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What natural disaster preceded the spread of the bubonic plague thirty years before its outbreak?

What natural disaster preceded the spread of plague thirty years before its outbreak, and how did this disaster make the population more susceptible to plague?

I learned some cool stuff, including the answer to your homework question, just by copying and pasting your question word for word into google. I was surprised actually.

Just saying.  (+ info)

What is the difference between the Black Death and Bubonic Plague?

Every single research site contradicts another site. I would simply like clarification on the terminology.
Is the Black Death the same as the Bubonic Plague? If so, why aren't the 1600's outbreaks listed under Black Death outbreaks? Does the Black Death term encompass the Bubonic/Pneumonic/Septicemic Plagues?
Which term is correct for referring to the London outbreaks in the 1600s?

"What is the difference between the Black Death and Bubonic plague?" -- Bubonic plague was also referred to as the Black Death. So, there is no difference.

"If so, why aren't the 1600's outbreaks listed under Black Death outbreaks?" -- The London plague of the 1600s was the Black Death, i.e. Bubonic plague. It first showed in 1348 but the pandemic outbreak occurred during the 1600s. I've seen it listed under Black Death outbreaks and am not sure why you have not.

"Does the Black Death term encompass the Bubonic/Pneumonic/Septicemic Plagues?" -- Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes Bubonic plague, pneunomic plague and septicemic plague. These are all variations of the infection. Bubonic plague was the most common form. If the bacteria settled in the lungs, the result was pneunomic plague. It it entered the bloodstream, it was septicemic plague. Black Death is the collective name for these three types of plague.

"Which term is correct for referring to the London outbreaks in the 1600s?" -- Since they involved all 3 variations, Black Death would be appropriate.  (+ info)

What is the modern equivalent to the bubonic plague in severity and death rate?

I'm sitting here thinking, and I've always wondered what the modern-day equivalent would be to the plague... Severity-wise, and/or death per year rate-wise...
Also, would there possibly be a cure for it???

Malaria. Kills millions of people in Africa a year. Horrible disease.

Andrew Guenther  (+ info)

When did the black plague start for the first time?

When did the black plague start to get extremely bad, and what month did it start in?

The worst years were from 1348 to 1350. It was in the Crimea in 1346 but is believed to have originated in Central Asia before then, in China in the early 1330s. I don't think you're going to find information as specific as what month.  (+ info)

How does the bubonic plague affect the human immune system?

I'm doing a science project about the Bubonic Plague. I've searched everywhere and I can't find the answer to this.

  (+ info)

How do you prevent the spread of the Black Death or plague?

If you were in the middle ages, how could you prevent the spread of the plague in Europe. You cannot invent penicillin.

well keeping clean was big, staying away from rats (they carried fleas that started the plauge) I would live away from the big citys. Keep clean!! wash food stay away from the infected people  (+ info)

What did people think was causing the plague way back when?

How rational were their ideas? Is there anything they did that turned out to be right for the wrong reasons to prevent the spread of plague?

People thought it was a punishment from God for their sins. They thought that people brought it in with them when they traveled. The cause was really fleas that came in on rats, and then after that it was just contagion. There were some people who seemed to be immune to the disease somehow, took care of people who had it, took care of the bodies, and they never got it.

If you're interested in it, there's a great book called The Year of Wonders that does a fantastic job of describing it.  (+ info)

How to remove plague off of retainer?

I have a retainer and sometimes plague accumulates on it. Is there a liquid solution or something that can help remove it?
Yes it is white. Brushing normally doesn't work if it is dry.

either brush it or try efferdent. i use efferden for my retainer it i have never had any plaque on it. use it every morning. put a tab into a cup of water and then put your retainers in to it, let sit for 1/2 hr then rinse out. efferdent you can get at any grocery store in the toothbrush isle. it come in a box.  (+ info)

How is the bubonic plague spread among humans?

Be specific.
and please be sure is right like don't just come up with it be sure!
and do you know any good website about the bubonic plague{black death}
if so please tell?

The infecting organism came from rats initially, but then transmitted to humans. From there the human-to-human transmission was facilitated by droplets in the air. Since it was a respiratory infection, people would cough and send droplets of mucous/saliva into the air (you've seen the slow-motion pics of someone sneezing... same idea). The bacteria would be on/in the droplets that were coughed or sneezed and when someone else would inhale them (most likely family members/care takers that were nearby), the infection would pass.  (+ info)

What stops another huge plague like the bubonic plague from happening again?

What stops another huge plague like the bubonic plague from happening again?

The biggest thing is sanitation. We try to keep ourselves clean and have ways to take care of trash and keep down rodent populations. We know about bacteria now so we can try to diagnose and treat before it gets out of hand or spreads. Technology has improved our diagnosing time frame and given us ways to treat it (like antibiotics) so people that might have otherwise died can survive.  (+ info)

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