FAQ - hypercalciuria
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clinically,Gitemans,s syndrome is distinguished from bartter,s by?

1hypomagnesemia and hypocalciuria
2hypermagnesemia and hypocalciuria
3hypomagnesemia and hypercalciuria
4hypermagnesemia and hypercalciuria

GITELMANS syndrome, is diagnosed as an accident, in young people with mild hipokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypocalcyuria, metabolic alkalosis, and normal or low blood pressure. (calcium urinary elimination or Sulkovitch test is generally normal)
It is due to the mutation of the gene that controls the absorption of sodium chloride in the sodium chloride cotransported in the DISTAL convoluted tube...
It mimicks tha abuse of high loop diuretics...

Bartters syndrome is a more severe one...(due to deffects in the sodium transportation in the ascending loop of henle)detected from birth, following mental retardation and nephrocalcinosis..., and urinary calcium is normal or high...there is mild hypokalemia, and typically, there is no HYPERTENSION, and magnesium in blood and urine, is typically NORMAL, as it happens in Alports and Conns syndromes ( Hypertension with Hypokalemia with alkalosis)  (+ info)

Hyperparathyroidism question... ?

Do the findings of hypercalcemia AND hypercalciuria implicate hyperparathyroidism, even when PTH levels appear to be normal ?

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A 45-year-old construction worker complained of excruciating intermittent pain in the kidney area, radiating across the abdomen and into the genital area. He also had chills, fever, and nausea. He noticed increased frequency of urination and moderate hematuria. Pertinent 24-hour urinalysis findings indicated crystalline substances in the sediment identified as calcium in nature and a urinary calcium of 300 mg/day. X-ray findings indicated localized stones in the renal pelvis. This person was encouraged to increase his water intake to at least 1.0ñ1.5 L/day and slightly decrease his dietary calcium.

1. This calcium stone former may have the hereditary condition known as idiopathic hypercalciuria. What does this mean?

2. How do stones, or calculi, form?

3. Are calculi formed from minerals or compounds other than calcium? If so, give examples.

4. List some ways renal calculi are removed.

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Fluctuating blood pressure?

(I'm asking on behalf of a 37yo female)

Her blood pressure is normally very high, approx. 160/120, though sometimes it drops to about 60/40. Her pulse range is usually 115-130. She also suffers from syncope (fainting) and non-epileptic seizures. Many doctors, neurologists, and cardiologists haven't really offered us much help with a diagnosis. Obviously this won't offer me a thorough one, but perhaps someone could offer some insight.

If it seems relevant, she also suffers from kidney stones due to hypercalciuria, a slipped disc, and chronic pain and insomnia (for all of which she takes medication).

Has anyone else had similar problems and/or could anyone offer some insight?

Thanks :)

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