FAQ - neoplasms, ductal, lobular, and medullary
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how do i know when is chemotherapy for ductal and lobular breast cancer?

when is need chemotherapy after radical mastectomy for patient with mixed invasive ductal and lobular carcinoma (grade 3 score 8) 2-involement of two axillary lymphnodes by tumoral lesion were seen.mastectomy of one mam is done -age is 61-?

After you were diagnosed and work up was completed you should have been referred to an oncologist who would have told you. The surgeon should have also told you when to follow up with them and the oncologist.  (+ info)

What is the connection between malignant neoplasms and crabs?

The more common term for malignant neoplasms, cancer, is Latin for crab, and the word "carcinogen," meaning a cancer-causing agent, comes from the Greek word for crab, "karkinos." What is the connection between these two seemingly unrelated things?

Cancer, both the disease and the astronomical constellation, derive from the Latin cancer or cancrum, meaning crab. The astrological sign, of course, is said to resemble a crab and the disease was so named by the ancient Greek physician Galen (129-200 A.D.) who noted the similarity between a certain type of tumor with a crab as well—the swollen veins around the tumor resembling the legs of a crab.

Old English adopted cancer directly from Latin and used it for a variety of spreading sores and ulcers. This early sense survives in the modern word canker. From c.1000 in a manuscript called Læce Boc (Leech Book), collected in Oswald Cockayne’s Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England, Vol. II, 1865:

Gemeng wið þam dustum, clæm on ðone cancer.
(Mix with the dust, smear on the cancer.)

And from Wyclif’s 2 Timothy, 1382:

The word of hem crepith as a kankir

The word was being applied specifically to the disease we today call cancer by the beginning of the 17th century. From Philemon Holland’s translation of Pliny’s Historie of the World:

Cancer is a swelling or sore comming of melancholy bloud, about which the veins appeare of a blacke or swert colour, spread in manner of a Creifish clees.

The astronomical sense of cancer is from the Latin name for the constellation of the crab. The name was known to the Anglo-Saxons, but only as a Latin name and was not assimilated into English until the Middle English period. It appears in Ælfric’s De Temporibus Anni, written c.993, in a list of the constellations of the Zodiac:

Feorða • Cancer • þæt is Crabba
(Fourth, Cancer, that is the crab.)

The Anglicized name appears c.1391 in Chaucer’s Treatise on the Astrolabe:

In this heved of cancer is the grettist declinacioun northward of the sonne...this signe of cancre is clepid the tropik of Somer.
(At this first point (head) of cancer is the greatest declination northward of the sun…this sign of cancer is named the tropic of summer.)

(Source: Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition)  (+ info)

What are the treatment options for invasive Ductal Carcinoma In Situ?

I was diagnosed with invasive Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. It was 1.7 cm. in size. Had lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy. The pathology they did during surgery came back clean. I am very scared. Any information would be appreciated.
I thought the invasive diagnosis was unusual also, but I saw the breast biopsy report and that is what it said.

It is impossible to have “invasive Ductal Carcinoma In Situ” as in situ means non-invasive. Are you saying you have invasive ductal carcinoma AND DCIS? Treatment option should have been discussed with you before you had surgery as what kind of surgery you have is based on your decision. I think you need a other talk with your doctor.  (+ info)

Loops of henle - what would happen if it shortened and didnt reach the medullary region of the kidney?

Hypothetically... What would happen if all the loops of henle shortened, to the extend that they could not reach the medullary region of the kidney? (In a human) I would love answers no longer than a paragraph or two please that are relatively easy to understand but not preschool as i have some basic understanding. Thanks so much.

Well, the medulla is the place where the urine is concentrated to an osmotic strength higher than the blood plasma; that would no longer work, so urine could maximally have the osmotic strength of blood plasma. As long as one drinks enough, that would not be so much of a problem.  (+ info)

What and where is my lobular anterior of my brain?

I had CT scan in ER for concussion. They said I had lots of falcine calcifications in this region. I suffer from walking, balance and feeling problems in my legs and right arm.

That's your frontal lobe. It makes sense, considering your injury. Anterior means front. Your frontal lobe is at your forehead. I would assume this is where you were hit.  (+ info)

What is the basis of differing actions of antineoplastic agents on different tissue/neoplasms?

What is the basis for differing tissue- and neoplasm-specificites of antieoplastic chemotherapeutic agents? This doubt arose because considering what the pharmacokinetics of these drugs are it remains to be answered as to why a certain agent would act only in a particular tissue or neoplasm when the mechanisms they employ are so similar, e.g., various alkylating agents in spite having same action act of different tumors with differing degrees of effectiveness. Hope someone answers the question specifically. Useful links to free-text articles would also be highly appreciated. Bye. TC.

If you have thoughts on this subject, you ought to have the initiative to research it yourself.  (+ info)

What causes breast and arm pain after having biopsy with Lobular Carcinoma in Situ diagnosis?

I can barely raise my arms up over my head. I have sever pain between the shoulders and elbow on both arms. I had three wire localizations with excisional biopsies in April 2008, and this has gotten alot worse since the surgery. What can I do and where should I start to look for answers.?

look in the chat section of this link and see if someone their is experienced the same problems that you are having, but I would advise you to go and see your doctor just in case you have developed an infection from having a biopsy done. good luck.xx  (+ info)

what is the survival chances of a woman with invasive ductal carsenoma?

my duaghter in laws sister was diagnosed with invasive ductal cancer stge 2 what is her chances of survival.? She had her breast removed tuesday morning and she is 26 yrs old.

It depends on the stage and also the pathology report. Stage 2 is not too bad, but were there any positive nodes?
Other bad news in the pathology report includes Estrogen (ER) negative, Progesterone (PR) negative and HER-2/NEU positive, as well as high mitotic rate and other indications of an aggressive tumor histology. With negative nodes, she has a good chance of survival.
Breast cancer at 26 is often indicative of a family history of breast cancer. If a family history exists on either her mother's side or her father's side, she should consider genetic testing, Tamoxifen and maybe prophylactic mastectomy.  (+ info)

I would like to have info re: medullary hematopoiesis o. What is the standard treatment procedure?

production of the blood cells causing deposits outside of the bone marrow.

I'm not sure what you are trying to find out and don't know what you mean by "deposits" but here is some basic info on blood cell production
Haematopoiesis (american spelling hematopoiesis) is the scientific name for the production of blood cells

Medullary haematopoeisis is the term used for when the bone marrow is the site where this happens ( the bone marrow is the main site normally in an adult, but is not the main site in early stages of foetal development when it is the "yolk sac" or the liver and spleen that are the main sites, depending on the stage of foetus life).

Haematopoiesis basically is the process by which a stem cell matures in the bone marrow through several stages before it develops into a functional particular cell type (one of the types of white blood cells, a red blood cell, or platelet) that is then released into the blood.

I wondered if you ment "extramedullary haematopoieis" (blood cell production outside the bone marrow) - this is when the liver and spleen revert to producing blood cells in an adult and usually occurs when there is a disease that affects the functioning of the bone marrow, or when demands are placed on the body to produce blood cells quickly (eg in severe anaemia such as thalassaemia or sickle cell disease, the demand to produce red cells is so great that extramedullary haematopoiesis is needed, and the spleen and liver can become enlarged because of this)

Extramedullary hematopoiesis occurs in severe chronic anemia, which can arise from deficiency disorders such as vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, or from disorders affecting stem cells. The latter are classified as:
a) stem cell dysplasia, as in thalassemia, sickle cell hemoglobinopathy, and hereditary spherocytosis;
b) stem cell failure resulting in aplastic anemia;
c) uncontrolled stem cell proliferation, as in polycythemia vera;
and d) malignant transformation and replacement, as in leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and metastasis.

Extramedullary hematopoiesis mainly involves the reticuloendothelial (RE) system (liver, spleen, and lymph nodes) but is also known to occur in every organ of the body, including the thyroid, prostate, pericardium, kidney, and lungs. Most often, it is microscopic and asymptomatic, but it can sometimes manifest as enlarged organs (organomegaly) and tumor-like masses. Rarely, it can cause cord compression, pleural effusion, massive hemothorax, and respiratory failure.

The only "deposits" I can think of are things such as "Heinz bodies", (the red cell contains bits of oxidised denatured haemoglobin) These would not be present on a normal blood film test as the spleen removes such cells from blood, but they can occur when there are problems with the spleen (the spleen is often the main site for extramedullary haematopoiesis)
Or perhaps you mean "nucleated red cells" (an "early" red cell which would not normally be seen in a normal healthy blood film as it would not normally be released from bone marrow into blood stream until it has lost its nucleus) or or "Howell-Jolly bodies" (contains remnant of DNA left in red cell), or increased numbers of "reticulocytes", (an "early" red cell with a bit of nuclear material left in it) .
Reticulocytes normally only make up 0.5-2% of red cells but can increase in numbers in haemolytic anaemia for example as the bone marrow tries to increase rate of red cell production to compensate for the haemolysis.

Bone marrow diseases such as leukaemia, are also ways in which haematopoeisis has "gone wrong" but in the case of leukaemia it is white cell production (also sometimes called "leucopoeisis" or "granulopoeisis") that is not functioning correctly, again in these cases you can get "early bone marrow blood cells" ("leukaemic cells") released into blood stream before they should normally be released.
I hope this has helped for more details on haematopoeisis try this site
http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/instruct/tcolvill/435/hematopoiesis.htm  (+ info)

What is a successful treatment for thyroid medullary cancer?

Talk to a doctor, try Yahoo Health and webmd.  (+ info)

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