Cases reported "Hand Dermatoses"

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1/7. Palmar petechiae in dermatitis herpetiformis: a case report and clinical review.

    Palmar petechiae or purpura is an unusual finding in dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) that occurs in children but is only rarely reported in adults. We describe a 46-year-old man with DH who presented with the classic pruritic papulovesicular eruption and associated volar finger and palmar petechiae. We discuss recent advances in the pathogenesis and treatment of DH.
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ranking = 1
keywords = petechiae
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2/7. Papular-purpuric "gloves and socks" syndrome in a mother and daughter.

    The papular-purpuric "gloves and socks" syndrome (PPGSS) is a unique exanthem characterized by petechiae with painful edema of the hands and feet extending proximally with less severity. Constitutional symptoms of fever, lethargy, and arthralgia have also been described. Human parvovirus B19 has been implicated in most cases as the causative agent. We describe a mother and her daughter presenting with the characteristic findings of PPGSS and demonstrating the seroconversion of human parvovirus B19 a few days after the onset of their illness. Additional clinical findings of cutaneous vesicles, bullae, and conjunctivitis are reported in the mother's case. To our knowledge, these are the first 2 cases of PPGSS in a household setting.
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ranking = 0.16666666666667
keywords = petechiae
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3/7. Petechial glove and sock syndrome caused by parvovirus B19.

    The petechial glove and sock syndrome is a recently described febrile dermatosis characterized by acral pruritus, edema, pain, petechiae, and an enanthem of petechiae and erosions; these features suggest a viral origin. We report a typical case in a 36-year-old woman. IgM antibodies to human parvovirus B19 (PVB19) were present, and acute and convalescent IgG antibodies demonstrated seroconversion, which suggested recent infection with PVB19. Results of tests for other viral and bacterial agents were negative. These results strongly implicate PVB19 as an etiologic agent in the petechial glove and sock syndrome.
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ranking = 0.33333333333333
keywords = petechiae
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4/7. oral manifestations of papular-purpuric 'gloves and socks' syndrome due to parvovirus B19 infection: the first case presented in greece and review of the literature.

    Papular-purpuric 'gloves and socks' syndrome (PPGSS) is a novel, rare, self-limited dermatosis initially described in 1990. It is characterized by painful, pruritic edema and erythema, rapidly evolving to papular-purpuric lesions on the distal extremities, in a gloves-and-socks distribution, accompanied by fever and oral lesions such as petechiae, vesiculopustules and small erosions. parvovirus B19 has been implicated in most cases as the etiological factor. Herein we present the first case of PPGSS in a 42-year-old Greek man with von Willebrand disease. On admission the patient was febrile, and presented acral edema and erythema rapidly followed by purpuric lesions on the same sites, and palatal petechiae. Complete remission of the exanthem occurred 7 days after hospitalization. Clinical and laboratory evaluation including serologic tests and PCR, confirmed the presence of parvovirus B19. review of the existing literature on this novel syndrome and its association with parvovirus B19 is also presented.
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ranking = 0.33333333333333
keywords = petechiae
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5/7. Gloves and socks syndrome associated with parvovirus B19 infection.

    The spectrum of disease caused by parvovirus B19 infection ranges from asymptomatic to a serious disease. parvovirus B19 plays a role in the pathomechanism of gloves and socks syndrome, erythema infectiosum, acute polyarthralgia, aplastic crisis in persons with hemolytic anemia, and birth defects. Gloves and socks syndrome has an acute febrile course. Painful edema of hands and feet, and numerous small confluent petechiae in the same localization are the most characteristic signs. Blisters and erosions may occur in oral mucosa. General discomfort and arthralgia accompany skin lesions. The disease tends to be self-limiting. A typical case of gloves and socks syndrome in a 36-year-old woman is reported. Serological tests disclosed the parvovirus B19 infection, confirming the causal relationship between the syndrome and this infection.
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ranking = 0.16666666666667
keywords = petechiae
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6/7. Petechial glove and sock syndrome caused by parvovirus B19.

    The petechial glove and sock syndrome is a recently described febrile dermatosis characterized by acral edema, petechiae in a characteristic distribution, and enanthem, which has been associated in several cases with parvovirus B19 seroconversion. We report an additional case of petechial glove and sock syndrome that further corroborates the role of parvovirus B19 as a causative agent of this syndrome in adults.
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ranking = 0.16666666666667
keywords = petechiae
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7/7. Papular-purpuric gloves and socks syndrome associated with acute parvovirus B19 infection: case report and review.

    The papular-purpuric gloves and socks syndrome (PPGSS) was first described in 1990. This syndrome is characterized by fever, acral pruritus, edema, petechiae, and oral erosions. Subsequently, parvovirus B19 has been implicated, in most cases, as the causative agent of this syndrome. To date, with two exceptions, all published cases of PPGSS have been from europe and the middle east and have been mainly reported in the dermatology literature. Herein, we report what we believe to be only the second case of documented parvovirus B19-associated PPGSS occurring in the united states. The patient presented with the typical clinical syndrome, and the diagnosis of acute parvovirus B19 infection was documented by serial serologies that demonstrated development of IgM antibody to virus during the acute phase of infection and seroconversion to IgG antibody in the convalescent period. We then review the existing literature on this unusual syndrome and its association with parvovirus B19.
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ranking = 0.16666666666667
keywords = petechiae
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