1/9. Metastatic tumour of the tunica vaginalis testis from carcinoma of the stomach.A 50-year-old man with advanced inoperable gastric adenocarcinoma and diffuse peritoneal metastasis received six cycles of palliative chemotherapy and responded clinically with weight gain. Two months after the completion of chemotherapy, however, he developed a left hydrocele. Aspiration yielded 70 ml of yellowish hydrocele fluid, which contained metastatic adenocarcinoma cells, consistent with a gastric primary tumour. A diagnosis of malignant hydrocele was made. Two weeks later, he developed a painful recurrent left hydrocele with increasing pain and swelling. Left orchidectomy was performed. Tiny white mural nodules measuring 1 mm in size were noted on the tunica vaginalis. No focal lesion was noted in the testis. On microscopic examination, the tunica vaginalis showed reactive mesothelial hyperplasia and extensive lymphatic permeation by poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, consistent with a gastric primary tumour.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 1keywords = tunica (Clic here for more details about this article) |
2/9. Simultaneous sertoli cell tumor and adenocarcinoma of the tunica vaginalis testis in a patient with testicular feminization.BACKGROUND: The association of testicular feminization with late diagnosis in a patient with a large sertoli cell tumor and a metastasizing adenocarcinoma of the tunica vaginalis testis is unusual. CASE: Testicular feminization was diagnosed in a 72-year-old patient, who was admitted with a large lower abdominal mass. Histologically, we found a well-differentiated sertoli cell tumor and an adenocarcinoma of the tunica vaginalis testis with metastases in the sigmoid colon, rectum, and omentum. Explorative laparotomy revealed a large pelvic tumor mass and extensive peritoneal carcinosis. After debulking surgery to optimal residual disease and four courses of chemotherapy (cisplatin and etoposide), there was no evidence of disease (clinically) for 24 months before an intraabdominal and inguinal relapse occurred. Due to the unwillingness of the patient to receive salvage chemotherapy or palliative abdominal surgery, the disease progressed rapidly and she died 27 months after the initial operation. CONCLUSION: This is the first reported case of an advanced carcinoma of the tunica vaginalis testis occurring simultaneously with a large sertoli cell tumor in a patient with testicular feminization. Surgical debulking and platinum-based chemotherapy rendered the patient clinically free of disease for 2 years.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 1.1666666666667keywords = tunica (Clic here for more details about this article) |
3/9. Cutaneous metastases from adenocarcinoma of the rete testis.Adenocarcinoma of the rete testis (ACRT) is extremely rare and has only been the subject of sporadic case reports, in most of which the neoplasm manifested as a scrotal mass with diffuse enlargement of the testis. Only a few cases of scrotal infiltration by a contiguous ACRT have been described. To our knowledge, none have reported distant skin metastases. We report a case of ACRT presenting with suprapubic skin metastases. The diagnosis was based on clinical and histopathological findings and supported by the results of immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies. We discuss the differential diagnosis to this rare entity, which include metastatic adenocarcinoma, serous tumor of the testis, and mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 0.16666666666667keywords = tunica (Clic here for more details about this article) |
4/9. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in penile metastases of extragenitourinary cancers.BACKGROUND: The aim of present study is to evaluate the efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in different types of penile metastases. MATERIALS AND methods: In this report, we present three cases of penile metastases that have been developed secondary to extragenitourinary malignancies. Two of them did not have any primary malignancy history. RESULTS: Penile biopsies were performed in all patients and metastatic penile tumours were found due to extragenitourinary malignancies. Penile MRI was performed before biopsies. The findings of MRI were correlated with histopathologic diagnosis. Moreover, penile MRI was found to be more sensitive in the evaluation of the lesions than ultrasonography. CONCLUSION: MRI can be accepted as a reliable non-invasive method for the evaluation of the extent of penile metastases and involvement of tunica albuginea or urethral.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 0.16666666666667keywords = tunica (Clic here for more details about this article) |
5/9. Testicular and paratesticular tumors and tumor-like lesions of ovarian common epithelial and mullerian types. A report of four cases and review of the literature.Three new and eleven previously reported testicular or paratesticular tumors that resembled ovarian tumors of common epithelial type are discussed. The 14 tumors occurred in patients ages 11-68 (average 47) years of age. The exact location for 12 of the tumors is known; 5 involved primarily the testicular parenchyma, 3, the tunica vaginalis, and 4, paratesticular tissue. Five tumors were serous, four of which were in the borderline category. Four tumors were Brenner tumors, admixed in one case with an adenomatoid tumor. Single examples of mucinous cystadenoma, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, endometrioid adenoacanthoma, clear cell adenocarcinoma, and a benign tumor of mixed cell types complete the list. Follow-up of from 3 months to 14 years is available in eight cases; only one tumor, the clear cell adenocarcinoma, is known to have been clinically malignant. A fourth lesion in this article was a paratesticular mass composed of endometrial glands and stroma and bundles of smooth muscle. It arose in an 82-year-old man who had been treated with estrogens for prostatic adenocarcinoma.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 0.16666666666667keywords = tunica (Clic here for more details about this article) |
6/9. Metastatic carcinoma to testicle.Metastatic carcinoma to the testicular, epididymis, and their tunics is unusual and adenocarcinoma of the small bowel is extremely rare. The combination of primary adenocarcinoma of the jejunum with metastasis to the tunica vaginalis of the testis has not been reported previously. An unusual case of a sacral mass in a twenty-seven-year-old black man is presented and the literature reviewed.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 0.16666666666667keywords = tunica (Clic here for more details about this article) |
7/9. Fibrous pseudotumor of the tunica vaginalis testis: imaging appearance.Fibrous pseudotumor is a benign paratesticular tumor that typically presents as a painless mass of the hemiscrotum. Because this tumor can mimic a malignant process, it is usually not diagnosed preoperatively. We describe a case of fibrous pseudotumor of the tunica vaginalis, demonstrating the ultrasound and magnetic resonance image (MRI) appearance with pathologic correlation.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 0.83333333333333keywords = tunica (Clic here for more details about this article) |
8/9. Primary carcinoid tumor of testis. Immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and dna flow cytometric study of three cases with a review of the literature.The cases of three patients with primary carcinoid tumor of the testis were reported. The patients were 41, 44, and 83 years of age. At initial examination, all three had testicular masses with or without associated pain, and none had the carcinoid syndrome. The tumors measured 4.3 cm, 3.0 cm, and 6.5 cm in dimension. All three tumors manifested classic histologic features of carcinoid tumors. The neoplastic cells exhibited argyrophilia, and all were immunoreactive to chromogranin, serotonin, neuron-specific enolase, and cytokeratin. Two tumors had positive test results for gastrin and one had positive test results for substance p and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. No tumors reacted with somatostatin, insulin, pancreatic polypeptide, or placental alkaline phosphatase. Intracytoplasmic, membrane-bound, round-to-elliptical pleomorphic granules were identified by ultrastructural analysis in all cases. dna flow cytometric analysis revealed a low degree (near-diploid) dna aneuploidy in all cases, with a dna index of 1.15 in two tumors and 1.3 in the third tumor. The three patients are alive and well 11 years, 7 years, and 6 months, respectively, after diagnosis. A total of 57 cases of this entity, including the 3 reported here, have been reported. Of these, 43 were pure carcinoid, and 14 were associated with teratoma; 6 (11.6%) patients developed metastases. Tumor size and the presence of carcinoid syndrome have been found to correlate with metastatic potential. Neither tumor necrosis nor local tumor invasion (into vessels, tunica albuginea, etc.) correlated with adverse prognosis. carcinoid tumor of the testis is a rare indolent neoplasm with potential for distant metastases.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 0.16666666666667keywords = tunica (Clic here for more details about this article) |
9/9. CD68 reactive histiocytosis complicating early gastric cancer.A peculiar form of reactive, non-granulomatous proliferation of CD68 histiocytes was demonstrated, for the first time, in the submucosal layer just beneath the IIa-type early gastric adenocarcinoma that focally invaded submucosal lymphatics. The histiocytic cells possessed plump eosinophilic and often foamy cytoplasm and eccentric small nuclei with apparent nucleoli. They contained periodic acid-Schiff-reactive granules, and were further immunoreactive for lysozyme and alpha 1-antitrypsin. The infiltration was ill-defined, and partly involved the tunica muscularis mucosae and the proper muscle layer. Markers of epithelial cells, Langerhans' histiocytes, smooth muscle cells and myofibroblasts were all negative.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 0.16666666666667keywords = tunica (Clic here for more details about this article) |