FAQ - zoonoses
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What are some common horse zoonoses (spreads from animals to humans and vise versa) ?PLEASE HELP!!!!?

I know Ringworm is one, it spreads from horses to humans but what are the other ones???? Thanks! PLEASE HELP!

Eastern equine encephalitis, western and Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Leptospirosis, and Salmonella and Campylobacter infections.  (+ info)

Zoonoses? Leptospirosis? Q fever? Toxocariasis?

If there are rats in a house, how likely would someone catch Leptospirosis? I just read about it and other zoonoses... Also how common is Q fever in the US? I know it is very rare but how rare? And can people get Toxocariasis? And how rare is Brucellosis? I just like to know facts and wanted to know about these... Thanks for your answers! :)

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Is there a specialty for doctors in zoonosis?

I want to be in the medical field but i also love the study of zoonoses. what kind of doctor do i have to be to specialize in the field?

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reverse zoonosis (Zooanthropozoonosis)?

Hi there I'm wondering if there's anyone that knows the reverse zoonoses that can affect dogs? I have managed to find a few like tuberculosis, amebiasis, and mumps but wonder if this is all that can be passed to our furry friends. If anyone knows of any others or knows where I can locate a complete list of them it would be a great help.


Found this from LA county public health
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Someone please help me suffering from serious depression?

When I was 13 years old I masturbated like most guys and one day when my parents weren't home I was masturbating in the bathroom. Then my dog came in and I told him to leave and tried pushing him away but he would not listen. As I was pushing him out he began licking me down there and I regretfully enjoyed it. Then I put the tip of my D!ck in his @ss. Then I pulled out right away, but I noticed I got a small amount of his feces on me. So I washed myself off with soap and put my clothes on and ever since then I have never masturbated.

Now I'm 18 years old and I know I made a mistake. I have to be one of the worst human beings to even consider something like this.

I want to go see a psychologist but I'm scared I'll be put in jail for 3-5 years. They may say that its beastiality!

So would it be safe for me to go see a psychologist, I'm really feeling sick just thinking about this.

Also I heard people can't get STDs because it is specie specific. But what about this disease called zoonoses!

I'm scared for my life, I just want to find someone to be with for the rest of my life But I feel like I don't deserve anyone. If I still had a chance should I tell her to be honest to her about what I did?

Here is a link for the zoonoses, could I have gotten one of them and if so is there still hope for me to get treated.

Please someone help me I don't want to die without ever having a girlfriend or a wife!

If I do have were can I go to get treated for it. Could I get it treated at a free - clinic or would I have to go somewhere else since they would not be human STD's


First of all I highly doubt that you would be charged with any thing; for a couple of reasons. First this occurred when you were a kid and now you are an adult; legally. Secondly, if all you did is what you say you did; I'd hardly think that qualifies as bestiality.

Zoonosis is not a disease in of itself, but is the name given to any/all of the diseases that can be cross transmitted between vertebrates and humans.

As for a disease; what makes you think you have something? Are you ill? Some kind of rash or something? Has your dog been diagnosed with something on the list you provided?

I am not a doctor, but I would not be that concerned about it. I have a dog and occasionally when I am picking up after him I have gotten poop on myself. I wash thoroughly with a disinfectant soap and go on my merry way.

If you are still that concerned about it make an appointment with your family doctor and get yourself checked out.

And make an appointment with a psychologist. Get this off your mind.  (+ info)

Help with cat bite case study?

For one of my classes, I need to figure out what zoonoses(transmitted from animal to human) disease this case study might show signs of. If anyone can help me out, it would be amazing.

A 75 year old man who feeds all the stray cats in the neighborhood is brought to the doctor. He has a painful bite and spasms in his right arm. The next day the symptoms are worse. He also has difficulty swallowing and is restless and agitated. He soon becomes dizzy, confused, and is sensitive to light. Symptoms quickly progress to complete delirium and respiratory collapse. He dies after 2 days on a respirator.
would this be tetanus?

Rabies  (+ info)

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