FAQ - prenatal exposure delayed effects
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What are the effects of prenatal viatmins?

One of my friends is taking them to gain weight. She is 14. Not planning on getting pregnant anytime soon. And is not pregnant now.

She also mentioned that her breast got larger and that her hair is growing faster.
What are some of the problems she could face taking the viatmins this way?
Is this safe?

Doctors recommend that women who are sexually active (not your friend, I hope) take prenatal vitamins, even if they are not pregnant and do not plan on becoming pregnant. They are just vitamins. I highy doubt they caused her breasts to grow larger (this is probably just puberty). There is biotin in prenatals, that sometimes causes healthier hair, skin, and nails. But, there really is not any problem with taking vitamins.  (+ info)

What are effects that Benzoyl Peroxide may have on your skin under sun exposure?

It always says on the little tubes of topical acne creams and whatnot that you should avoid sun exposure or use sunscreen when going outside. Why is that? What consequences and effects might it have on your skin if you do?

My skin got REALLY red and irritated, it hurt to go outside in the sun at all. I could feel my skin burning, not pleasant. It peeled and was just plain nasty.

It also increases risks of skin cancer, because it damages your skin preventing its natural defenses.   (+ info)

How do the health effects of exposure to radiation differ for acute vs. low-level exposure?

I know they both can cause cancer, but is there a difference, and what other health other than cancer?

Research has shown that chronic, low-level exposures to radiation actually induce strong adaptations in the body's DNA repair mechanisms. This actually may REDUCE the long-term damage potential because the DNA repair mechanisms are more active.

Acute radiation exposure is just plain damaging to DNA and other macromolecules in cells.  (+ info)

How serious are the respiratory effects of lengthy exposure to air conditioning?

Having a very warm house, as I live in a tropical country with the added disadvantage of having an asbestos roof on my house, which builds up the heat a great deal.Recently I have been suffering from severe nasal congestion with stabbing headaches.I'm just wondering how much of this is due to my having AC in my house.I have tried using a humidifier when I'm running the AC but it doesn't seem to have made a bit of difference.

Living in a tropical country and in a very warm house is what is the problem. An asbestos roof makes the problem worse. The problem is not the AC, though having the AC on blows the dust and mold spores around. And mold spores, dust mites, and asbestos is a dangerous combination. But you say the asbestos is on the roof. Is the roof exposed to the inside? The physical problems you describe are indicative of breathing toxic mold spores.  (+ info)

What are the effects of consistent high altitude then low altitude exposure?

I work at 13,500 feet at least three times a week. My shifts are from 6pm to 6am and pretty gruesome. I'll sleep at around 9,000 feet and head back up, doing this for two to three nights. I'm curious if anyone has written a medical paper or come to an educated conclusion about the physical and/or mental affects this can have on a person?

When the body is exposed to lower oxygen levels (such as at high altitudes), it stimulates the adrenal glands to produce more EPO, which makes more red blood cells for better oxygenation. When you return to low altitudes, you have more absolutely more RBCs than the others. This will give you more endurance, better iron binding capacity, better oxygenation of vital organs such as brain, heart, liver.
I found a medical paper on the effects of sustained altitude on coginitve performance. If you're really interested, you might want to search around a bit on that site (PubMed is the largest online library of medicine - all papers and studies published in various medical journals will eventually end up there).

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=11543214&ordinalpos=5&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum  (+ info)

Prenatal Vitamin side effects on non pregnant women?

I've recently started taking prenatal vitamins because I heard that they help hair growth. My breats have become sore recently too. Could this be a side effect of the vitamins? I'm not pregnant, btw. Thanks for the help.

  (+ info)

What are the effects of prolonged exposure to formocresol?

My mom works with the stuff at her work and says that every time she breathes it in it ends up giving her a headache, so does anyone know what being exposed to this stuff in the air can do?

This sight might help you a little bit.  (+ info)

What are the long-term effects of exposure to mold in the home?

Have you experienced this and how did it effect your family.

Depends on the mold. Whether it is toxic or not. If the mold is growing in a no sunlight environment for instance behind a wall with a water leak then its 100% toxic. Toxic mold exposure can lead to severe brain damage and death. Below is a link of a video on mold exposure  (+ info)

what are the side effects of taking prenatal vitamins if you are not pregnant. ?

i heard from a few friends that prenatal vitamins help your hair and nails grow and clear up your skin. please answer this its a cry for help.

Really, the vitamins won't do anything bad to you. For example, Folic acid (vitamin B9) helps prevent major nervous system defects in the developing embryo. When taken as prenatal vitamin, you only take 400 MICROgrams a day (that's all you need for prevention!) and there is no danger from it at all.

cheers  (+ info)

What are the (if any) side effects if a male starts taking prenatal vitimins. Looking for serious answers only

Looking for a safe way to grow some finger nails, and wondering if there is any side effects that I should be aware of.

There shouldn't be any side effects. They are only vitamins. The only danger would be if they had more than the safe amount for men of vitamins that are dangerous in large quantities, like iron or vitamin A.  (+ info)

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