FAQ - rheumatic fever
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Is rheumatic fever transferable from mother to child?

Is rheumatic fever transferable from mother to child?A woman rheumatic fever damaged her heart;she live to see her 35th birthday;and bore two children a boy and girl.The boy after attaining the age of thirteen he was diagnose with rheumatic fever.Could you shine some light on this!

Rheumatic fever is caused by the strep virus.The one that causes strep throat. It also causes scarletina and the more viralent scarlet fever.  (+ info)

Have A.Fib as a result of childhood rheumatic fever,affecting a heart valve(will need replacement)?

Use caffeine drinks. Keep in shape. Weight normal.But still palpitations happen,leading to fatigue,difficulty sleeping.
Any suggestions as to what triggers attacks and how to shorten episodes

Caffeine can trigger attacks, as well as some physiological defects. Alcohol is another cause, and there may be a genetic component involved. To shorten episodes, you may refrain from these controllable factors, or if the a-fib is severe enough, you may be eligible for a procedure called a cardioversion. A cardioversion is a fancy term for a mild shock from a defibrillator administered at a precise moment in the cardiac cycle to shock certain abnormal rhythms back into normal sinus. You may mention this to your physician if you are having frequent recurrences and there is a hemodynamic effect of the abnormal rhythm. Good luck, and all the best.  (+ info)

WHat is the name of the pathogen that causes rheumatic fever?

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What are the prospects of getting cured of Rheumatic Fever (a complication of Strep-throat) in a 35 year old?

35 year old male. Symptoms: chest pain; knee-pain, some face twitching, ongoing streptococcus infection (after three full bouts of antibiotics prescribed by doctors, the bacteria is still there). It all started with a sore throat that wasn't treatet immediately... Will I be a carrier (ie a danger to people around me in the meantime?)
Thank you for your answers.
Jen: I haven't been officially diagnosed yet, but the symptoms are all too evident. No rash (yet!). The knees bother me, but the pain is not agonistic... it's worse in the chest actually, and there is still a persistent hint of sore throat... all the way since last March.

When were you diagnosed with Rheumatic Fever? I was diagnosed last July. like you, mine started with an untreated strep throat..I had horrible knee pains to the point i could not move...i didnt have any chest pain or twitching though. One of the Rheumatologists i have seen said that at my age (20) I am least likely to get heart problems because it occurs mostly in young children. Another Dr said that I had a heart murmer but my cadiologist said I did not. I have to take penicillin 2 times a day for 2 years...do you have a rash along with? (Erythema Marginatum) I decided today to actually put my question on here to see if there are other people who are affected with this...please feel free to comment on my question regarding this situation..  (+ info)

Does Rheumatic Fever cause Autistic behavior?

I was watching a movie, Return To Sleepaway and this fat kid had Rheumatic Fever, but he was also acting like a child with aspergers. Also, I know a kid who has it, too, And he also acts like a child with aspergers, is it some form of Aspergers as well.

Rheumatic fever is cause by antibody cross-reactivity[An antigen reacts with an antibody that was made for a different, but similar antigen]. That cross-reactivity can affect the brain. The antibody that identifies a genetic subjectively to rheumatic fever[D8/17] has been found to be elevated in both patients with autism, and rheumatic fever. Because of this, there has been speculation that GABHS infection [a casual agent for rheumatic fever infections] can lead to a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders, including autism.

I've included a link to a book that goes into more detail about this.  (+ info)

20. In rheumatic fever, damage to the heart valves is directly caused by?

A. an uncontrolled spread of streptococcus bacteria.
B. protein antibodies produced to defend the body against streptococcus bacteria.

C. the contest between streptococcus and antibodies that takes place in the body.

D. a heart murmur due to weakness in the heart valves.

B. protein antibodies produced to defend the body against streptococcus bacteria.

100% positive. ;-)

The injury to the heart is a result of the cross reactivity of antibodies to certain cardiac proteins resulting in rehumatic fever.  (+ info)

How long does Rheumatic fever last?

I mean how many days or weeks

Rhumatic fever is a condition that arrises from untreated strep throat. It is not a virus but more of a condition that happens. 3 weeks with treatment but can damage ur heart permanently  (+ info)

Question about rheumatic fever pleasee helpp?

what effects does rheumatic fever has on the body both internally and externally??
please answerrr

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Is Rheumatic fever and Scarlet fever the same thing. Just different words for teh same condition?

Scarlatina is an exotoxin-mediated disease caused by Group A streptococcal infection that occurs most often in association with a sore throat and rarely with impetigo or other streptococcal infections. It is characterized by sore throats, fever and a rash over the upper body that may spread to cover almost the entire body. Scarlet fever is not rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever is the autoimmune disease that occurs after infection with Group A strep that causes damage to the heart valves.  (+ info)

i had rheumatic fever and it was cured , is it possible to have it again?

when I was a kid i had rheumatic fever but it was cured and now i have problem breathing and i have chest pain as well and it happen when i am running
or walking or just setting down? so is it possible that rheumatic may came back?

The current symptoms are unlikely to be due recurrence of rheumatic fever. But your symptoms have to be evaluated medically to look for any residua of the past rheumatic fever or a new illness.  (+ info)

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