FAQ - pulmonary sclerosing hemangioma
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What does chronic pulmonary disease or disorder mean?

Does chronic pulmonary diseases or disorders make people wake up in the middle of the night due to difficulty in breathing? Does this mean that the lungs can't function anymore, much less about to collapse? Is chronic pulmonary disorder fatal?

COPD is a catch all phase for many lung diseases such as asthma, emphsema, chronic bronchitis and so on. The people who have these types of diseases have hyperactive airways that swell and constrict thus restricting the flow of air both into the out of the lungs. Not only can it cause them to wake at night but can include symptoms like chronic cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, lightheadedness, etc. It doesn't necessaryily mean that their lungs aren't functioning anymore, just that they aren't functioning at the normal capacity. The level at which they do work and improve with medication is solely dependant on the type of disorder and the patient themselves. Remember were all individuals. Only in the case of those with severe emphysema do we worry about spontaneous pneumothorax's (collapsed lung due to air trapped between the lung and the chest wall) due to the bleb structures. As to the fatalities, asthmatics are the ones to worry about the most as most do not take their controller medication as they should and when they have a really bad attack they usually wait to long to go to the hospital and end up dying do to the severity of the attack. Hope that this helps.  (+ info)

Anybody have experiences with pulmonary valve replacement surgery to share?

I have severe pulmonary valve insufficiancy and an enlarged right ventricle and was told I need a new pulmonary valve.
They can't decide if they want to do the surgery now or wait so I get to sit around and think about it for a while.

Not with "Pulmonary" valve replacement, but my husband has had his aortic valve replaced twice. The first time was in 1984 over at Stanford Medical Center. They put in a "Homograph" which is a valve from some one who has recently died. If a human one was not available at the time of surgery they would have put in a pig valve. We were told at the time that the valve would last about 15 years max and that he would not have to take anticoagulants as he would have if he had had a metal valve up in. The metal valves are hard on blood going through and sort of smash the blood cells and that can possible cause clotting...this the anticoagulants. In 1993 he had to have a new valve put in (at a different hopsital) becasue he had gotten an infection and it settled around the valve tissue and basically distroyed it. My husband said he did not want to have another "homograph" or a pig valve. He wanted to have a metal one that would not wear out. At first the sound of it bugged him, but it evenutally became a normal sound to him and he doesn't even notice it much at all...it no longer bothers him. He even says that when he does notice it in an odd way it is comforting to hear it beat strong and regular. He is on anticoagulants, but it has not been a problem at all. You just have to go get the levels tested on a monthly basis once you are stablized after starting. It too become "old hat".

I know for certain if my husband was answering this (he upstairs sleeping) he would advise everyone who goes through open heart surgery to do their coughing exercises when the nurses tell you to and try to do it more if you can. It doesn't feel good because you are sore, but it really helps so much with getting better and faster!!!! Other people who I have talk with that have had a valve replacement say the same thing.

Also, I don't know if it was the difference in proceedures (being 9 years apart...and progress etc) but his second operation was signifigantly less painful and he was off the stronger medication within a day or so. With any major operation, it an assult to your body and it takes time to get your strength back. Once you do though you will have a lot mor energy than you probably have now.
Hope some of this helps. All the best.  (+ info)

What is pulmonary scarring in a chest xray result?

I have the chest xray last august 28, 2009 resulting from suspicious fibrosis. after a week i had the second chest xray. as i remember, last august 28 was my 3rd time this year having a chest xray. does it affect my 4th result? what is pulmonary scarring? please help me, i'm worried na kc..

pulmonary scarring (or Pulmonary Fibrosis) involves scarring of the lung. Gradually, the air sacs of the lungs become replaced by fibrotic tissue. When the scar forms, the tissue becomes thicker causing an irreversible loss of the tissue’s ability to transfer oxygen into the bloodstream.
the symptoms are Shortness of breath - particularly with exertion
Chronic-, dry hacking cough, Fatigue and weakness, Discomfort in the chest, Loss of appetite, Rapid weight loss  (+ info)

Can a twenty four hour blood pressure moniter tell you if you have Pulmonary Hypertention?

I wore a twenty four hour Bp Monitor and the results were perfect, If I were to have pulmonary hypertension the results would be less then Perfect i assume?

Is this right?
Thank you for your help!
I also had a whole echocardiogram and they saw minor regurgitation but he said its no need to worry about it was fine.

No it would not. The BP monitor does not measures pressures in the pulmonary circulation. The most common first test to evaluate for pulmonary hypertension is usually an echocardiogram, which you have already have. It is the standard of care, for the cardiologist who was reviewing the echo to estimate pulmonary pressures. So if it does not say that your pulmonary pressures are elevated on echo, then it would be unlikely that you have pulmonary hypertension. The next test is called a right sided cardiac catheterization which is also known as a Swan Ganz catheterization. This is performed by a cardiologist. Discuss the results of your echocardiogram with your physician to determine if further evaluation for pulmonary hypertension is needed. Good luck.  (+ info)

What are the post op recommendations for pulmonary valve stenosis repair in infants?

My son recently underwent open heart surgery for stenosis of one of the pulmonary valves. It has been a week and a half since that and I'm following all of the doctors orders, but I would just like to know if there is anything else I can do to help him recover better/faster.

It is always good to follow your doctors advice.  (+ info)

How common are pulmonary flow murmurs in adults?

I'm 22 and have been diagnosed with an innocent pulmonary flow murmur. It's audible only after exercise when i breathe out fully according to the doctor. I've read lots on the internet about these in children but how common are they in adults? could i have had this for years and it go undetected or could it have developed later?

A common sign of pulmonary stenosis is a sound called a heart murmur — an abnormal whooshing sound caused by turbulent blood flow — that your doctor may hear when he or she listens to your heartbeat. Other signs and symptoms may include: Shortness of breath, especially during exertion .Chest pain .Loss of consciousness (fainting) .Fatigue .Poor weight gain (in babies)
Signs and symptoms vary, depending on the extent to which the valve is obstructed. People with mild pulmonary stenosis might have symptoms only while exercising or have none at all.

Pulmonary valve stenosis is a condition in which the flow of blood from your heart to your lungs is obstructed by a deformed pulmonary valve.
The disorder is usually present at birth. Adults occasionally have pulmonary valve stenosis as a complication of another illness.

Pulmonary valve stenosis ranges from mild and without symptoms to severe and debilitating, with most cases being mild. Mild pulmonary stenosis doesn't usually worsen over time, but moderate and severe cases may progress and require surgery. Fortunately, treatment is highly successful, and most people with pulmonary valve stenosis can expect to lead normal lives.

Look after yourself,will you?  (+ info)

How long would it take for a 71 year old male to recover from pulmonary embolism?

My dad had multiple large pulmonary embolisms about a month ago and almost did not make it. I was just wondering about how long the recovery process is for this. Such as shortness of breath, tired, ect.

It can take up to 6 weeks for him to feel as if his energy level is coming back. His doctor will give him an idea as to his activity level that he should be doing or can do and he needs to listen closely to his doctor.  (+ info)

Has anyone used propranolol for treating hemangioma?

My kid's dermatologist just offered us to use propranolol to shrink the hemangioma and make the bump flatter. My kid is 16 months old and her hemangioma is compound strawberry and it is on her forehead. Has anyone have any experience of taking that? How long does it take to see the result? Have you experienced any side-effects? As Dr. said the hemangioma has stopped growing and it may start shrinking on its own. But we want to consider the option of medication as well. Thanks in advance for your help.

Most hemangiomas are just left alone since they often shrink without any intervention. Steroids are usually the medication of choice, although surgery and laser can help. Propranolol is used for severe hemangiomas. Since what your baby has is more of a superficial one, then I don't think you would need it, especially at this young age. Most hemangiomas go away in a few weeks to months.

You may also want to ask a second opinion from another doctor on the right treatment.  (+ info)

Is it possible to get a Pulmonary Embolism while on Warfarin if you've already had one?

I sufford from a Pulmonary Embolism while is hospital about 3 months ago. I am now on Warfarin for 6 months but I am wondering is it possible to get another Pulmonary Embolism whilst on it. Every time i get shortness of breath or pain in my leg i panic! Sensible answers only please! Also, after Warfarin, will i be at a greater risk of getting one even if I'm active?

It is possible, but not likely. When you're on warfarin, you should be having blood tests called a P.T. (Prothrombin Time) and a P.T.T. (Partial Prothrombin Time) which lets your Dr. know if you're blood is anti-coagulated enough. That way the Dr. can adjust your dose when needed. I had a blood clot in my leg that broke off and went into my lungs and my MD had me take these tests weekly for 10 years. I felt the same way you do for many years, but if you have these tests done, that should make you feel less panicked.

Also, there is a new injectable medication now called Lovenox, which acts immediately.

If you're not having these tests done, you should be.  (+ info)

I recently had a pulmonary embolism, currently on warfrin. What are the risks of getting pregnant?

I am concerned about what complications might arrise if I were to get pregnant after my warfrin treatment. Complications for the baby and for myself...Is it ok to have another child after a pulmonary embolism and being on warfrin or are there too many risks invloved?

I have a genetic blood clotting disorder. The disorder predisposes me to having DVT's. I've had 4. Luckily, they were caught early and didn't end up going into a pulmonary embolism. Each time, I was placed on coumadin (warfrin) for at least 6 months.
The first time I got pregnant, I was on the blood thinner. I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks. I miscarried 2 days later. I lost so much blood, I needed transfusions.
My doctor told me Warfrin causes miscarriages in a lot of women. He advised that if I wanted to become pregnant,
to stop the Warfrin and start Lovonox injections instead.
The injections have to be given in the stomach every day,
usually twice a day. They hurt a lot. There is intense burning
feeling afterwards for a couple of hours. Most injection sites bruise badly.
Having had a blood clot, that makes you high risk, so they will insist on the shots every day for the entire 9 months of pregnancy and after if you want to breastfeed.
The downside of Lovenox is that it is very expensive. Over $3000.00 for a month's supply retail. If you have Medicaid,
they'll pay for all of it. If you have private insurance with a prescription copay, you'll just have your copay, unless you hit the max for prescriptions in a year.
They will probably insist on a planned C-section, because your heart and lungs probably won't deal very well with the strain of labor. They won't let you have an epidural and be awake during it, though. You'll get general because of the risk of bleeding around your spine from the Lovenox, iif they gave you the epidural.
Bed rest for the last 6 months of the pregnancy is very probable, too. Been there, done that.
I've had 2 children that are both very heathy toddlers, now.
They are 17 months apart in age.
I had Lovenox shots with them both, bed rest for 6 months with my first, 4 with the second.
If you really want another child and are willing to deal with the risks, it is very very worth it.
As for getting pregnant on warfrin, highly risky....you'll miscarry 80 percent of the time....birth defects for the other 20. Lots of blood loss for you, could be very serious, if not fatal.
Stop the warfrin, go on Lovenox ...then get pregnant, is a better option.  (+ info)

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