FAQ - leukoplakia, oral
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What are oral rehydration salts and ringer lactate?

I'm doing a presentation on water and waterborne illnesses. Supposedly, Cholera is treated with oral rehydration salts and ringer lactate. Please explain how these methods work and what they are. Any information on them will be appreciated.

You can search about ORESOL (Oral Rehydration Solution) or in easier terms a solution thats made up of 1 liter of water with 8 tsp of sugar and 1 tsp of salt. This solution is the most inexpensive solution for rehydration especially in 3rd world countries. Ringer Lactate (Lactated Ringer) is a dextrose solution (IV fluids), I forgot if it's a hypotonic or isotonic solution. But you can search for that.  (+ info)

What is the difference between an oral drug examination and a urine sample examination?

I need to know how far back an oral examination is good at detecting drug use. I have an important interview coming up with a company I want to work for and if given the job, I will have to submit to an oral drug screening. I don't know if I should have something to worry about or if it's a less effective method than the urine specimen examination.

An oral examination doesn't go back nearly as far as a urine sample. Its out of your saliva quicker than your urine.

"For most drugs, the window of detection in oral fluid is about one-to-three days."  (+ info)

How long does it take for oral contraceptives to become effective after being on antibiotics?

I use oral contraceptives alone for birth control, and was prescribed a seven day course of Macrobid. I did have break through bleeding on the second day... When do the oral contraceptives become effective again in preventing pregnancy?

i believe like 3 or 4 days.. for the meds to get out of your system.. if i were you just to play it safe i would wait 7 days or use condoms too  (+ info)

How safe is oral surgery if there is a chance you could be pregnant?

I am having my wisdom teeth extracted on the 18th, there is a chance I could be pregnant, bc my husband and I have been ttc for a year. Does anyone know if you can have oral surgery when you might be pregnant, and if you can would harm the fetus?

Considering they gave me an iv and put me to sleep when I got mine out, I'd say it's not safe. I know when I was definitely pregnant and I had a cavity that needed to be taken care of, they waited to fix it until after I had my baby. And that would have only been a shot of novocaine. A lot more is involved for a set of wisdom teeth. I'd definitely speak with them first.  (+ info)

How long after giving oral sex can you typically see an outbreak of herpes?

How can you be sure you have herpes once you have engaged in oral sex? How long will it typically take for someone to see the visual symptoms of and STD once infected? Informative answers are greatly appreciated.

You don't always get genital herpes from oral sex but it's possible.I contracted oral herpes on my genitals after receiving oral sex from my boy friend who had a healing cold sore. You could see one as early as 2 days but your body can suppress the virus to keep it from breaking out for months or even years after you contracted it. It won't always be a visual symptom but you may feel some burning or tingling sensations down there before you see any thing.
Cold sores can be passed (what can be caused by oral herpes) to the genitals during oral sex if there is an out break. When there is no out break it's harder but still slightly possible to pass on.
As soon as you start to feel symptoms or have an out break, get the out break tested by your doctor for herpes.  (+ info)

Can I start taking oral decongestants after the 3 days of using nasal spray?

I have been informed that nasal sprays should only be used for 3 days. But after that, what can I do to relieve my stuffy nose? Can I then start taking oral decongestants?

The 3 day rule for nasal sprays applies to Afrin and Neosynephrine. Oral decongestants can cause problems also but to a lesser extent, you can take the oral decongestants right away. If you have a stuffy nose from allergies, try a nasal steroid or antihistamine spray. These are powerful medications and don't have the rebound congestion problems.  (+ info)

When do I start oral hygiene for my baby?

Do I need to worry about doing anything for her gums before she has teeth?

Nobody mentioned anything to me at the hospital about infant oral hygiene? :)
She is 6 weeks and breast fed.

You should use a wet washcloth on her now, at least once a day. Just wipe gently around her gums with room temperature water. It will make for a healthier mouth, gums and teeth when they do come in. I started using the baby toothpaste and a soft baby toothbrush when they got their first tooth. It has no fluoride in it so it can be swallowed with no worries, no spitting or rinsing necessary.  (+ info)

How long do symptoms of oral thrush take to manifest?

If you have come in contact with someone infected with a yeast infection/oral thrush, how long do symptoms take to manifest?
It has been three days since the contact.

that's generally not how it works. there has to be a reason for yeast build up -the body's pH system is out of whack for some reason. if you are concerned, drink pure cranberry juice and eat yogurt or see your doctor.  (+ info)

What is the difference between oral herpes and genital herpes?

If u have oral herpes, can they be transmitted to the genitals? They are different right?

Blistery sores, caused by Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection, that most often occur where moist lining membranes meet the skin around the mouth, nose, the genitals & the anus. There are two known types of HSV: type 1 & type 2. Type 1 mainly causes cold sores around the mouth. Most people who get oral herpes have been infected during childhood, mostly before the age of 5. Type 2 usually affects the genital region, & is generally sexually transmitted. However, either type can infect any part of the body covered with stratified epithelium (a surface layer that is many cells thick), including the buttocks, thighs, neck, vagina & cervix, the lining of the mouth & the cornea (transparent area in front of the coloured part of the eye). Herpes simplex is most often caught by direct contact with another person's sore. The virus gets in through a break, which may be too small to be noticed, in skin or membranes. Because kissing & sexual intercourse are most common close encounters we have with others (& are also likely to cause small breaks in membranes or skin), the mouth & genitals are the most common sites of infection. The virus is sometimes transferred by contaminated hands or utensils - probably the way it spreads when oral herpes infects school children, or when the eye becomes infected. A baby may be infected during birth if the mother has a genital herpes sore at the time, or if it has contact with the virus( by kissing or from contaminated hands) in early months of life.
After a person becomes infected there is an incubation period of 2 to 21 days before symptoms appear for the first time. This is called the primary attack (subsequent attacks are called recurrences). Tingling sensations may herald the developement of painful red blistered swellings at the site of infection. After a day or so blisters break to form ulcers, which often merge to form larger ulcers. Nearby glands become swollen & tender. After 1 to 3 weeks the body's defences begin to overcome the multiplication & spread of the virus at the primary site of infection. The ulcers dry & form scabs, & when the scabs drop off the skin under them will have healed.
The primary attack of herpes may be very severe, possibly with fever, headache & aching muscles at its height. Swelling & ulcers can spread widely & be very painful. In genital herpes, swelling around the opening of the uretha (which drains urine from the bladder) can make it difficult or almost impossible to pass urine. Recurrences are rarely as severe as the primary attack.
During the primary attack, the virus enters the nerve that supplies the area where the sore appears & migrates along the nerve to its root near the spinal cord. Here it remains, mostly in a dormant state, for life. In some circumstances, thought to be connected with reduced immune function, the virus is reactivated & starts to multiply in the nerve root. It may then migrate back down the nerve to the skin to cause a recurrence of herpes in the area supplied by the nerve. Some people infected by herpes simplex never or seldom get recurrences. If recurrences do occur they are usually milder than the primary attack. They become less frequent as time goes by. People who have repeated attacks of herpes simplex often know what is likely to trigger an attack: other illness (hence the names 'cold sores' & 'fever blisters'; being overtired, emotionally upset, jetlagged or 'hung over'; & local injuries such as sunburn, chapping or a blow on the mouth. Sometimes recurrences turn up for no apparent reason, but mosy sufferers feel that they can reduce their number by avoiding whatever is likely to bring them on.
Sorry went a little of track there, probably a little too much info!!!
Regards, Starlet..  (+ info)

What are the differences between oral bisphosphonates and iv bisphosphonates?

aside from the fact that one is oral and the other is iv.

speed of action. oral meds take longer to take effect. iv meds have a rapid onset.  (+ info)

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