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1/148. Anti-G in a pregnant patient.

    BACKGROUND: Anti-G is a red cell (RBC) antibody of the Rh system. It has been described in pregnant women only in association with anti-D or anti-C; therefore, the ability of this antibody alone to cause hemolytic disease of the newborn is uncertain. One case in which this antibody caused no clinical sequelae is reported. CASE REPORT: The patient was a 35-year-old primigravida with type O, D-, C-, E-, c RBCs who was given 4 units of type O, D- allogeneic RBCs and 2 units of autologous RBCs 2 years antepartum. She was found to have anti-D and anti-C by an outside laboratory as part of a routine prenatal work-up. Further evaluation by our laboratory revealed the presence of anti-G and possible anti-C without anti-D. Titers at 22 weeks' gestation were 64 against r'r RBCs and 16 against R2R2 RBCs; these remained unchanged throughout the pregnancy. amniocentesis performed at Weeks 28 and 32 showed no evidence of hemolytic disease of the newborn. A healthy 3.3-kg infant was delivered at 36 weeks' gestation. Prophylactic Rh immune globulin was administered antepartum and postpartum. The infant's RBCs were type O, D , c C-, E-, and the direct antiglobulin test was positive. An acid eluate prepared from the baby's RBCs revealed anti-G. The total bilirubin was 5.5 mg per dL at birth, and the hematocrit was 66 percent. Total bilirubin peaked on Day 5 at 11.9 mg per dL, and no therapeutic intervention was required. CONCLUSIONS: Anti-G alone caused little if any fetal or neonatal hemolysis in this case. Although further study is needed, invasive fetal monitoring may be unnecessary if anti-G is the sole cause of fetomaternal RBC incompatibility.
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ranking = 1
keywords = fetomaternal
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2/148. Use of recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO-alfa) in a mother alloimmunized to the Js(b) antigen.

    erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein hormone and the principal regulator of erythropoiesis in the fetus, newborn, and adult. EPO-alfa is erythropoietin manufactured by recombinant human dna technology (rhEPO). After counseling, a pregnant woman with anti-Js(b) in her serum was started on rhEPO (600 U/Kg, biweekly) to prevent anemia secondary to serial donations of her blood for fetal transfusions. After a total of 25 rhEPO infusions and autologous donation of 8 units of whole blood, maternal hemoglobin prior to the elective cesarean section at 37 weeks was 11.3 gm/dL. serum EPO concentration was determined in paired maternal and fetal blood samples, before ultrasound guided intravascular transfusions, in this alloimmunized Js(b)-negative and another Rh(D) alloimmunized pregnancy to determine possible correlations between maternal and fetal serum EPO. rhEPO prevented anemia in a patient who donated 8 units of blood from 18-37 weeks of pregnancy without inducing adverse biological effects such as hypertension or thrombotic complications in the placenta. Data presented in this study suggest that EPO does not cross the human placenta.
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ranking = 2.0265477660394
keywords = transfusion
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3/148. Delayed massive immune hemolysis mediated by minor ABO incompatibility after allogeneic peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation.

    BACKGROUND: bone marrow transplantation with minor ABO incompatibility may be followed by moderate delayed hemolysis of the recipient's red cells by donor-derived ABO antibodies. This reaction may be more severe after transplantation of peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPCs). CASE REPORT: A 16-year-old boy underwent an allogeneic PBPC transplant from his HLA-mismatched mother as treatment for acute myeloblastic leukemia that had proved resistant to induction chemotherapy. Transfusion of the unmanipulated PBPCs proceeded without any complication, despite the difference in ABO blood group (donor, O Rh-positive; recipient, A Rh-positive). On Day 7, a rapid drop in hemoglobin to 4 g per dL was observed, which was attributed to a massive hemolysis. All the recipient's group A red cells were destroyed within 36 hours. This delayed and rapidly progressive hemolytic anemia was not associated with the transfusion of the donor's plasma. Rather, the anti-A titer increased in parallel with marrow recovery, which suggested an active synthesis of these antibodies by immunocompetent cells from the donor against the recipient's red cells. The mother's anti-A titer was retrospectively found to be 2048. Her unusually high titer is probably due to prior sensitization during pregnancies. On Day 12, the patient developed grade IV graft-versus-host disease, which proved resistant to all treatments instituted and led to his death on Day 35. CONCLUSION: PBPC transplantation with minor ABO incompatibility may be associated with significant risk of massive delayed hemolysis.
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ranking = 1.0132738830197
keywords = transfusion
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4/148. Severe hemolytic reaction due to anti-JK3.

    A 35-year-old gravida 3, para 3 Filipino woman with a negative antibody screen, no prior history of transfusion, and no hemolytic disease of the newborn in her children suffered a massive postpartum hemorrhage requiring transfusion. A severe hemolytic transfusion reaction occurred 5 days after delivery. Subsequently, a panagglutinin on a routine antibody identification panel was identified as anti-Jk3. The patient's red blood cell phenotype was Jk(a-b-) and all of her children were Jk(a-b ), yet the antibody that formed reacted with equal strength against all Jk(a)- or Jk(b)-positive cells. The rare Jk(a-b-) phenotype is more common in Polynesians. Anti-Jk3, like other Kidd system antibodies, is difficult to detect because in vivo production may be absent between provocative episodes and because these antibodies often show weak in vitro reactions. The increasing numbers of Pacific Islanders in the united states could result in more frequent encounters with this rare phenotype. Increased awareness of ethnic variability in blood phenotypes and of the capricious nature of Kidd antibodies can help pathologists and technologists deal more effectively with these cases.
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ranking = 3.0398216490591
keywords = transfusion
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5/148. Sickle-cell disease not identified by newborn screening because of prior transfusion.

    erythrocyte transfusion can impair detection of sickle-cell disease, galactosemia, or biotinidase deficiency with newborn screening. We report on 4 infants with SCD in whom delayed diagnosis was associated with neonatal transfusion. In 2 cases, the initial newborn screening showed no hemoglobin S. In no case was the recommended screening >/=120 days from the last transfusion obtained. Two children had significant SCD-related morbidity before diagnosis.
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ranking = 7.0929171811378
keywords = transfusion
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6/148. Drug-induced hemolysis: cefotetan-dependent hemolytic anemia mimicking an acute intravascular immune transfusion reaction.

    Numerous cases of drug-induced hemolytic anemia have been described in patients treated with penicillin or cephalosporin. Second and third generation cephalosporins are more commonly implicated in hemolytic reactions than first generation cephalosporins. We report a case of severe cefotetan-induced hemolytic anemia in a previously healthy 46-year-old woman undergoing an elective hysterectomy. The patient received 2 g of intravenous cefotetan intraoperatively and subsequently at 12 and 24 h post-operatively. She complained of diarrhea and fever on the third post-operative day and was seen in her gynecologist's office on the fifth post-operative day (hemoglobin = 10.5 g/dL). On the seventh post-operative day, she complained of fever and soreness around the suprapubic catheter site and was given a prescription for 500 mg oral cephalexin four times a day. The next day she was seen in the gynecologist's office and reported feeling better. Ten days after the operation her fatigue worsened and her hemoglobin was 4.8 g/dL. She was transfused with 3 units of packed red blood cells (PRBC) and was given 1 g of cefotetan intravenously. During the transfusion of the second unit of PRBC nursing staff observed gross hemoglobinuria and she subsequently developed acute renal failure. Laboratory chemistry parameters were consistent with severe acute hemolysis. The patient's direct antiglobulin test was reactive and her serum reacted with cefotetan-coated red blood cells (RBCs) and serum plus soluble cefotetan reacted with untreated RBCs. The titration endpoint of the serum against cefotetan-coated RBCs was 40,960, while the serum plus soluble cefotetan against uncoated RBCs was 2,560. This case of severe cefotetan-induced hemolysis was complicated by an acute hemolytic event that occurred during the transfusion of PRBC. Clinical and transfusion service staff must consider drug-induced hemolysis in the differential diagnosis of acute anemia.
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ranking = 7.0929171811378
keywords = transfusion
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7/148. A case report of a hemolytic transfusion reaction caused by anti-Holley.

    Clinical and laboratory investigation of a black male patient, who received emergency transfusion of blood incompatible for a high incidence antigen, provided evidence for the pathogenetic importance of high titer anti-Holley antibodies with poor avidity. The red blood cells of the patient and two siblings were remarkable in being negative for two high incidence antigens, Hy and hrS, and weak for a third, Gy.
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ranking = 5.0663694150984
keywords = transfusion
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8/148. Passenger lymphocyte syndrome with severe hemolytic anemia due to an anti-Jk(a) after allogeneic PBPC transplantation.

    BACKGROUND: After allogeneic peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) transplantation, a patient developed a severe hemolytic transfusion reaction due to passenger lymphocyte syndrome. CASE REPORT: A 50-year-old woman with secondary acute myeloid leukemia transforming from a myelodysplastic syndrome received an ABO-compatible PBPC graft from her HLA-identical sister. For prophylaxis of GVHD, the patient was treated with cyclosporine and methotrexate. Eighteen days after the transplant, the patient experienced a severe hemolytic transfusion reaction due to an alloantibody (anti-Jk(a)) produced by donor lymphocytes. RESULTS: The patient was typed as group A, Jk(a ) before transplantation; the donor was typed as group A, Jk(a-). On Day 18 after transplantation, the immunohematologic screening revealed a positive DAT (C3d 3 ) and an alloanti-Jk(a). hemolysis in the patient at that time was indicated by a drop in the Hb and an increase in the LDH level (maximum, 592 IU/L on Day 23). CONCLUSION: The course of hemolysis and the time of appearance of an alloantibody in this patient meet the criteria for passenger lymphocyte syndrome. In most cases, this syndrome is triggered by ABO system antibodies. This is the first reported case of passenger lymphocyte syndrome after PBPC transplantation that was due to an alloantibody that did not belong to the ABO system.
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ranking = 2.0265477660394
keywords = transfusion
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9/148. Acute intravascular hemolysis secondaryto out-of-group platelet transfusion.

    BACKGROUND: Acute intravascular hemolysis is rarely associated with platelet transfusion. Out-of-group single-donor platelets may cause hemolysis if the donor has high-titer ABO hemagglutinins. CASE REPORT: A 44-year-old woman, blood group A, was recently diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and was receiving chemotherapy. After the transfusion of apheresis platelets from a group O donor, back pain, hemoglobinuria, and hemoglobinemia developed, and her Hb dropped by 2.3 g per dL, despite the transfusion of 2 units of RBCs. RESULTS: Investigation revealed acute intravascular hemolysis with a positive DAT due to anti-A(1) on her RBCs. The donor's titer of anti-A(1) was greater than 16,000. CONCLUSION: review of published cases raises the possibility that hemolytic reactions to out-of-group platelets may be more frequent since the use of apheresis platelets has increased.
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ranking = 7.0929171811378
keywords = transfusion
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10/148. Three episodes of delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions due to multiple red cell antibodies, anti-Di, anti-Jk and anti-E.

    There is no report in which three episodes of delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction (DHTR) occurred from multiple antibodies to red cells (RBCs) in the course of treatment of a patient. This paper describes episodes of anemia and hyperbilirubinemia in concert with the development of three alloantibodies in a multiple transfused patient. The patient was a 71-year-old male suffering from valvular heart disease and hemophilia b with a history of transfusions. Although he received compatible RBCs from 14 donors as judged by a crossmatch test using the albumin-antiglobulin method, three episodes of DHTR occurred after surgery. The first hemolytic episode on day 7 after surgery was due to anti-Di(a) because of clinical and laboratory evidence which included jaundice, sudden increases in total bilirubin (T-Bil) and lactate dehydrogenase (LD) levels, and a decrease (2.2 g/dl) in hemoglobin (Hb) level. The second hemolytic episode on day 16 resulted from newly producted anti-Jk(b). The patient experienced fever, fatigue, nausea and anorexia, and laboratory data showed a second increase in T-Bil, a second decrease (3 g/dl) in Hb, and moderate elevations of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine (CRE) levels. The third hemolytic episode on day 39 was due to anti-E. The patient complained of fever and fatigue and had a third unexplained drop (1.5 g/dl) in Hb despite no bleeding. This is the first reported case in which three episodes of DHTR occurred from different red cell antibodies.
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ranking = 6.0796432981181
keywords = transfusion
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