culminate in stress, is usually something that is built up over time. For example: Listening to someone chewing loudly will grow more bothersome to some people over time. It focuses the mind on it so that they can't tune it out. The intense focus on something like that leads to stress.

We live in a society where noise and images are the primary means of gaining attention. You drive down the street and see billboards and signs. You watch TV and have images flashing rapidly at you with the often overwhelming number of sounds and noises. Movies can be stressful for people. They give children nightmares, they can cause sleep deprivation. I go into people's houses and notice that the TV is on and no one is watching. They don't even realize that the images and noise is constantly on. You can say that their senses have been overwhelmed.

I've even found a correlation between children diagnosed with ADD and their environment at home. When the house is loud, noisy, and generally in a clamor, children can't seem to absorb it well and often end up with attention spans much less than other children. It is a form of stress. I've observed teenagers that have to have music playing all the time, even when they go to sleep, tend to be more nervous and stressed than others.

And you can't discount a person's emotional state. The more raw our emotions, the more impact sensory input can affect it. A parent who had a bad day at work and comes home to loud and rambunctious children will quickly grow stressed with the noise and find himself or herself unable to deal with it properly. A wife having a bad marriage will find herself unable to deal with the pressures of her job, especially if she works in a loud environment.

There are many factors, but yes, stress and sensory overload are connected.  (+ info)

How can i prevent hair fall when it is a hereditary problem?

My hair keep on falling all the time. Only in the month of march and april i find some relief. Why so? Tell me the really effective measures to strengthen the roots when the problem is so severely
hereditary as the normal light measures won't do. I m 24 and facing this problem for last 7-8 years.

Viviscal is a formulation specifically designed to prevent hair loss and to strengthen existing roots. I work in a pharmacy and customers swear by it. You can get it in various strengths and in various forms such as shampoo, conditioner and in some cases tablets. Talk to your doctor if you feel you need something stronger. Hope this helps!  (+ info)

How to get rid of hereditary dark circles?

I have hereditary dark circles, so even when I get enough sleep I still have them. I'd really like to get rid of them but I don't know of any methods that are very effective. Help, please? I'm tired of having to cover them up with makeup all the time.

Preparation H will do it. I heard it's true.  (+ info)

How can I make my hereditary dark circles disappear without a lot of makeup?

my under-eye bags are unfortunately hereditary and I don't want to have to apply all this makeup in the morning to hide them. could I just do concealer and powder? or do I absolutely have to take the extra time? help!

no! all you need is lotion concealer and powder. make sure the concealer is one shade lighter than your skin tone. apply lotion under your eyes. dab the concealer under your eyes, focusing on the inner corner, blending out wards. after you all blended apply powder to your face and your good to go.


1.) you dont want to "erase" the dark circles because you will look fake. you just want to make the circles less noticleble.

2.) you can put teabags on your eyes the night before to reduce puffyness

good luck!  (+ info)

What is the best way to work with temper tantrums and sensory issues with toddler?

I have a toddler who was some sensory issues, so I buy him specifically recommended toys. He has had a tendancy to throw temper tantrums from time to time (especially when told "No"). These tantrums include head banging, scream as loud as possible, pinching self, biting self, pulling hair and sometimes acting out on older sibling. I have tried to distract him with things when I see the behavior starting. I have tried time out in the playpin. It much more controllable at home because he can run and play and stay busy. Going to the store and driving around are another story because he is strapping in the cart or car seat. Just looking for more ideas to curb this behavior.

Many thanks!

My son has Sensory Integration Disorder and High Functioning Autism and we have gone through the same thing. He is 5 now and a lot has improved but it is still a challenge.
How old is your son? If he is only 3 or 4 it may just be normal acting out- kids with sensory problems often develop a little more slowly that other kids- he may be going through the terrible two's a little late. :)
But it may be something more. I was a preschool teacher prior to having my own kids, and while I could teach him academics, he needed socialization skills that could only be learned through group settings and by modelling others. There should be a program set up through the school system in your area for children with developmental issues. Once he started that it made a big improvement in his behaviour, but it took a while for it to show. He still goes to it until he starts Kindergarten next year.
For right now, I would suggest bringing him to his pediatrician and getting a formal diagnosis and setting him up with Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy and maybe a Behaviour Specialist dealing with Sensory Defensiveness and Self Injurous Behaviours (biting self, banging into walls, etc). Much of the acting out my son did was because of frustration since he couldn't communicate what was wrong or couldn't do something he was trying to do. And your son may benefit from that as well. They showed me how to do Brush Therapy and to use pressure balls to help calm him and that helped a lot.
My son still doesn't like being told no (what kid does, lol), and time out and the usual behaviour modification techniques did not work. We had to figure out why he was doing the things that he was doing.
For instance, he would scream every time we went to the store and I put him in a cart. We figured out that it was caused by the movement of the cart- Vestibular movement really bothered him, going backwards in the cart moved the fluid in his ears and made them hurt. Turning him around and putting him in the cart (not the seat) fixed it. He also gets overwhelmed by crowds and open spaces, i.e. stores, theme parks, malls etc. Giving him a blanket to cover up under looks wierd, but it gave him a safe place to hide and he would quiet down. Try to find out what is bothering him and is it under or over stimulation- then try to fix it.
Remember that all his senses are used, tags, clothes, sounds, smells, bright light, movement, routines and feeling sick or allergies all can contribute.
I would also suggest joining a support group (online or in person) to get ideas- things like this take a lot of energy and emotion and every kid is different, what works for one may not work for another.
Some of it may be just accepting his limitations, knowing that over time they will get better and trying to keep a positive attitude, knowing that as hard as it is for you, it is worse for him. I know how frustrating and hard that can be.
Hope this helps, and God bless.
Sorry for spelling errors, spell check isn't working lol  (+ info)

How can I get rid of hereditary acne?

I'm pretty sure my acne is hereditary because my dad also has really bad acne. How can I get rid of it? I know everyone's acne is different and different things work for different people, but what helped you the most?

Get good nutrition. These top five nutrients have been shown to have a very positive effect on your skin and in treating acne. These nutrients, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium and chromium, can pack a powerful punch in your acne war.

Zinc - Zinc is the Acne stopper. It works in several ways to both treat acne and prevent it. It helps the body regulate certain hormones which prevents acne, but it also helps with wound healing, tissue regeneration and boosting the body's immune system.Most people in the United States actually have a marginal zinc deficiency, but you can get zinc from many of your favorite foods, such as seeds, nuts, legumes and whole grains.

Vitamin A - Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that helps you have beautiful, healthy hair and skin. You can find vitamin A from fruits and vegetables. Dark green vegetables and deep yellow vegetables as fruits give you a good dose of vitamin A by providing carotenes. Oatmeal is a good source of vitamin A, as well as cantaloupe, honeydew melon, broccoli, spinach and sweet potato. Liver contains a megadosis: watch out, vitamin A is stored in the body and you can actually get vitamin A poisoning.

Vitamin E - Vitamin E helps to normalize decreased levels of antioxidant enzymes. This is often prevalent in male acne patients, but vitamin E has proven beneficial to both male and female acne sufferers. Almonds, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, spinach, broccoli and mango are all great sources of vitamin E.Even a snack as simple as ¼ to ½ cups of raw nuts and seeds can help your skin become clearer and healthier.

Selenium - Selenium works much like vitamin E in that it also helps to normalize decreased levels of antioxidant enzymes. Selenium can be found in foods such as vegetables, meats and bread. Some nuts, such as Brazil nuts and walnuts are also rich in selenium. You can also supplement your diet with selenium, taking 100 to 200 micrograms per day. However, 3 ½ ounces of beef has 35 micrograms of selenium and 3 ounces of tuna has 63. Brazil nuts, though, are the winner with 544 micrograms of selenium per ounce.

Good Luck...  (+ info)

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