Cases reported "bradycardia"

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1/832. Induction of a critical elevation of povidone-iodine absorption in the treatment of a burn patient: report of a case.

    A critical elevation of povidone-iodine absorption which occurred in a burn patient who was topically treated with 10% povidone-iodine (PI) gel is herein reported. A 65-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for deep second- and third-degree burns covering 26% of his total body surface area. The intravenous administration with lactated Ringer's solution and topical treatment with silver sulfadiazine were applied in addition to such treatments as debridement and skin grafting. However, wound infection occurred due to pseudomonas aeruginosa. Topical treatment with PI gel was effective for this condition. Persistent nodal bradycardia with hypotension, metabolic acidosis, and renal failure occurred 16 days after the start of PI gel treatment. Iodine toxicosis caused by PI gel was suspected with a serum iodine level of 20600 microg/dl (normal range 2-9 microg/dl). The PI gel treatment was therefore discontinued immediately, and hemodialysis was scheduled. However, the patient's family refused hemodialysis and he died 44 days after admission. To our knowledge, only eight patients with iodine toxicosis have been reported in burn patients treated with PI gel. ( info)

2/832. Fatal cardiac ischaemia associated with prolonged desflurane anaesthesia and administration of exogenous catecholamines.

    PURPOSE: Four cardiac ischaemic events are reported during and after prolonged anaesthesia with desflurane. CLINICAL FEATURES: We have evaluated desflurane in 21 consecutive patients undergoing advanced head and neck reconstructive surgery. Four deaths occurred which were associated with cardiac ischaemic syndromes either during or immediately after operation. All patients in the study received a similar anaesthetic. This comprised induction with propofol and maintenance with alfentanil and desflurane in oxygen-enriched air. Inotropic support (either dopamine or dobutamine in low dose, 5 was provided as part of the anaesthetic technique in all patients. Critical cardiovascular incidents were observed in each of the four patients during surgery. These were either sudden bradycardia or tachycardia associated with ST-segment electrocardiographic changes. The four patients who died had a documented past history of coronary heart disease and were classified American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) II or III. One patient (#2) did not survive anaesthesia and surgery and the three others died on the first, second and twelfth postoperative days. Enzyme increases (CK/CK-MB) were available in three patients and confirmed myocardial ischaemia. CONCLUSION: These cases represent an unexpected increase in the immediate postoperative mortality for these types of patients and this anaesthetic sequence. ( info)

3/832. deceleration-dependent shortening of the QT interval: a new electrocardiographic phenomenon?

    In clinical cardiology, deceleration-dependent QT interval shortening is considered to be an extraordinary electrocardiographic phenomenon. We present an early premature born 4-year-old African-American girl with complications related to her premature birth, developmental delay, and several episodes of cardiac arrest. An episode of severe transient bradyarrhythmia was documented on Holter monitoring. The unique feature of the rhythm strips was paradoxical gradual shortening of the QT interval to 216 ms with accompanying transient T-waves abnormalities. The activation of the Ik, ACh due to an unusually high vagal discharge to the heart is proposed as a possible mechanism responsible for both slowing of the heart rate and shortening of the QT interval. ( info)

4/832. bradycardia during citalopram treatment: a case report.

    The authors report the case of a 47-year-old depressive woman treated with citalopram 20 mg day-1 for 3 months who presented a marked sinus bradycardia (34 beats/min) 11 days after the citalopram dose was increased to 40 mg day-1. The bradycardia was clinically asymptomatic and disappeared within 24 h after citalopram was stopped. citalopram blood levels were in the usual therapeutic range. ( info)

5/832. hypotension, bradycardia, and asystole after high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone in a monitored patient.

    We report a case of hypotension, bradycardia, and asystole after intravenous administration of high-dose methylprednisolone in a 73-year-old patient who underwent electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring throughout the episode. There was a history of ischemic cardiac disease 9 years earlier. The patient was admitted with a pulmonary-renal syndrome with hemoptysis, rapidly progressive renal failure, and hypoxemia that required mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit. After receiving advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the patient recovered cardiac rhythm. The ECG showed a junctional rhythm without ventricular arrhythmia. This study reviews the current proposed mechanisms of sudden death after a high dose of intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP). These mechanisms are not well understood because, in most cases, the patients were not monitored at the moment of the event. Rapid infusion and underlying cardiac disease were important risk factors in the case reported here, and the authors discount ventricular arrhythmia as the main mechanism. ( info)

6/832. Pseudo second degree atrioventricular block with bradycardia. Successful treatment with quinidine.

    Pseudo second degree atrioventricular block resulting from blocked His premature beats was successfully treated with quinidine. The diagnosis was proved by His bundle electrogam which showed both blocked and conducted His premature beats. The blocked His prematures produced second degree atrioventricular block by making the atrioventricular junction refractory. quinidine abolished both conducted and blocked His extrasystoles. There has been no recurrence of arrhythmia during a one-year follow-up. ( info)

7/832. Sudden death after a cold drink: case report.

    We report a case of sudden cardiac death in a 12-year-old boy after rapid ingestion of a frozen slurry drink. The cause of death was determined to be a cardiac arrhythmia secondary to a previously undiagnosed cardiac rhabdomyoma with associated myocardial scarring. Ingestion of cold liquids has been associated with syncope, but not sudden cardiac death. In this case, bradycardia induced by cold-induced vasovagal reflex may have precipitated the terminal arrhythmia. Ingestion of cold liquids should be considered a potential trigger for fatal cardiac arrhythmias in patients with underlying heart disease. ( info)

8/832. Ictal bradycardia in a patient with a hypothalamic hamartoma: a stereo-EEG study.

    Little is known about bradycardia and cardiac asystole which occur during partial epileptic seizures, especially whether they relate to ictal involvement of well-defined cortical areas. Several reports based on simultaneous electrocardiographic and intracranial depth electroencephalographic monitoring have shown that either the fronto-orbital cortex or the amygdalohippocampal complex could be responsible for such cardiac variations. We performed stereo-EEG recordings in a patient with refractory localization-related epilepsy associated with a hypothalamic hamartoma. We found that other cortical areas, such as the frontocentral region and the temporal neocortex, can contribute to the genesis of ictal bradyarrhythmia. Second, the lesion per se, although located within the hypothalamus, is not involved with this phenomenon. ( info)

9/832. nicorandil, a potassium channel opener, abolished torsades de pointes in a patient with complete atrioventricular block.

    TdP is a serious complication of AV block. We report a case of complete AV block with QT prolongation who had bouts of TdP resistant to lidocaine and isoproterenol. Temporary pacing could not be performed, because insertion of a pacing lead triggered TdP that deteriorated into ventricular fibrillation. nicorandil, a potassium channel opener, shortened the QT interval and abolished TdP. This may suggest that potassium channel opening drugs are clinically effective against TdP associated with bradycardia-dependent QT prolongation. ( info)

10/832. role of fetal echocardiography in the management of isolated fetal heart block with ventricular rate <55 bpm.

    Persistent bradycardia is an uncommon cardiac problem in fetuses but carries a high mortality in those with a ventricular rate <55 bpm. fetal heart block is one of the most common causes of persistent fetal bradycardia (PFB). An optimal method for assessing and monitoring cardiovascular compensation in the setting of PFB due to heart block has not been fully established. We report the application of two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography in close monitoring of cardiac function and hemodynamics in a third-trimester fetus with a ventricular rate <55 bpm due to heart block, which assisted in successful management of the pregnancy to term. Hemodynamic and cardiac adaptive changes in compromised fetuses, particularly due to heart block, are discussed. ( info)
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