1/8. hypercalcemia accompanied by hypothalamic hypopituitarism, central diabetes inspidus and hyperthyroidism.We present here a case of prominent hypercalcemia accompanied by hypothalamic tumor and Graves' disease. A 24-year-old man with hypothalamic tumor showed hypopituitarism, central diabetes inspidus (DI) and hyperthyroidism. nausea, loss of thirst and appetite, and general fatigue were found with the unveiling of hypercalcemia and hypernatremia. parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1alpha-dihydroxyvitamin D levels were suppressed with a normal range of PTH-related protein values. One-desamino-(8-D-arginine)-vasopressin (DDAVP) and half-saline administration normalized hypernatremia, while hypercalcemia was still sustained. Administration of cortisone acetate and thiamazole reduced the elevated serum Ca level. In the present case, concurrent hyperthyroidism was assumed to accelerate skeletal mobilization of calcium into the circulation. Hypocortisolism and central DI was also considered to contribute, to some extent, to the hypercalcemia through renal handling of Ca.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 1keywords = thirst (Clic here for more details about this article) |
2/8. Natural course of lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis.Natural course of lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis is poorly understood. A 49-year-old male had noticed being unnaturally thirsty since about two years previously. An enlargement of the pituitary stalk and pituitary gland was thus observed by MR at that time. However, no medical care had been given. Two years later, he was admitted to our hospital due to headache in addition to panhypopituitarism. The histologic features included T cell dominant lymphocytes infiltrating prominently the entire pituitary gland with a small amount of multinucleated giant cells, focal and small necrosis, cholesterin crystals and granuloma. Neither tuberculosis nor Langerhans histiocytosis were observed. In addition, the patient was found to have a unique massive well-encapusulated lesion in the sphenoid sinus, just below the pituitary fossa, consisting of serous fluid, normal columnar epithelium and submucosal fibrosis. This patient had a fairly typical clinical manifestation of lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis with invason of the posterior lobe and the stalk. The lesion became chronic and leaked to the sphenoid sinus. As a result, chronic hypophysitis with granuloma formation thus occurred. This case may show the course of this disease if not treated.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 1keywords = thirst (Clic here for more details about this article) |
3/8. A case of hypopituitarism with diabetes insipidus and loss of thirst. role of antidiuretic hormone and angiotensin ii in the control of urine flow and osmolality.A 20-yr-old male was found to have diabetes insipidus is association with panhypopituitarism but without any focal neurological lesion being identified. He was initially treated with steroid supplements, the features of diabetes insipidus being controlled with a thiazide diuretic. Eighteen months later the patient lost thirst sensation and stopped treatment, subsequently being re-admitted with severe dehydration, oliguria and focal neurological signs. Further investigation, including brain biopsy, confirmed the presence of an atypical pinealoma which was considered inoperable. Measurements of plasma antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and angiotensin ii (AII) concentrations during the severe dehydration showed very high levels of AII, but inappropriately low plasma ADH levels for the severity of dehydration. We consider that the evidence obtained from this case supports the view that the oliguria with hypertonic urine present during severe dehydration was due to a direct renal action of the very high AII levels, possibly supplemented by the residual ADH secretion.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 5keywords = thirst (Clic here for more details about this article) |
4/8. IgG4-associated multifocal systemic fibrosis complicating sclerosing sialadenitis, hypophysitis, and retroperitoneal fibrosis, but lacking pancreatic involvement.A 71-year-old man was admitted with malaise, mild fever, anorexia, body weight loss, lower back pain, thirst, and polydipsia. He showed bilateral swelling of the submandibular glands. Examinations showed panhypopituitarism and a high serum IgG4 concentration. Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) revealed uptake in the pituitary gland, bilateral submandibular gland, bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes, and a mass consistent with retroperitoneal fibrosis, but not in the pancreas. biopsy specimens from the submandibular gland and retroperitoneal mass indicated sialadenitis and retroperitoneal fibrosis respectively, and showed severe fibrosis and inflammation with marked lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltration. hormone replacement therapy with hydrocortisone resulted in marked clinical improvement. Systemic involvement found in this patient possibly corresponded to the new concept of IgG4-associated multifocal systemic fibrosis.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 1keywords = thirst (Clic here for more details about this article) |
5/8. Sexual precocity with hypothalamic hypopituitarism.Two girls, one with septo-optic dysplasia and the other with posttraumatic brain damage, had the unusual combination of human growth hormone, thyrotropin, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, and vasopressin deficiencies that were associated with sexual precocity in one patient and early sexual maturation in the second patient, and of adult follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone concentrations. At autopsy, the first patient had optic nerve aplasia, a normal pituitary gland, and some disorganization of myelinated fibers in the hypothalamus. The second patient had a normal thyrotropin and prolactin response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone, plus hyperphagia, deranged thirst mechanism, and temperature instability. These findings suggest that the lesion may be a defective hypothalamic regulation of pituitary hormone secretion. Congenital or traumatic hypothalamic-pituitary lesions may not affect all releasing factors or trophic hormones in a similar fashion.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 1keywords = thirst (Clic here for more details about this article) |
6/8. Chronic hypernatremia, hypovolemia and partial hypopituitarism in sarcoidosis: a case report.A syndrome of chronic hypernatremia (range 148 to 161 mmoles/l) and partial hypopituitarism (growth hormone and gonadotropin deficiencies) is reported in a 27 year-old man with sarcoid hypothalamic involvement. The patient did not complain of thirst and spontaneous fluid intake was not sufficient to restore the serum sodium to normal. However, when larger amounts of water were given (50 ml/kg for 180 min), the plasma osmolality returned to normal values in 3 hours. blood volume values were found subnormal on two occasions on free diet (63 and 74% of the theorical normal values) and plasma renin activity was elevated (22 ng/ml/hour). plasma vasopressin (AVP) concentrations (range < 1 to 1.9 pg/ml) were inappropriately low for the degree of plasma osmolality and remained markedly subnormal when hypertonic saline was infused (NaCl 5%, 10 ml/min for 60 min). However, the secretory stores and hemodynamic control of AVP release were intact since a rise in plasma AVP to 10.8 pg/ml was observed after induction of arterial hypotension with sodium nitroprusside infusion. These results provide further direct evidence fo the dysfunction of the thirst mechanism and the osmotic contol of AVP release. They support the concept that osmoreceptor areas are anatomically distinct from the neurohypophyseal AVP secretory system and that neural inputs from baroreceptor and osmoreceptor cells are completely separated.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 2keywords = thirst (Clic here for more details about this article) |
7/8. Unstable osmoreceptors and defective thirst in hypothalamic hypopituitarism.An 8-year-old girl with hypothalamic hypopituitarism is described. The clinical course was characterized by fluctuation between diabetes insipidus and water intoxication. In an attempt to find a physiological explanation she underwent two sets of dehydration and osmotic threshold tests. The presence of endogenous vasopressin, and the normally functioning volume receptors, was demonstrated by the normal urine osmolality during dehydration. The osmotic threshold was 263 mosm/kg on one test and 300 mosm/kg on the other. More extreme values might be suspected based on simultaneous urine and plasma osmolality obtained during acute episodes of water intoxication and severe dehydration. With plasma osmolality as high as 307 mosm/kg, the child denied thirst. The data appear to indicate an instability of the osmoreceptor mechanism and a deficiency of the thirst mechanism with intact volume receptors.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 6keywords = thirst (Clic here for more details about this article) |
8/8. Hypernatremic myopathy.We describe a 21-year-old man presenting with proximal muscle weakness associated with hypernatremia. His manifestations other than muscle weakness included dry skin, loss of axillary and pubic hair, decreased libido and loss of thirst sensation. His serum sodium level was elevated to 169-171 mEq./l but all other electrolytes were normal. In addition, serum CK was elevated and an EMG study showed myogenic changes. Endocrinological studies revealed hypothalamic hypopituitarism, while MRI revealed a suprasellar mass. A partial correction of hypernatremia led to an immediate recovery of the muscle weakness as well as a normalization of both the serum CK level and EMG findings, suggesting a direct association between the muscle weakness and hypernatremia. The phosphocreatine/inorganic phosphorus (PCr/Pi) ratios in the resting calf muscle, obtained using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), were very low during the state of muscle weakness, while they returned to nearly normal values after clinical improvement, suggesting that the muscle weakness in hypernatremic state was caused by a depletion of the intramuscular energy stores, probably due to an overworking Na-K pump to correct the intracellular electrolyte imbalance.- - - - - - - - - - ranking = 1keywords = thirst (Clic here for more details about this article) |