Cases reported "Frostbite"

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1/73. Assessment of bone viability by scintiscanning in frostbite injuries.

    Radionuclide bone imaging with a radiotechnetium-labeled phosphate (99mTc-methylene diphosphonate) has been employed to study the extremities injured by frostbite. The degree of accretion of the radiopharmaceutical in bone is dependent on the integrity of the vascular supply. This property has been used successfully to distinguish viable and nonviable bone. ( info)

2/73. frostbite: an orthopedic perspective.

    frostbite injury to the extremities has the potential for disastrous effects. This review provides information valuable to the orthopedic surgeon to aid in the evaluation and treatment of frostbite. The pathophysiology and predisposing factors that provide a basic understanding of the nature of frostbite are discussed. Accepted and experimental imaging studies and treatment options are also reviewed. An effort is made to give the orthopedic perspective on each issue, providing a valuable resource for all orthopedic surgeons involved in the care of the patient with frostbite. ( info)

3/73. Upper aerodigestive tract frostbite complicating volatile substance abuse.

    Volatile substance abuse has become increasingly popular among today's youth. It has reportedly been used by up to 13% of teenage populations. physicians need to be aware of the potential complications which may arise from this form of substance abuse. We describe the case of a young male who presented with massive edema affecting his lips, oral cavity, oropharynx and trachea. It was later discovered that his injury was secondary to thermal trauma related to the abuse of a fluorinated hydrocarbon propellant. This presentation may easily be confused with allergic or angioneurotic edema. Denial by the patient can lead to a further delay in diagnosis. This case is especially notable since frostbite injury involving the upper aerodigestive tract is extremely rare. We discuss the differential diagnosis and the management principals required in the care of this patient. We also present a pertinent review of the literature related to both volatile substance abuse and its complications involving the airway. ( info)

4/73. frostbite at the gym: a case report of an ice pack burn.

    The case is reported of a 59 year old woman who suffered a 1% total body surface area superficial partial thickness burn to her calf following the application of an ice pack. The cause, resulting injury, and subsequent management are discussed. It is possible that such injuries are common, but no similar reports were found in a literature search. awareness of the risk of this type of injury is important for all those entrusted with advising patients on the treatment of minor soft tissue injuries. ( info)

5/73. Pinch reconstruction by hand to hand finger transfer associated with hallux transfer after a severe frostbite injury.

    We report a case of severe frostbite in which a pincer hand was created by microsurgical transfer of a partially amputated small finger from the opposite hand combined with microsurgical transfer of a partially amputated great toe which was subsequently lengthened. ( info)

6/73. Oral frostbite injury from intentional abuse of a fluorinated hydrocarbon.

    BACKGROUND: A serious but rarely reported complication of halogenated hydrocarbon inhalation abuse is severe mucosal frostbite. CASE REPORT: A 16-year-old male attempted to "get high" by inhaling airbrush propellant which contained 1,1-difluoroethane (CAS #75-376). The patient lost consciousness and upon awakening his lips and tongue were frozen. He suffered first- and second-degree burns of the larynx with vocal cord involvement and first-degree burns of the trachea, main stem bronchi, and esophagus. The oral cavity had second- and third-degree burns which required debridement. CONCLUSION: This case demonstrates the unusual but severe damage that can occur with the abuse of fluorinated hydrocarbons. ( info)

7/73. Liquid ammonia injury.

    The toxic effects of a gas depend on the time of exposure, concentration and its chemical nature. Pressurized liquids and gases exert an additional cold thermal injury and this may complicate the clinical picture. A patient who had an accidental exposure to liquid ammonia over a prolonged period, manifesting in cutaneous, respiratory and ocular damage in addition to a severe cold thermal injury (frostbite) with a fatal outcome is presented. The patient had flaccid quadriparesis and episodes of bradycardia, which has not been reported previously. These manifestations raise the possibility of the systemic toxicity in patients with prolonged exposure to ammonia. ( info)

8/73. Frozen chips: an unusual cause of severe frostbite injury.

    A case of severe frostbite injury to the right foot is presented. This was caused by the inappropriate application of a bag of frozen chips to the foot in an attempt to ease non-specific pain. No specific acute traumatic injury was identified. As the patient was a teacher of physical education, the pain had initially been assumed to originate from a minor musculoskeletal injury. Full recovery ensued after surgical excision of necrotic tissue and split skin grafting. The danger of inappropriate overenthusiastic use of ice packs or other frozen material to treat soft tissue injuries is emphasised. The need for education to prevent similar future injuries is discussed. ( info)

9/73. Free flap coverage of bilateral frostbite of the feet.

    The indications, principles of management, and outcomes of free flap transfer for limb salvage in four patients with bilateral frostbite of their feet are presented. A fasciocutaneous flap was used for coverage when the wound involved a single surface of the foot. When multiple surfaces of the foot required free flap coverage, a muscle flap was used because it could more easily improve the shape and contour of the defect. Successful coverage was achieved in all four patients. ( info)

10/73. Salvage of avascular bone from frostbite with free tissue transfer.

    Traditional management of frostbite injury of the hands and fingers has been to allow demarcation to occur between viable and nonviable tissues, corresponding to the level of amputation required. In this case report, phalangeal length in mummified digits was maintained with free tissue transfer followed by evidence of bony revascularization on bone scan. Rather than waiting for tissue demarcation to occur, the authors propose that consideration be given to debridement of soft tissues in the frostbitten fingers followed by free tissue transfer to salvage length and function in the digital bony skeleton. ( info)
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