FAQ - prostatic hyperplasia
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The basis of this question is "Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Disease an acute or chronic disease?"?

I am not quite clear sure how to distungish an acute disease and what is a chronic disease ...i know that acute diseases are short term and chronic disease are long term ..simply...thank you in advance

Acute conditions are severe and sudden in onset. A chronic condition is a long developing condition where symptoms may worsen over time. BPHD is a chronic condition. If the enlargement causes the man to be unable to void urine, he can develop acute urinary retention as a result. The BPHD may not need treatment, but the urinary retention will. The man will still have BPHD, though, unless you remove the prostate- even if you do successfully treat the retention problem. Asthma is a chronic condition, the asthma attack is an acute problem. Hope this clears it for you.  (+ info)

whats d best medicine for benign prostatic hyperplasia?

i just had TURP last week of jan this year. no evidence of malignancy is seen on pathology report. im taking PROSCAR
daily (finesteride) Is it enough?

The best medicine is the one that works for you. If you are having problems with the dosage or the medication, you should be talking to the doctor who prescribed it not strangers on the Internet. Why is your ativar a female?  (+ info)

how is benign prostatic hyperplasia graded by digital rectal examination clinically?

Just as you would expect--the doctor can feel the prostate during the examination. He feels for the size, how hard/soft, any lumps or bumps. Those factors then get graded into a scale.  (+ info)

how can smoking and excessive alcohol may lead to benign prostatic hyperplasia?

Any sort of bad life style habits can cause negative effect to all areas of your health. I don't know if smoking and excessive alcohol causes prostatic hyperplasia but it sure can cause many other conditions some of which could cause this issue to come up.  (+ info)

want to know more about benine prostatic hyperplasia?


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. It is one of the most common health conditions in men during middle and old age.

Prostate growth is a natural occurrence as men age. As the prostate enlarges, it begins to compress the urethra (canal that carries urine out of the body). This may cause bladder and kidney problems.

More than half of men with BPH do not experience symptoms. However, others experience problems with urination. Some men may experience a weak or interrupted urine stream, and others may leak or dribble urine. Other signs of BPH include increased urgency to urinate or more frequent urination, particularly at night.

Please take a look at this medically-reviewed information on BPH as I think it will clear up any questions you may have:

http://pain.health.ivillage.com/chestabdomenpelvicpain/benignprostatichyperplasia.cfm  (+ info)

what medicine to take for bph(Benign prostatic hyperplasia)?

Generally alpha blockers such as doxazosin are used which block the action of alpha receptors and relax the muscle in the prostate and improve symptoms. 5a reductase inhibitors reduce progression. There is also the option of surgery such as the trans urethral resection of prostate (TURP).  (+ info)

how much does it cost for surgery for Prostate Enlargement BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ) in india?

I posted this question to answer so that i can share the info i have collected for few months. so it can be useful to others.. i am not a doctor but i just read on as my dad has BPH...

Syptoms : buring sensation while urinating and frequent visits to bathroom can not sleep whole night..

There are 3 types of surgeries popular in india for prostate enlargement.

1. TURP - cost 10,000 to 30,000 - need stay in hospital for about 5 days - some bleading and not that comfortable for a week or so as they put catheter. after removal recovery period few weeks.

2. HOLEP - Minimal invasive - using laser- so minimal blood loss and faster recovery compared to TURP, mostly no need of catheter in most cases. need stay in hospital 1-3 days. when enquired doctor told me cost around 40,000 (including hospital stay) as they are promoting that time..

3. PVP green light - that is similar to holep, minimal invasive surgery using laser and few blood loss and no need of cathter . can be done as outpatient. if surgery in morning, patient can go home by evening.. costs around 1,30,000 to 1,50,000 ( hospital charges extra)...  (+ info)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia question??????????

Benign prostatic hyperplasia question??????????
Is it possible to get BPH at 21? cuz i frequently have to urinate

It is possible to get BPH at 21, however frequent urination can be caused by many things including UTI, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, or simply drinking too much caffeine which is a diuretic. There are other causes to frequent urination as well. If your symptoms don't improve or get worse within the next few days then you should see your doc.   (+ info)

Any men out there with BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)?

What have you found to be the most effective remedy/treatment?

turp  (+ info)

Describe holistic nursing care afor a client with benign prostatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia..................?

worth 10 points.

Make sure the loo is not too far away!  (+ info)

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