FAQ - tenosynovitis
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Does anyone have De Quervain's Tenosynovitis (a form of tendonitis)?

I have had it for 2 years. I had a fracture and developed it shortly after the fracture healed. I take tramadol for it and had one cortisone shot. Actually after spending too much money I found a doctor that diagnosed it correctly. The pain is very annoying and tramadol knocks it out...however my body is becoming pretty resistant to tramadol (ultram). I don't want to be on lortabs because of addictive nature. Everybody is different. If you've had some tendonitis how long did it last? Any good tips on what helps? I know it hurts like hell when it gets cold out.

De Quervain syndrome is very common condition complicating fractures specially around the rest .we try simple analgesia first.the second option is the corticosteroid injections.However,the most effective treatment method is the surgical one through cutting the sheath surrounding these tendons which cause the pain.It`s avery simple procedure done under local anesthesia and it`s an outpatient one and you can use your hand the day following the surgery  (+ info)

Has anyone has surgery for de Quervain's Tenosynovitis? ?

I had the surgery done 3 weeks ago on my right wrist after having 3 cortisone shots injected in both wrist. I will eventually have to have the other wrist done, but since my right wrist was worse it was the one done first. I had the surgery done not knowing what to expect. The surgery was an outpatient procedure that lasted 1/2 hr. Everything went well and after the surgery, my wrist was bandaged up with a splint underneath and I was told I could get the stitches removed in two weeks. It will be 2 weeks since I've had my stitches removed this thursday and so far I am alittle skeptical of the outcome of the surgery. Before the surgery, I had 'popping' in my wrist that would get stuck in the popped position along with severe pain whenever my wrist rotated to one side. I was surprised to hear my Dr say nothing about physical therapy after the stitches were removed and I am still experiencing pain when my wrist rotates towards the one direction or whenever I hold objects with the one hand. Has anyone else experienced this? Or should I expect some pain still since the surgery was only done almost a month ago?

Yes I had it and it worked great. Recovery was pretty quick, about 3 weeks.  (+ info)

compression gloves; also info on De quervain's tenosynovitis and other hand issues?

I have had several different ongoing issues with both my hands for the last 21 years - including carpal tunnel, De Quervain's, and tendonitis in another part of my hand. I had a new problem today: my last 3 fingers on my left hand began to cramp and had a tingling sensation. The doctor put me in a splint - again... I do a lot of activities using my hands, and would like to remain active. I was wondering if I would benefit from compression gloves, since it offers support while still keeping some mobility. I play a musical instrument, knit, sew, and spend a lot of time on the computer, but would strongly like to continue the music for an upcoming engagement. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I was also looking at the Thermoskin cross-x thumb splint. Is it rigid, or is it flexible? I would prefer some flexibility.

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What is the difference between Tenosynovitis and carpal tunnel syndrome?

For the past few days my wrist and thumb have been sore, now its worse, i went to the docs this morning and he told me i torn a muscle in my hand and gave me ibuprofen but i explained to him i cant take them because i got stomach problems so i went to A&E and they told me its Tenosinovitis, how can i be sure i dont have carpal tunnel syndrome? I did not injure or strain my hand in any way, the only thing i can think of is i play a lot of xbox, on average 90 mins - 4 hours a day, can this cause any of the above, please help as i do not trust my GP or A&E.

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Does anybody have some ideas to help tendonitis/tendinitis in the wrist (tenosynovitis)and the pain?

I have recently been diagnosed with tendonitis, as I'm only 15 its quite shocking. Just before christmas i was told it was nothing to worry about just rest and don't strain or use the muscles to much, in march i was told to carry on using the wrists as much as possible, compress with ice 1-2 times a day, take pain killers, use ibuprofen gel also that i will be prone to get these pains all my life. As I have had 1 of my kidneys removed using painkillers and the gel didn't work out, as for the chilling it helped for a while whilst chilled but as my wrist warmed up they became worst than before. The more i use my wrists the more they hurt. I seem to be dropping things, restless nights, and my wrists are nearly constantly painful. ( i know this isn't carpel-tunnel as my mum had this and our symptoms are different). If anyone has had similar experiences, or has anything that i can try that might help i would be extremely great fulll!

I don't know of anything specific that can help with this pain other than something like a TENS unit (an electrical type instrument that can help with trying to control pain) an example only.

However, because you are having so much pain I would recommend getting another opinion preferably from someone that does not share the same office of either of the doctors that you saw (if you have seen more than one doctor about this already), to see what they think could be going on.  (+ info)

Popping wrist and pain but no swelling, what could it be?

I went to the doctor two weeks ago for wrist pain and was diagnosed with having dequervins tenosynovitis. But my thumb area doesn't hurt anymore but my wrist still hurts. I have popping sounds when I bend it up and down and hurts to put pressure on it (like when you do push ups). I don't have any swelling or numbness. I am going back to the doctor but just filling my curosity for right now. Please help.

You have several small bones in the wrist. When they are not seated correctly in their proper position, they will try to return to that position when there is flexing of the wrist. At his stage of the game there would be an accompanying swelling within the capsule of those individual bones. Thus creating pain when applying pressure, as with push-ups or actually applying pressure with your thumb and forefinger.

You have received a very exotic diagnosis but it has nothing to do with tendons..It is a carpal bone capsulary inflammation process. With displacement of the carpal bones themselves. They can be reduced to relieve your symptoms. Perhaps a second opinion by a doctor of Chiropractic could be very revealing.  (+ info)

partially torn ligaments and a split tendon?

My ankly is still swollen and i injured it on the 2nd of july. i've been going to physio since the end of july and the swelling is still the same size, my physiotherapist just started accupuncture and it feels great at the time, but the swelling comes back. my mri showed that i have partially torn two ligaments and split a tendon, the radiologist also said that i have tenosynovitis. I have a fibergalss brace and it's fine when i have it on but why wouldn't the swelling have gone down. I can walk without the brace, it doesnt' hurt so much anymore unless i am resting my foot on its side.

any ideas about why or what i should do. i go for a follow up on the 24th of September and i just don't know what to ask the dr.

Torn ligaments and tendons take a long time to heal, hence why its still swollen. Ask the doctor for anti inflammatories, if you have been given a brace, please use it, you will have it for a reason! Just because it feels ok without it on, doesnt mean that it is! If you feel the accupuncture is working, continue with that, but otherwise because of the type of injury, you will have to grin and bear it as they do take a while to heal.  (+ info)

What should i do about my ankle it's been since july 2?

My ankly is still swollen and i injured it on the 2nd of july. i've been going to physio since the end of july and the swelling is still the same size, my physiotherapist just started accupuncture and it feels great at the time, but the swelling comes back. my mri showed that i have partially torn two ligaments and split a tendon, the radiologist also said that i have tenosynovitis. I have a fibergalss brace and it's fine when i have it on but why wouldn't the swelling have gone down. I can walk without the brace, it doesnt' hurt so much anymore unless i am resting my foot on its side.

any ideas about why or what i should do. i go for a follow up on the 24th of September and i just don't know what to ask the dr.

Ankles do tend to stay swollen much longer than other body parts simply because of their location. You may just have one of those injuries that takes a really long time to heal. I suggest printing this question out and handing it to your doctor since you've described your situation so well. I would also ask about other ideas for therapy or nutritional supplements for your ankle. I hope that your healing continues smoothly.  (+ info)

is physio making it better or worse?

I just got the results of my MRI and i have partially torn the ligaments on both sides of my ankle, i've split a tendon and i have a stress fracture. it also say i have Flexor hallucis tenosynovitis. in physio i know it's supposed to strengthen everything, but yesterday they had me on the trampoline and i was in a great deal of pain afterwords. Should i continue to use the trampoline? i just got comfortable on the wobble board. HELP..
does any one have suggestions on reducing the swelling other than taking advil/elevation.. i elevate my foot all day and it's swollen still.
The doctor just said to rest, but i can still come to work.

many times physical therapists push patients beyond their limits. It's obvious that's what happened to you. You've got to inform the therapist that the trampoline is causing you further injury. If your work does not require you to walk a great deal you can continue working. You can place your leg on a chair to keep it elevated. Ask your doctor for a stronger anti inflammatory medication to help reduce the swelling.  (+ info)

What do these results on my MRI report mean (foot/ankle)?

It says:
-Type 1 accessory navicular, with mild marrow stress phenomenon
-Mild to moderate posterior tibialis tenosynovitis
-Congenital or enthesiopathic cyst within the calcaneus

Can someone break it down into simpler terms for me? I've tried to Google it but I'm not getting clear results.

Thanks & God Bless!

Nothing serious. Accessory navicular is a congenital anomaly need no treatment. same is with cyst in calcaneum. poeterior tibial tenosynovitis may need further investigation, but most likely ideiopathic which may just need rest and some physical therapy.  (+ info)

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