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Concerns and Discomforts of Pregnancy
During pregnancy, you may have some concerns and discomforts as your
body changes. Try these basic tips and talk to your doctor or nurse for more
advice. Do not use any over the counter medicine or herbs without talking to
your doctor first.
Nausea or feeling sick to your stomach is often called morning sickness. It is
common during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy.
• Try to eat crackers, dry toast or cereal before getting out of bed in the
morning. These foods may help any time of the day you have nausea.
• Eat smaller meals more often instead of 3 large meals.
• Do not let your stomach get completely empty.
• Avoid lying down right after eating.
• Avoid high fat, fried, spicy or greasy foods.
• Avoid strong food smells.
Call your doctor if you are not able to keep fluids down for over 24
hours, you have dark urine or you feel weak or dizzy.
Feeling tired is common.
• Exercise each day if allowed by your doctor to increase your energy.
• Rest often. Lie down on your left side for at least 1 hour during the day.
Trouble Sleeping
As you get bigger, it can be hard to get comfortable and sleep.
• Avoid drinks with caffeine.
• Do not eat right before bedtime.
• Try a warm bath or shower before bedtime.
• Practice relaxation exercises such as meditation, deep breathing and
• Lie on your left side with a pillow between your legs and under your