FAQ - hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies
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Is giving birth to twins only hereditary?

I am 25 years old and my husband is 30 years old.
I want to have kids as twins. Whether giving birth to twins comes by hereditary ? Are there any chances to conceive with twins?
Only my sister-in-law had twins in our family and we are not blood relations.Hereditary also begins at some point right?
Any suggestions ?

Fertility drugs help but no Dr. will give them to you just so you can conceive twins

Twins come with a higher instance of pre-eclampsia, SIDS, placenta previa, twin to twin transfer and are often delayed for the first few years of life. Why would you want to try for that? I have twins and had kidney failure and the Dr. thought I had a heart attack on the operating table during my emergency c-section ( I did not). The extra attention you may receive during pregnancy and after is not worth all the worry and possible problems.. I love my boys but it was a very hard road to travel. Why not hope and pray for one healthy happy baby?  (+ info)

Does anyone know much about hereditary spastic paraparisis also known as familiar spastic paraplegia?

Has anyone got any info on Hereditary spastic paraparisis also known as familiar spastic paraplegia?? Or has or know any one who has it??Just any info would be great.

My mother and I and 2 siblings all have (correct spelling) familial spastic paraplegia. My maternal Grandmother also had it. My mother is in a chair and I wear orthotics. My eldest sister has the disease the worst of any of the offspring.

As a child my mother used canes to walk, it has now progressed to the point that she uses a wheelchair most all the time. i.e. she does not use it to shower and can stand for minimal time. She still drives but has difficulty lifting her feet to do so.

If you haev questions please feel free to contact me. I will answer any questions I can.  (+ info)

Is there a way to get rid of hereditary bags under my eyes?

How do I get rid of hereditary bags under my eyes?
I have tried potatoes, cold spoons and tea bags but it didn't help at all! Are there any other natural ways to remove them. Or good creams to get rid of them?
And I am pretty sure they are hereditary!

Thanks heaps!

Sadly, no. I have the same issue and I am a licensed esthetician. I have used every eye cream out there.

The best thing you can do is find a really good under eye concealer.

Most people don't realize that the skin under the eye area is seven times thinner then the rest of the face. So you see veins and blood through the skin. Making it appear blue/purplish.  (+ info)

Do you think that anxiety and depression could be hereditary?

Do you think that anxiety and depression could be hereditary?
Its seem like it. My dad used to suffer from depression I dont know about anxiety,and my uncle did too.Thats why I think my uncle became alcoholic,and committed suicide two years ago. Now I 21 and suffer from anxiety ,where I get get constant panic attacks and depression. My two brothers who are 16 and 23 do too. What is wrong with us if its hereditary.Is it chemical imbalance? Is it the way we were raised?When we were kids our parents used to be very strict and didnt let us go outside alot.But our older sister who is 25 right now doesn't have anxiety and depression. So why do I and my brothers have it?How can I get rid off it?Are meds gonna help?Therapy?Religion?Any suggestion will be helpful.

Yes. I think it's heredity. At least that's what I've read. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain. The hormone that is effected is seratonin. That's one of them. Chemical imbalances can cause an array of problems...melatonin disturbances (sleep disorders), etc. There are options to help, such as medication. You need to make an appointment with your doctor and discuss this with him/her. Once you get on a medication that helps, the world will become a much nicer place.  (+ info)

Is shyness hereditary or is it part of upbringing?

Is shyness hereditary or is it part of upbringing? Could it be part of genetics or could it be from strict parenting?

There may be a genetic component-scientists are finding new gene links everyday now. However, shyness also is part of being self-conscious about some part about yourself. I was shy as a teen until I realized that most people are more interested in themselves than they are in me! So focus on making other people happy and you will stop focusing on yourself.  (+ info)

Is having a drug and alcohol problem hereditary?

My mom use to be an alcoholic, and she's been changing very much. She was talking to me the other day, and she said it's a hereditary thing. Like, I might become an alcoholic. Personally, I just think it's just YOUR problem, you can't really go and blame your family because they gave you that trait. I believe that you just have to take control of your own body, and do the right thing so you don't become an alcoholic/drugie.
That's just my opinion though.

I t is like diabetes,if you have it in your family,I truly think that it is passed down.
I only have my own experience.But even in my family,we had all the characteristics
of an addictive family.
Good luck in your search.  (+ info)

What is Hereditary Breast Cancer? What are the symptoms and causes of it?

I don't want information on breast cancer. It needs to be HEREDITARY breast cancer.

Approximately 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers are due to heredity. The majority of women with breast cancer have no known significant family history or other known risk factors.

The National Institute of Health's National Human Genome Research Institute has a very thorough website concerning hereditary breast cancer which I've sourced for you below.  (+ info)

Can patience actually be learned or is it hereditary?

I think my impatience is hereditary because my dad is impatient and I am as well. It is the one thing which I wish I never had, but then I wouldn't be me. But can I actually learn to be more patient or am I doomed with this? Thank you!

Of course you can! Don't you know that half of your characteristics are learned from the environment you are raised in? This means you can change anything about yourself! It's not all hereditary. We are not animals, thankfully! (: Now all you have to do is research some methods on practicing patience, and find the best one for you. No one here can do that for you. (:

God Bless

Angel  (+ info)

is an i-sopod tank just a floatation tank or is it also a sensory deprivation tank?

I don't want to spend lots of money on a floatation tank without it being what I want is to be. I've tried floatation tanks and sensory deprivation tanks before and there is a big difference in relaxation to me. so can anyone help me with this?

The i-sopod is a floatation tank and a sensory deprivation tank - floatation tanks and sensory deprivation tanks are the same thing. They all use supersaturated Epsom saltwater at skin temperature to achieve null gravity. Floatation tank is just the new name for it because sensory deprivation has negative associations for most people.

However, not all floatation tanks are the same and not all floatation centers are the same. To get the best benefits, you want to float in a very quiet place because it's impossible to completely soundproof a floatation tank. I floated once in a poorly insulated (cold) floatation tank in a noisy floatation center and got no benefits, but most of my experiences are extremely relaxing (warm water, warm air, no noises) and very beneficial. The i-sopod is the newest design, but it accomplishes the same thing as the floatation tanks from the 1970s.  (+ info)

Where is the best place to find support groups for parents of children w/ sensory integration dysfunction?

It is also known as sensory processing disorder. I am open to either online groups or groups that meet locally. I just don't know where to look.
My son is nine. We were told for the last 5 years by the "experts" that he has ADHD and he's just hyper. Well, they were wrong. He has just started occupational therapy for SID, and I have already found NON-medicinal techniques that work for him better than any pill or patch ever could.

I too am the mommy to a child with sensory problems. Here are some really good support groups I have found:




I am the member of a few yahoo groups that support me on various problems that come up with my son's neuromuscular disease and I really don't know how I would manage without their support. There is almost always someone online to answer questions and just give virtual hugs if they are needed. I wish you and your son the best and hope this helps you out.  (+ info)

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