Cases reported "Leiomyoma"

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11/1723. Vision disturbances after operative hysteroscopy.

    Vision disturbance after transurethral resection of the prostate using glycine (1.5% aminoacetic acid) as the irrigating fluid is well known (TURP syndrome). Not so commonly seen or reported is transient blindness after operative hysteroscopy with glycine. It occurred in a 38-year-old woman who underwent hysteroscopic myomectomy and endometrial resection in which the distention medium was glycine. (J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 6(2):213-215, 1999) ( info)

12/1723. leiomyoma of the round ligament in a postmenopausal woman.

    OBJECTIVE: leiomyoma of the round ligament of the uterus is a rare condition. We present the first case of a postmenopausal, previously hysterectomised, woman who received combined hormonal replacement therapy and developed a leiomyoma of the right round ligament. METHOD: In sections of the tumor, immunohistochemical reaction with monoclonal antibodies against smooth muscle actin, desmin, vimentin, estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor was performed. RESULTS: The leiomyoma showed bizarre histologic appearance in absence of mitotic figures and degenerative changes. Leiomyocytes presented a positive immunohistochemical reaction with monoclonal antibodies against smooth muscle actin, desmin vimentin and progesterone receptor in absence of estrogen receptor. CONCLUSION: Progestin as part of a combined hormonal replacement therapy may play an important role in promoting the development of leiomyoma in hormonal responsive tissue of the round ligament in postmenopausal women. ( info)

13/1723. Gas embolism during hysteroscopy.

    PURPOSE: Gas embolism during hysteroscopy is rare but sometimes fatal. A fatal case of gas embolism during diagnostic hysteroscopy using carbon dioxide (CO2) is presented. CLINICAL FEATURES: A 68 yr old woman was admitted for treatment of myoma and cancer of the uterus. hysteroscopy using CO2 was performed without monitoring or anesthesia on the ward. At the end of the examination, just after the hysteroscope was removed, she developed tonic convulsions, lost consciousness, and her pulse was impalpable. Cardiac massage was started, anesthesiologists were called and the trachea was intubated. She was transferred to the intensive care unit with continuous cardiac massage. Cardiac resuscitation was successful. A central venous line was inserted into the right ventricle under echocardiography in an attempt to aspirate gas with the patient in the Trendelenberg position, but the aspiration failed. Positive end expiratory pressure and heparin for emboli, midazolam for brain protection, and catecholamines were administered. Fifteen hours after resuscitation, the pupils were enlarged and she died 25 hr after resuscitation. CONCLUSION: Gas embolism is a rare complication of hysteroscopy. The procedure should be performed with monitoring of blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation and end-tidal CO2 concentration. ( info)

14/1723. Vaginal expulsion of submucosal fibroids after uterine artery embolization. A report of three cases.

    BACKGROUND: Since October 1996, at our fibroid center, we have been using the uterine artery embolization (UAE) procedure as a nonsurgical means to treat patients with fibroids and menorrhagia. We have performed this procedure on over 180 patients, 3 of whom experienced vaginal expulsion of submucosal fibroids from two to seven months later. CASES: A 37-year-old woman underwent UAE in November 1997 and expelled five submucosal fibroids two to three months later. A 43-year-old woman underwent UAE in August 1997 and expelled a submucosal fibroid four months later. A 46-year-old woman underwent UAE in April 1997 and expelled a submucosal fibroid seven months later. CONCLUSION: The use of UAE to treat patients with fibroids and menorrhagia is relatively new. Our experience has revealed that a significant percentage of patients who have had the embolization procedure will have reduction in menorrhagia and also in the volume of their fibroids. Complications and side effects have been few. Vaginal expulsion of submucosal fibroids can be viewed as a side effect of the procedure, and, to the best of our knowledge, these are the first reported cases of this postembolization occurrence. ( info)

15/1723. Myomectomy in pregnancy: incarcerated pedunculated fibroid in an umbilical hernia sac.

    We describe a rare case of a 31-year-old woman at 28 weeks of pregnancy presenting with an incarcerated pedunculated fibroid in an umbilical hernia sac. She had a successful myomectomy and hernia repair and proceeded to have spontaneous vaginal delivery at term. Incarceration of a pedunculated fibroid presents a diagnostic puzzle which can be successfully treated by myomectomy. ( info)

16/1723. Intravascular fasciitis of the forearm vein: a case report with immunohistochemical characterization.

    Intravascular fasciitis is a very unusual variant of nodular fasciitis. A unique case of this lesion occurring in the proximal portion of the superficial vein of the forearm in an otherwise healthy 26-year-old man is reported. The intravascular polypoid lesion grew longitudinally along the vascular lumen, was loosely attached to the intimal layer, and was partly anchored beyond the internal elastic lamina into the medial smooth muscle layer. However, extravascular involvement was absent. The histological features were identical to those observed in ordinary cellular nodular fasciitis. Because of its myofibroblastic phenotype exhibited by highly proliferative spindle cells, certain intimomedial myofibroblasts are thought to be the indigenous source of this unique fibroproliferative lesion. Unless the diagnosis of intravascular fasciitis is considered and appropriate differential markers examined, it may be confused with other intravascular lesions, such as intravascular leiomyoma, intravenous pyogenic granuloma, organized thrombus and, even, fibromuscular dysplasia if it arises in the arteries. A simple excision is considered curable. Even so, two recurrent cases have been documented to date. ( info)

17/1723. Multiple piloleiomyomas associated with solitary angioleiomyoma.

    A 58 year-old male had reddish scattered papules strictly confined to the right side of his upper back and neck, right shoulder, and right upper arm. Additionally, he also noticed a subcutaneous nodule on his left thigh. Histopathological examinations revealed that the papules on the back, nape of the neck, shoulder, and arm were multiple piloleiomyomas, as shown by the proliferation of bundles of smooth muscles in the dermis. The subcutaneous nodule of the thigh was angioleiomyoma with a well-circumscribed lesion composed of smooth muscles and blood vessels. Ipsilaterality and segmentality of the distribution of the papules of piloleiomyomas and probable family history that his mother had similar papules with a similar distribution suggest the nevoid character of our case. Piloleiomyomas are often reported to be associated with leiomyoma of the uterus or other organs. This is the first reported case of multiple piloleiomyomas with solitary angioleiomyoma in the literature. ( info)

18/1723. The role of surgery in occult gastrointestinal bleeding.

    The surgeon is frequently involved in the management of patients with occult gastrointestinal bleeding. It is important to have a systematic approach to these patients to avoid the "looking for a needle in a haystack" approach to this problem. These are a group of patients who have undergone extensive standard gastroendoscopic evaluation and continue to bleed. Five percent of gastrointestinal bleeding occurs between the ligament of Treitz and the ileocecal valve. Therapeutic management may be guided by the age of the patient. patients aged younger than 50 years will usually bleed from readily identifiable palpable lesions, such as leiomyoma, Meckel's diverticulum, or other small-bowel tumors, whereas the patients aged older than 50 years most commonly bleed from angiodysplasias or arteriovenous malformations that are not palpable, frequently multiple, and may be evanescent. ( info)

19/1723. Cytogenetic and CGH studies of four neuroendocrine tumors and tumor-derived cell lines of a patient with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1.

    A malignant insulinoma (LOHG-I), a carcinoid of the lung (LOHG-L), a parathyroid adenoma (LOHG-NSA), and a fibroma (LOHG-F) were obtained from a patient with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1). Long-term cultures were established. Essential neurobiological properties of the cell lines were proven immunocytochemically and by electron microscopy. Molecular analysis of the germline dna showed a 4 bp deletion in exon 3 of the MEN1 gene. Cytogenetic and CGH analyses of the tumors/tumor cell lines revealed diploidy and balanced and unbalanced structural aberrations different for each tumor. chromosomes 6q21, 11q and 17q were most frequently involved in clonal structural aberrations. ( info)

20/1723. Gastro-intestinal bleeding caused by leiomyoma of the small intestine in a child with neurofibromatosis.

    Gastro-intestinal bleeding is an uncommon presentation in children with neurofibromatosis. Gastro-intestinal involvement caused by jejunal leiomyoma has only been described in adults. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paediatric case of jejunal leiomyoma associated with neurofibromatosis. We present a 10-year-old girl with a 9-month history of anaemia and low gastro-intestinal bleeding. Abdominal sonography and small bowel series showed a submucosal mass in the proximal jejunum. On surgery, a submucosal tumour was excised and histological examination suggested a diagnosis of "smooth muscle tumour of undetermined malignant potential". There were no recurrence of symptoms for 4 years after the operation. CONCLUSION: Jejunal leiomyoma should be considered in a child with neurofibromatosis presenting with gastro-intestinal bleeding. ( info)
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