FAQ - movement disorders
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What happens if a baby has a bowel movement in the womb?

During pregnancy doesn't a child have a bowel movement? What happens to that substance? I know it's bad to have a movement during birth, but don't they have movements before?

Babies SHOULD NOT have a bowel movement in the womb!! They could inhale it and it could be fatal....That is why docs don't let you go more than two weeks over..

Meconium aspiration syndrome is a common cause of serious illness and even death in newborns. Meconium is a thick, dark, sticky substance inside the fetal intestines that is usually passed as a bowel movement after birth. About 10 percent to 15 percent of babies will pass some meconium before birth. But only a small number of these babies will develop meconium aspiration syndrome, which occurs when a newborn inhales (aspirates) a mixture of meconium and amniotic fluid either while in the uterus or just after delivery.

Risk factors for meconium aspiration include:

Baby is born one to three weeks past the expected due date
Maternal diabetes
Maternal high blood pressure
Difficult labor or delivery
Fetal distress
Decreased oxygen to the infant while still in the uterus (intrauterine hypoxia)

A doctor may make a diagnosis of meconium aspiration in an infant by:

Meconium visible in the amniotic fluid
Examination of the baby's voice box (larynx) using a laryngoscope to check for meconium staining on the vocal cords
Listening to the infant's lungs with a stethoscope to check for abnormal breathing sounds
Blood gas analysis
Chest X-ray

Treatment may include:

Suctioning of the mouth, nose and trachea to remove as much meconium as possible
Supplemental oxygen or use of a ventilator, if the baby develops breathing problems related to meconium aspiration

Potential serious complications of meconium aspiration include:

Aspiration pneumonia
Persistent pulmonary hypertension, a type of high blood pressure that only affects the arteries in the lungs
Collapsed lung tissue (pneumothorax)  (+ info)

How much movement is normal at 24 weeks pregnant?

I feel a lot of movement at times everyday. Some days are more quiet than others. I know that every baby is different. All day long yesterday I only felt a movement every once in a while and then at night I felt at least 10 in 15 minutes.

  (+ info)

What does it mean when movement of the baby decreases, and the baby drops?

I am only 32 weeks and I've noticed that my babies movement has decreased, and I felt a great amount of pressure in my rectum area, and people have noticed that the baby dropped. Does this mean I can possibly have my baby early?

all it means is that your baby is running ot of room where he is and has moved lower down, unfortunately its not an indication of your baby being early, it could just mean you will be very uncomfortable for the rest of your pregnancy!  (+ info)

How do you get nice movement with african american relaxed hair?

I have hair about neck length. I am going to get a relaxer put in on Saturday. How can I make my hair have movement, body, and shine without using heat? I hate rollersetting because it curls my hair around my face! How can I prevent that? Using big rollers?

have your stylist to do what is known as a Doobie Wrap....she will put huge rollers at the top and wrap the rest, and when it dries the top will sit higher and be fuller and the curls will only be at the top, so u will get the bounce without it being overly curly all over your head. but i always got the best results from a good hot flat iron and some spray to protect from the heat. also dont use grease, it will weigh your hair down  (+ info)

What are some ailments and disorders that involve the human body's nervous system?

I would like to know what disorders/ailments affect the nervous system for a biology project, and I figured this was the best place to go.

I have autoimmune pernicious anaemia (unable to absorb vitamin B12 in the digestive system) which affects the nervous system as B12 is essential to maintain the myelin sheath around the nerves. If undiagnosed, it can lead to permanent paralysis, be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease (and cause permanent Alzhemier's disease if not diagnosed in time) and MS and is fatal without treatment. Misdiagnosis is common as lab levels are far too low. I have nerve damage in my finger still from being misdiagnosed. I had to diagnose myself.

Pernicious Anaemia:

http://www.drdach.com/B12_Jeffrey_Dach_drdach.html  (+ info)

What is the difference between quartz and japan movement on a watch.?

I am buying a watch online and am wondering what is the difference between watches that say that they have quartz movement and the ones that say that they have japan movement.

Also which one is better.

Think you in advance for any help.

i dono.  (+ info)

What are the odds of my children inheriting these disorders?

My fiance and I were in the process of planning our wedding, when he told me his father and aunt have a seizure disorder; presumably from his paternal grandmother, because his father and aunt have different fathers. Now, my fiance also has an aunt (on his mother's side) that has Downs Syndrome. I am concerned about possibly passing something onto my future children. What are the odds of my children inheriting one or both of these disorders?

Down Syndrome isn't something that is inherited, and seizure disorders rarely are. So very low.

If you really are concerned you could talk with a geneticist. But as far as I can tell, there probably is no need to.  (+ info)

How can you guarantee a bowel movement every morning?

I just want to know a healthy, natural way to have a bowel movement every morning. Sometimes I will go days without having one. I don't want to use laxatives or anything like that. Thanks!

I have found a really good way to have several easy normal bowel movements: Eat a small bowl of bran as often as you like. I mix the bran with yogourt and honey, or milk, meusli, whatever you fancy, or sometimes just with hot water. Luckily for me I really like plain bran.  (+ info)

What is the best way to prevent movement in a broken bone?

My grandmother has broken her upper arm. The surgeon says because of the severe osteoporosis she will not heal. This is the second break in the same place and the last time it took 9 months and weird devices to heal the break. They can't do general anesthetics because of allergies and won't put pins or plates in because the doc says it will just break the bone more.

She is currently in your average arm sling and a special brace and has been instructed not to move the arm at all. She is not compliant at all and continues to use the arm whenever not directly supervised. She has mild to moderate dementia. I have bandaged her hand directly to her chest to prevent movement but she still manages to move it.

I need a way to prevent her from moving the limb when she is not supervised. Can the elbow and shoulder be completely immobilized in a special sling or brace? Should we just bandage the arm directly to her side? Help I am at a loss here.

I feel so sorry for your grandmother, I broke my upper arm and had to have a rod and 3 screws put in it. It is very,very painful. I suggest to ask the doctor about a brace that keeps the arm close to her body. Unlike one of the other answers, she doesn't need to be moving it, until it sets. If she keeps moving it, the bone will not repair itself.
I hope you have her on some pain medication, and find some ways to keep her from getting depressed. This bone takes several months to heal.
Best of Luck,,And I congratulate you for being concerned about your grandmother. Have you looked into a home care provider to help look after her, depending on her income she may be entitled to this for free.  (+ info)

What kindof cases/disorders would one expect to find on a Medical Endocrinology ward?

I know it is related to hormones, and there seems to be a varying amount of related disorders - from diabetes to thyroid to cancer. Are there any specific disorders in relation to Medical Endocrinology (in the UK)?

Here are some examples: patients with pancreatitis, patients in diabetic coma, sent up by the ER, patients in severe hyperglycemia sent up by the ER, patients with Addisons disease (adrenal trouble), patients with severe anaphylactic reactions that has not been properly diagnosed, young girls with severe abdominal pains who tell you when you ask whether they have had sex : "No doctor I am not married!" with an innocent smile and are about to loose a 6 week embryo,patients with acute neurotoxin infections from seafood, and other sources, patients with chronic heavy metal infections: lead, arsenic , benzene compounds, patients with wrongly diagnosed epileptic seizures.....you want more, we have seen them all mate.  (+ info)

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