FAQ - polyps
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Why does my newborn baby have nose polyps?

My baby is 6 days old and I noticed polyps in his nose. Does anyone know if this is normal?

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how do you get rid of nasal polyps without surgery?

i have not been able to smell for over a year, and i have gone to the doctor and they put me on prednisone which shrunk the polyps and i was able to smell again, but shortly after i couldnt smell. any answers?

I've had a lot of nasal polyps due to allergies, so I know how you feel.

You don't want to stay on prednisone very long. It makes you gain weight, hurts your immune system and other problems.

The surgery I had was worthwhile, but if you don't want to do that there are some nasal sprays that help: flonase and nasacort are 2 that I've liked.  (+ info)

Does anyone know of a cure for Nasal Polyps other than surgery and steriod nasal sprays?

I'm alergic to asprin and have asthma. I know it's called Samters syndrome. I want to know if anyone has had this conditioned cured via alternative medicine? I've had two operations and the polyps grow back.

NO SPAM Please.

I recently helped a patient with nasal polyps by using acupuncture. Her polyps went away and have not come back as of yet. One was so big it was actually blocking one of her nasal passages. She has been very happy with the results. However, this is a single case... worth a try though.  (+ info)

How can I get polyps to stop itching?

Last year I developed acute vulvar and vaginal itching and was diagnosed with polyps. I had them mostly removed but small pieces remain. And from time to time I still have acute sharp itching where the polyps were/are. Does anyone know why they itch and how I can get them to stop? I've been tested for every possible infection, so I'm sure it's the polyps and not a yeast infection, etc.

As for what could be causing the itching it could be irritating part of the inside depending on their size (an example only).

As to how to get rid of it the doctor can try something like silver nitrate to try and burn the remains off (another example only but I had something like this done earlier this year with one found on my cervix).

I would recommend going back to your doctor to let them know that this itching is really bothering you and wanted to see what they say could be causing this.  (+ info)

I got diagnosed with nasal polyps ,and Dr wants to take them out with surgery?

Has anyone had nasal polyps and have them removed with surgery,or found relief without surgery?.If you had them removed was the problem fixed and could you breath better?.

I wish my doctor had told me that 35 years ago when I was diagnosed. All he said was "don't bother, they'll just grow back." I have never breathed out of my right nostril and would like to at some point, so I guess I'll have to get a referral to an ENT doc.  (+ info)

Is there a home remedy for urinary bladder polyps?

I was diagnosed with urinary bladder polyps over a year ago and saw them on a monitor during a cystoscopy. The treatment was apparently going to be very involved and would've required me to lose time from work. My work wasn't going to allow it. Now I don't have health insurance and am trying to find out if there's a natural remedy/home remedy to get rid of the polyps. I'm tired of wearing pads for the "just in case" sneezes, coughs, and hardy laughs.

polyps can be cancerous, so they need to come out sooner or later.  (+ info)

what is the symptoms of gallbladder polyps?

i was ultrasound about 3 months ago with tiny multiple polyps and fatty liver. since then i began to change my lifestyle by eating more fruits, vegetables, fish and taking silymarin capsules everyday. i also let myself do everyday exercises like brisk walking, jogging and basketball. however, it seems that i'm experiencing pains like dizzyness and mild nausea after eating. what could it be? my wife is pregnant, and im not dismissing the signs of couvade.

there is no symptoms other then pain in the stomach area  (+ info)

I think i might have nasal polyps or a very bad sinus infection where fluids are trap?

After many doctor appointed i finally realize i might have nasal polyps or a very sinus infection where fluid or mucus are trap.I can feel my nasal are swallow up and it is bleeding also.Blood is not gushing our or anything but there are blood and sometimes my nose will bleed.Is there a way to stop the infection so it doesnt lead to surgery.What medicine product can i used to kill bacteria and stop the swallow.I use oasis sinus spray will that help???

Has this been officially diagnosed, or are you just jumping to conclusions? If you have nasal polyps it's likely that you will need surgery to remove them if they are severe. Surgery is the only way to get rid of them, I'm afriad - they won't go on their own.

If they are not very severe, your GP may prescribe a nasal spray such as Beconase Aqueous Spray.

This really is something you should be discussing with your Doctor though.  (+ info)

When polyps are removed from the colon are they checked to be cancerous immediately?

Do they test the polyp right there or is it sent out to a lab?

They are checked right there in the room if that is what you mean. If you’re in a hospital they are sent to pathology if you are in a stand alone center they are sent to an outside lab.  (+ info)

How did I get polyps in BOTH ears behind eardrums that keep me from hearing well?

I've had surgery to remove polyps in rightear recently-too soon to know if the hearing is OK again.Would rather not have surgery in Left ear. How would anti-fungal/steroid/white vinegar drops from the outer ear get inside inner to get rid of them?

Ear polyps are a fairly uncommon occurrence but can cause severe damage to the tympanic membrane (eardrum) if not properly diagnosed or treated. Ear polyps can occur in all ages. They affect both sexes equally. The exact cause of ear polyps is not known, however some theories suggest that they result from a reaction to inflammation, possibly caused by bacteria, fungi, or calicivirus. Another possibility is that they originate from some remnants of brachial arches that are present in early fetal development.
Through absorbsion the ointment will get through your inner ear, since polyps grow on the soft membrane, and the drug will permeate throught it.  (+ info)

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