Cases reported "Edema"

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1/1795. Periorbital edema as the presenting sign of juvenile dermatomyositis.

    We report a case of juvenile dermatomyositis that presented with periorbital edema. dermatomyositis is an autoimmune disorder with cutaneous manifestations including heliotrope patches, Gottron's papules, periungual telangiectasisas, and subcutaneous calcifications. Periorbital edema may accompany the classic heliotrope rash and, as in this case, may be the only presenting sign of juvenile dermatomyositis. ( info)

2/1795. Henoch-Schonlein purpura: a case report.

    A case of Henoch-Schonlein purpura with the rare complications of facial and scalp oedema, followed by neurological complications manifesting as focal convulsions with transient conjugate eye deviation and cortical blindness, is described. ( info)

3/1795. blister beetle periorbital dermatitis and keratoconjunctivitis in tanzania.

    Two cases of periorbital dermatitis and one case of keratoconjunctivitis following contact with blister beetle are presented. In tanzania and kenya the commonest blister beetle is known as Nairobi Fly and is of the genus Paederus. Ocular symptoms are common, usually secondary to transfer by the fingers of the toxic chemical involved from elsewhere on the skin. blister beetle keratoconjunctivitis has not previously been described in detail. ( info)

4/1795. Maternal syndrome associated with hydrops fetalis: case report.

    A case of maternal fluid retention syndrome associated with fetal hydrops due to rhesus isoimmunisation is reported. The aetiology and clinical features are discussed. Prophylactic anti-Rh immunoglobin should reduce the incidence of such cases in the future. ( info)

5/1795. Sight-threatening acute orbital swelling from peribulbar local anesthesia.

    Severe allergic reactions to peribulbar local anesthesia are extremely rare. A 70-year-old woman presented with acute orbital swelling and optic nerve dysfunction after a peribulbar local anesthetic injection. The patient was treated with acute orbital decompression as well as intravenous antibiotics and methylprednisolone; she made a good recovery. An allergy, probably to lignocaine, was the most likely cause. Urgent recognition and treatment of this condition may prevent potentially serious visual consequences. ( info)

6/1795. Swelling of hand and forearm caused by mycobacterium bovis.

    A 75-year-old native Dutch farmer presented with a painless swelling of his right hand extending into his forearm, accompanied by general malaise and low grade fever. His medical history revealed coxitis tuberculosa in 1954 and injury of the same hand in 1978. His present swelling appeared to be caused by mycobacterium bovis, probably due to endogenous reactivation. Whether the mycobacteria reached the hand hematogenously or were directly inoculated at the time of injury of his hand in 1978 remains unclear. ( info)

7/1795. Decreased left ventricular filling pressure 8 months after corrective surgery in a 55-year-old man with tetralogy of fallot: adaptation for increased preload.

    A 55-year-old man with tetralogy of fallot underwent corrective surgery. Left ventricular filling pressure increased markedly with increased left ventricular volume one month after surgery, then decreased over the next 7 months, presumably due to increased left ventricular compliance. ( info)

8/1795. Descending necrotizing mediastinitis caused by odontogenic infections.

    Intrathoracic dissemination of an odontogenic infection is very infrequent. The resulting clinical manifestation, known as descending necrotizing mediastinitis, causes high mortality. Due to the absence of early clinical or radiological signs, diagnosis is usually made only when the process is completely established. Treatment is a combination of intravenous antibiotics and mediastinal drainage, via either a cervical or a transthoracic approach. We report the clinical and microbiological characteristics of 4 patients with descending necrotizing mediastinitis, and their clinical course over a period of 10 years. ( info)

9/1795. Unilateral distal extremity swelling with pitting oedema in giant cell arteritis.

    We describe a case of an 82-year-old woman with giant cell arteritis, who developed unilateral pitting oedema of the dorsum of the right hand, foot and distal part of the right forearm as well as tenosynovitis of the right wrist extensors, mild synovitis of the right wrist, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints, during relapse of giant cell arteritis. Increase of corticosteroids resolved the giant cell arteritis, pitting oedema and tenosynovitis. ( info)

10/1795. A case of edematous striae distensae in lupus nephritis.

    A 17-year-old girl with systemic lupus erythematosus presented with painful edematous abdominal striae. She had been treated with systemic steroid for the systemic lupus erythematosus. At the time of presentation, she had abruptly gained 10 kg due to combined lupus nephritis. The histopathologic finding of the edematous striae distensae included dermal edema with separation of collagen fibers and small fragmented elastic fibers. Edematous striae distensae are uncommon but can develop from the combined effects of glucocorticoid and generalized edema. ( info)
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