Cases reported "Ovarian Neoplasms"

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1/1620. Sertoli cell tumors of ovary: light microscopic and ultrastructural study with histogenetic considerations.

    Two cases of pure Sertoli cell tumors of the ovary are presented. The tumors were grey to brown and generally solid, but with several cystic areas. They showed a highly differentiated, but variable, histologic patterns with solid cords of neoplastic cells, as well as tubular formations. Ultrastructurally, the basal part of the cells rested on a nonfibrillary basement membrane layer while the free border showed occasional cilia. Laterally, the cells showed tight junctions and desmosomes. Abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum and some cystically dilated smooth endoplasmic reticulum were evident. The theories regarding the histogenesis are discussed. Enough similarities, both by light and by electron microscopy, are presented between these tumors and the Sertoli cell to justify classifying these ovarian tumors as Sertoli cell in type. The development of cilia is considered to be a manifestation of focal metaplasia of the neoplastic Sertoli cell.
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ranking = 1
keywords = ovary
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2/1620. Ovarian cancer presenting as leukocytoclastic vasculitis.

    We describe a 53-year-old woman with a 4-month history of palpable purpuric papules on the upper and lower extremities. biopsy of the skin lesions revealed leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Although she denied any systemic symptoms, urinalysis demonstrated hematuria and proteinuria. Although the patient's skin lesions responded to prednisone, her urinalysis did not improve. A 10-cm complex mass involving the left ovary and adnexa was incidentally discovered on renal ultrasound. serum CA-125, an ovarian cancer marker, was elevated. laparotomy revealed ovarian carcinoma confined to the left ovary. After the cancer was resected, the patient's urinalysis slowly improved. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LCV) is infrequently associated with underlying malignancy and only rarely with solid tumors. We postulate that the patient's vasculitis represented a paraneoplastic phenomenon that allowed a diagnosis of asymptomatic ovarian carcinoma. To our knowledge, this is the first report of LCV occurring as the presenting sign of ovarian cancer.
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ranking = 0.4
keywords = ovary
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3/1620. Malignant struma ovarii.

    A rare case of malignant struma ovarii is presented. The tumor was excised together with the ovary and interpreted as a papillary strumal adenocarcinoma arising in a cystic teratoma with predominant thyroid elements. Prior to surgery the patient did not show any symptoms of thyroid hyperfunction. The thyroid function tests performed subsequent to surgery were within normal limits. Periodic examinations of the patient over a period of three years did not reveal any abnormalities. Statistically, this type of malignancy carries a good prognosis with a high "cure" rate.
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ranking = 0.2
keywords = ovary
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4/1620. Ovarian endometrioid-like yolk sac tumor treated by surgery alone, with recurrence at 12 years.

    We describe the case of a stage Ia endometrioid-like yolk sac tumor (YST) of the ovary, which was originally misdiagnosed as a malignant struma ovarii and not treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. After 12 years, a contralateral dermoid cyst was excised along with a small omental nodule of partially necrotic and calcified endometrioid-like YST. No tumor was detected in several other biopsy specimens, and a peritoneal lavage was negative for tumor cells. Since there was no evidence of remaining tumor and the serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level was normal after the second operation, the patient was followed. Serial serum AFP levels remained normal for 4 months. At a second-look laparotomy after 4 months, a small tumor nodule was removed from the cul-de-sac. Postoperatively, the patient received three cycles of BEP chemotherapy. The long disease-free interval after the first operation in spite of the presence of occult spread to the omentum and to the pouch of Douglas in this case indicates that some endometrioid-like YSTs may have an indolent course. The present case underscores the importance of careful surgical staging and of long-term follow-up in cases of primitive germ cell tumors of the ovary.
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ranking = 0.4
keywords = ovary
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5/1620. Malignant mixed mesodermal tumor presenting as metastatic lymph node adenosquamous cell carcinoma: a case report.

    A solitary inguinal lymph node metastasis from a poorly differentiated adenosquamous cell carcinoma of unknown origin in a 52-year-old female is described. The patient was reported to have had a 2-cm palpable mass in the left inguinal area for three years. She had made regular annual clinic visits for Pap smears since the age of 45 years. Her last visit was eight months prior to a complaint of progressive abdominal distention and dull pain of three months' duration. physical examination showed a huge pelvic mass, and ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen showed a 12-cm complex solid mass on the left ovary. The patient underwent a complete excisional biopsy of the left inguinal lymph node. Frozen section pathology revealed a poorly differentiated adenosquamous cell carcinoma. Exploratory laparotomy immediately followed pathologic confirmation of malignancy of the left inguinal lymph node. Complete surgical staging including abdominal cytology, total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, infracolic omentectomy, retroperitoneal lymph node sampling and excisional biopsy was performed for all suspicious lesions. Stage IIIC malignant mixed mesodermal tumor (MMMT) was diagnosed due to positive left inguinal lymph node metastasis. However, the retroperitoneal lymph node and intra-abdominal cavity did not show spread of the tumors, except those confined to the left ovary with adhesion to the cul-de-sac, and sole lymph node metastasis in a left inguinal lymph node. Although we could not prove that the left inguinal lymph node metastasis had been present for the three years that it was palpable without histologic confirmation, we believe that any enlarged inguinal lymph node might be the first hint of underlying malignancy in the pelvic area, lower extremities or perineal area. In cases of a poorly differentiated carcinoma of inguinal lymph nodes of unknown origin, the abdomen should be carefully evaluated.
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ranking = 0.4
keywords = ovary
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6/1620. plasmacytoma of the ovary: a case report and literature review.

    BACKGROUND: Ovarian plasmacytomas are a unique and unusual presentation of extramedullary plasmacytomas (EMP). A report of the seventh such case is presented with review of the previous six cases. methods: Surgical and medical staging were performed on the present case. The literature is reviewed. RESULTS: EMP involving the ovary is usually large at the time of presentation, more likely involving the left side, and without evidence of disseminated disease. As in other plasma cell dyscrasia, IgG paraprotein is more frequently involved. CONCLUSION: Adjuvant treatment for ovarian plasmacytomas is not clearly established; however, if complete surgical resection is achieved and no evidence of multiple myeloma is found, observation should be strongly considered.
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ranking = 1
keywords = ovary
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7/1620. Hilus cell tumour of the ovary in a virilized, premenopausal woman. Case report and review of hyperandrogenism of ovarian origin.

    A 35 year-old woman presented with virilization and was found to have elevated serum testosterone levels. Investigation revealed an 11 mm hilus cell tumour in the left ovary. After unilateral oophorectomy, serum testosterone levels rapidly returned to normal levels. The various ovarian tumours and conditions causing virilization are described and a clinical approach to the investigation of virilization is outlined.
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ranking = 1
keywords = ovary
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8/1620. Malignant fibrothecomatous tumour of the ovary: diagnostic value of anti-inhibin immunostaining.

    Malignant ovarian tumours of the fibrothecoma group are rare. The clinicopathological features of a case of ovarian malignant fibrothecoma in which there was metastatic disease in the small intestine and peritoneum at presentation are described. A number of differential diagnoses were considered but positive immunohistochemical staining of the resected ovarian and small intestinal neoplasms with anti-inhibin was of value in confirming a sex cord-stromal tumour and in excluding other lesions. The two tumours were also ultrastructurally identical. Classical malignant fibrothecomas are said to show four or more mitotic figures per 10 high power fields (HPF). Although the intestinal secondary was mitotically active, the primary ovarian tumour contained only one to two mitoses per 10 HPF, showing that formal mitotic counts are not an absolute indicator of malignant behaviour in this group of tumours.
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ranking = 0.8
keywords = ovary
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9/1620. Stromal leydig cell tumor of the ovary. Case report and literature review.

    The stromal leydig cell tumor is a very rare benign tumor originating from the ovarian stroma. Only seven cases have been reported, all in postmenopausal women, except for one in a 15-year-old girl. In the present case, masculinization developed over a few months in a 24-year-old woman. The serum concentration of testosterone was 4.7 ng/ml before operation. Left salpingo-oophorectomy and wedge resection of the right ovary were performed. The encapsulated left ovarian tumor was an ovarian stromal leydig cell tumor on microscopic examination.
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ranking = 1
keywords = ovary
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10/1620. Recurrent clear cell carcinoma of the ovary changing into producing parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTH-rP) with hypercalcemia.

    We experienced the case of a clear cell carcinoma of the ovary arising from an endometrial cyst, which started to produce parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTH-rP) in a recurrent tumor, thus inducing hypercalcemia. Using immunohistochemical analysis, we demonstrated that the primary carcinoma was immunonegative for PTH-rP, but that the recurrent carcinoma was strongly immunopositive for PTH-rP.
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ranking = 1
keywords = ovary
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