Cases reported "Adenofibroma"

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1/134. Resection of triple synchronous cancers: a case report.

    We herein present a case of synchronous triple cancer, which was successfully resected in a curative manner. These cancers consisted of primary duodenal, pancreatic and lung cancers, which were diagnosed in an asymptomatic 74 year-old male, who was referred to our department on December 14, 1996. On admission, his laboratory data showed no abnormality, including tumor markers (CEA 1.0, CA 19-9 1.0, AFP 8.1 U/ml), but he did show an impaired pulmonary function (FEV1.0: 57%). Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed a smooth surfaced duodenal tumor measuring 4 cm in size. The second tumor was found at the head of the pancreas by computed tomography (CT), showing a hypervascular mass measuring 3.0 cm, along with neighboring multiple cysts. In endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), marked mucous secretion was observed through the papilla, while a filling defect was found in the dilated pancreatic duct. In a routine chest X-ray, a third tumor, which measured 1.5 cm in diameter, was recognized in the right upper lobe of the lung, and a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma was also detected by a percutaneous CT guided biopsy. The pancreatic and duodenal tumors were surgically resected by a pancreatoduodenectomy (Stage I) in January 1997 and, 5 months later, a lung tumor underwent partial resection (Stage I). This patient tolerated these surgical procedures well and presently leads a normal, healthy life after discharge. In summary, a successful resection of synchronous triple cancers, which has never been previously reported in this specific combination, is described. ( info)

2/134. Metanephric adenofibroma: report of a case and review of the literature.

    The recent recognition of a variety of pediatric renal tumors of different biologic behavior places an ever-increasing demand on the surgical pathologist for an accurate diagnosis. Although metanephric adenofibroma is one of the rarest benign renal tumors, the clinical importance of correctly diagnosing it cannot be overemphasized because it can potentially be mistaken as Wilms' tumor. We describe the clinical, radiologic, and pathologic features of a case of metanephric adenofibroma and discuss its differential diagnosis. The neoplasm was composed of two discrete components: a major fibroblastic element and a minor immature epithelial element. The latter formed a small nodule beneath the renal capsule, which could barely be detected by magnetic resonance imaging. This subcapsular nodule, however, was slightly soft and tan and was distinctly different from the white, whorled cut surface of the main tumor. It was formed by closely packed small immature epithelial cells in a slightly edematous background, which was histologically identical to metanephric adenoma and closely resembled epithelial Wilms' tumor. Unlike Wilms' tumor, however, the epithelial cells were very bland with no mitoses. The main bulk of the tumor was formed by spindle fibroblastic cells that were cytologically similar to the spindle cells in congenital mesoblastic nephroma. The tumor, however, was well demarcated without the irregular infiltrating edges of congenital mesoblastic nephroma. In contrast to the randomly distributed epithelial element throughout the stromal component in previous reported cases of metanephric adenofibroma, our finding of the exceedingly small and discrete epithelial component expands the known histologic spectrum of the disease. In addition, the presence of such minute epithelial nodule underscores the importance of diligent pathologic examination and careful sampling of tissue for histologic examination. ( info)

3/134. Serous adenocarcinofibroma of the ovary--report of two cases and review of the literature.

    We investigated the clinical and histologic characteristics of patients with ovarian serous adenocarcinofibroma. Because the tumors in both cases contained fibroma components; they were hard and clinically indistinguishable from uterine myoma, even by computed tomography. Both patients experienced relapses associated with tumors that originated outside the abdominal cavity (the subcutaneous abdominal wall in case 1, and the inguinal lymph nodes in case 2). The serum level of CA125 was normal or only moderately elevated at the first onset and relapse. The present cases suggest that the diagnostic features and clinical course differ between ovarian serous adenocarcinoma and serous adenocarcinofibroma. ( info)

4/134. Endocrine cell micronests in an ovarian mucinous cystadenofibroma: a mimic of microinvasion.

    An ovarian mucinous cystadenofibroma with peculiar neuroendocrine cell micronests is described in a 59-year-old Japanese woman. Aggregates of epithelial cells resembling microinvasive carcinoma cells were scattered throughout the adenofibromatous area. These micronests were composed of small uniform cells with argentaffin and argyrophil granules. Numerous small cells with neuroendocrine granules were also seen within mucinous glands. This is the first report of neuroendocrine micronests in an ovarian neoplasm, a finding that should be distinguished from microinvasion. ( info)

5/134. Tubulocystic ovarian clear cell carcinoma with abundant fibrous stroma: malignant clear cell adenofibroma.

    We report a case of tubulocystic ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) with abundant fibrous stroma associated with an endometriotic cyst. Most OCCC show a small amount of fibrous stroma; however, the tumor presented in this case had abundant stroma, that qualifies it as a malignant clear cell adenofibroma. This unusual type of clear cell carcinoma may be misinterpreted as a benign lesion or as metastatic carcinoma on frozen section. In permanent sections, the stromal invasive foci are focal, small and subtle. Therefore, extensive sampling of the specimen to search for evidence of invasion is recommended for a fibrous ovarian tumor that appears benign on gross examination. ( info)

6/134. adult mesoblastic nephroma.

    We report a case of asymptomatic mesoblastic nephroma in a 54-year-old woman. The tumor showed immunohistochemical reactions similar to developing nephrons. Electron microscopy showed immature tubules with numerous intracytoplasmic intermediate filaments. Recent studies support the concept of pathogenesis of the mesoblastic nephroma originating from collecting ducts. However, this case exhibited a complex pattern of antigenic expression not restricted to the collecting ducts, but including the glycoprotein CD24 and the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM). The following differential diagnoses will be discussed: benign mixed epithelial and stromal tumor, metanephric adenoma, and nephrogenic adenofibroma. ( info)

7/134. Eccrine syringofibroadenoma (Mascaro): an immunohistochemical study.

    Eccrine syringofibroadenoma is an uncommon benign eccrine tumor, which was first described by Mascaro in 1963. It usually develops on the extremities of elderly persons. We report on a 74-year-old man who presented with a 2-year history of a slowly growing lesion on his face. A detailed histologic and immunohistochemical study was performed on the biopsy material. The tumor consisted of epidermal-derived anastomosing thin epithelial cords embedded in a fibrovascular stroma. The epithelial cords contained ductal and cystic structures lined by luminal cells, which were decorated by antibodies against carcinoembryonic antigen, keratin K19, K8, and K18. Antibody to keratin K6 decorated the luminal walls of the acrosyringia. antibodies to filaggrin decorated the superficial luminal structures. These results suggest dual acrosyringial and dermal duct differentiation in syringofibroadenoma. ( info)

8/134. endometriosis-associated intestinal tumors: a clinical and pathological study of 6 cases with a review of the literature.

    This clinicopathologic study of primary Mullerian tumors of the bowel arising in foci of endometriosis is based on six new cases and an analysis of 17 previously reported cases. Varieties of Mullerian tumors occur in the bowel; the most common types are endometrioid carcinoma, followed by various mixed Mullerian tumors and stromal sarcomas. Seventy-eight percent develop in the rectosigmoid colon, the remaining in the cecum or ileum. Those in the latter area tend to be sarcomas or mixed Mullerian tumors. Certain architectural growth characteristics, derived from precursor endometriosis, are common to most endometriosis-associated intestinal tumors (EAITs). Seventy percent of EAITs occur in the outer bowel wall. Transmural tumors tend to form luminal polyps and assume an hourglass shape. Metachronous or synchronous Mullerian tumors occur in 39% of cases. Seventy percent of women with EAITs are in their mid 30s to early 50s. Common presenting symptoms are abdominal or pelvic pain, melena, and an abdominal or pelvic mass. Documented in 26% of patients is a history of prolonged unopposed estrogen therapy. Only 28.5% of cases die of their tumors, but follow-up is less than 5 years in all but 2 patients. ( info)

9/134. Adenomyofibroma of the endometrium with skeletal muscle differentiation.

    A case of adenomyofibroma with skeletal muscle differentiation is described. A 55-year-old asymptomatic woman had atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance on a routine Papanicolaou smear. The endometrial biopsy revealed fragments composed of benign endometrial glands and myofibromatous stroma with foci of skeletal muscle differentiation. The stroma exhibited focal mild cytologic atypia and hypercellularity without periglandular cuffing or mitoses. Electron microscopy and immunohistochemical staining for myoglobin confirmed the skeletal muscle differentiation. A diagnosis of low-grade adenosarcoma with heterologous differentiation was made in the biopsy specimen based on the atypical stroma, the skeletal muscle differentiation, and previous observations that adenosarcomas may contain bland areas indistinguishable from an adenofibroma. The patient underwent hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and pelvic lymphadenectomy. The hysterectomy specimen revealed small foci of residual tumor. In light of these findings the diagnosis was revised to adenomyofibroma with skeletal muscle differentiation. Uterine adenomyofibroma with skeletal muscle differentiation should be distinguished from a low-grade adenosarcoma in an endometrial biopsy. ( info)

10/134. Nephrogenic adenofibroma in a young child.

    Nephrogenic adenofibroma is a benign renal tumor in children and young adults described by Hennigar and Beckwith in 1992. Seven cases have been described, and we report the first case in an 11-month-old child, in good health, revealed by a macroscopic hematuria. Nephrogenic adenofibroma is an unusual tumor, which was difficult to distinguish from nephroblastoma and mesoblastic nephroma. Beckwith makes a distinction between this principal differential diagnosis in child renal tumors based upon morphologic and immunohistochemical patterns. In our observation, the diagnosis remained difficult and needed several reviews of our case. Beckwith proposed the final diagnosis: nephrogenic adenofibroma with stromal predominance. The prognosis is excellent and no treatment is indicated. A FISH analysis of the tumor cells found a trisomy 11. trisomy 11 has been reported in mesoblastic nephroma as the most frequent chromosomal abnormality. This finding in tumor cells provides an argument for excluding the diagnosis of nephroblastoma but can not clarify the difference between nephrogenic adenofibroma and mesoblastic nephroma. ( info)
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