FAQ - tenosynovitis
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Has anyone ever had Tenosynovitis?

It occurs in the hand when tendons and the tendon sheath on the thumb side of the wrist swell and become inflamed. I had it last year in my left hand and it took months for it to go away. Now I have it in my right hand. I'm using a splint, icing it, and taking ibuprofen to reduce the swelling. Does anyone know of any tricks to help it go away faster?

Yes, it is a wonderful thing, cortisone inaction at the sight. Painful for a few minutes but oh what a relief it is after! Good luck!  (+ info)

i have tenosynovitis (its a type of tendonitits) and pain meds not helpin much any foods that can help?

Dunno about foods, but ask your doctor if a TENS machine might help.  (+ info)

Tenosynovitis has anyone had it?

Has anyone had it before? How long did it take to heal?


Have I got Quervains Tenosynovitis? It started with burning sensation on the tips of my thumb & 1st finger.?

My Doctor has diagnosed Quervains Tenosynovitis in my left hand/arm but I am unsure if this is correct as the symptoms I initally experienced are not mentioned in any of the literature relating to the above. My 1st symptom was an intense burning sensation on the side of my thumbnail and the pain then spread to tip of my 1st finger (it felt like I was holding my finger & thumb against a hot iron). If I applied pressure it would increase (or sometimes induce) the burning sensation & my thumb & finger would feel like I had slammed them in a door. Now (2 weeks later) I have an aching pain in my arm & wrist and it is made worse if I move my thumb. 1 week ago I developed a ganglian cyst the size of a pea on the 2nd joint of my 1st finger. It is painful to use my hand and I have my hand & wrist bandaged up for support & to stop me using it (I am left-handed).

Can anyone give me any suggestions what it could be and what I can do about it?

Thank you.

The best answer that I can give is to go back to your doctor, and let them know how the symptoms are changing. They will have a much fuller appreciation of your history and the professional knowledge to give a proper diagnosis.  (+ info)

Acupuncture vs. sports therapy: I have a chronic condtion of tenosynovitis above my?

left ankle; I rec'd it after a collision on the soccer field with another player three summers ago. The pain I feel is still fresh when I poke at it. Now, I'm starting to feel it a little more even when I'm not running around. I have spoken to two acupuncturists who say I need a total of 10 sessions to heal it, which would cost an estimated $700. Currently, I'm unemployed. I'm wondering if going to a sports therapist instead would be better and more economical. Plus, would the pain really dissipate with acupunture? Thanks.

Usually acupuncture is more a blocking the pain treatment versus fixing the problem

Personally, I would see an Orthopedic Doctor and follow his/her advice not us Y/A crack pots, lol.

GOD LUCK!.  (+ info)

De Quervain Tenosynovitis in both hands, help?

About 3 months ago I started suffering with De Quervain Tenosynovitis, affecting the thumb/wrist of my right hand. I got it seen to at the hospital and have been doing everything I can to alleviate it since then. It acts up every now and again but it seems to be a lot better.

Over the past couple of days I seem to have developed the same kind of pain in my left thumb/wrist. Is it possible to suffer from this in both hands??

I wear a brace on my wrist and try to do as little as possible with it. I also take anti-inflammatory painkillers such as Ibuprofen and Aspirin, as I was told to by my Doctor.

I'm worried that over-use of my right hand now my left hand is also in pain could aggravate the condition in that hand also, then I'd be stuck with 2 hands I can't use :/

Is there anything else I can or should be doing that could help??

The last thing I need is for both hands to be in pain at the same time, then I won't be able to anything!!
I've heard that a simple surgical procedure can alleviate the problem. Unfortunately, having very recently moved to the USA, I don't have any cover as far as health insurance at the moment and there's no way I could afford to get this done privately. I would like to know if there's anything i can do in the mean time to help alleviate the pain.

Also, I know complete rest of the affected hand is advised, but it would be impossible for me to compeltely rest both hands, I wouldn't be able to do anything.

My Dr recommended cortisone shots if splinting didn't help. Also he prescribed "Pennsaid" its anti-inflammitory drops that get applied directly to the thumb/wrist.
And yes, you can get it in both hands. I had it in my left hand and then it started in my right. Yikes. I didn't use that hand for afew days & it went away.  (+ info)

tenosynovitis? My moms right hand MRI shows that she has some tenosynovitis. her hand became like a fist!?

now its almost 45 days that her hand becomes like a fist and she can not straight her fingers. In the beginning doctors thought her tendon is cut then MRI shows inflammation in her tendon sheat.
doc has prescribed her "Salazopyrin" but no effect after 4 weeks....any idea?????
she already made aneedle test for her nerves and they are all normal

Tenosynovitis is a big, non-specific diagnosis. There is one very common diagnosis, Stenosing Tenosynovitis/De Quervain's Tenosynovitis. Usually Anti-inflammatory medicine works well when coupled with joint mobilization/manipulation and physiotherapy. Usually Tenosynovitis won't fully go away until you figure out why it's there, so those activities can be avoided. I.e. Using a mouse incorrectly, typing a lot, etc.. The shots won't work for very long, if they even work for a short amount of time. It would be a good idea to get a second opinion from a Chiropractor or Osteopath. They are both joint doctors who can perform therapy for her, the meds won't fix the problem. I hope she get's on the mend, I know what it's like to have an injured Mom. Take care.  (+ info)

How does the cortisone shot work on my wrist?

I have de quervains tenosynovitis. My non evasive treatment of electrically massaging it into my wrist. That did not work. Now they are considering a cortisone shot. How will that work out. Please only people who are doctors or had the treatment. I am headed to bootcamp and need real advice. Thank You very much for caring.

I had the shot yesterday for exactly the same thing. I broke my wrist 6 years ago and had the cortisone shots in one place then.. It took two tries to get it into the exact spot. That is not unusual. It totally took care of the problem for 5 years, Now the other side of my wrist is also bothering me. Got the shot and today I am pain free. We will see how it is in 4-6 weeks. Worse case I could need arthroscopic surgery which has a great record of success with very low side effects. It's a one stitch process. Don't worry this is very fixable.  (+ info)

Wrist pain "Flexor Tenosynovitis"?

I have played guitar for years and apparently was slowly injuring my left (fretting hand) wrist. Two months ago I felt a sharp pain while bending a note. I quit playing immediatly but the wrist got more sore in the next few days. I got a referral for physical therapy and went twice a week for almost 2 months. I eventually got to see an othopedic hand specialist who said i have Flexor Tenosynovitis. Ive been on prescription anti-inflamitories (diclofenac sodium), cortisone treatment via phono phoresis, a liniment with capisin and an anti-inflmamitory, a wrist brace and lots of ice, but very little improvement. I still cant hold a glass of water left handed without pain. Playing the guitar is out of he question.
The orthopedic doctor said in last week's follow up visit that he thinks my ulner nerve is part of the equation, so now i am sleeping in a long-arm splint.
Does anyone have any advice? should i ask for MRI or anything else?

As a physical therapist, I would recommend Iontophoresis (eye-on-toe-four-eee-sis) instead of phonophoresis, seeing as the latter has not been shown as effective as the former. Iontophoresis is the process in which an anti-inflammatory medicine is driven through the skin to the tissue below by a low electrical current.

Your treatment should include stretching, tendon and nerve glides, wrist mobilization, soft tissue mobilization, iontophoresis, and light strengthening.

An MRI would verify the physician's diagnosis or possibly show if there is another problem that was undiagnosed. It is an expensive test, but worthwhile if you or your medical professionals think something was missed.  (+ info)

What is De Quervain's Tenosynovitis? and the best cure?

It is like tendonitis..but is called tenosynovitis..becuase the sheath around tendon is inflammed....use ice x 1 wk 3 x day, then heat...topical creams,advil per label..if not better then cortisone inj's usually knock it out..then surgery to clip the band..about a 1/2inch incision  (+ info)

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