Cases reported "Penile Diseases"

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1/5. Peyronie's disease: an unusual presentation with butterfly shaped calcified plaques.

    Peyronie's disease is characterized by the formation of a fibrotic plaque in the tunica albugenia of the penis. Two patients with calcified butterfly shaped plaques involving the ventrolateral aspect of the penis are described. These patients were managed by plaque excision and dermal grafting with excellent post-operative results.
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ranking = 1
keywords = tunica
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2/5. cysts of the testicular parenchyma and tunica albuginea.

    Five cases of cysts of the tunica albuginea and two cases of cysts of the testicular parenchyma are described. The cysts of the albuginea were located in the anterior, lateral, and inferior faces of the testis (distant from the epididymis) and covered by a thin albuginea. They extended toward the testicular parenchyma or toward the tunica vaginalis. Their epithelial lining varied from low cuboidal to columnar and consisted of ciliated or nonciliated cells. These cysts were probably of mesothelial origin. The cysts of the testicular parenchyma were also located distant from the mediastinum testis and were not in contact with the albuginea. Their epithelial lining consisted of flattened, cuboidal, nonciliated cells. The origin of the cysts of the testicular parenchyma is not clear. In one case the occurrence of spermatozoa in the cyst lumen and connections with seminiferous tubules suggests an origin in the rete testis.
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ranking = 6
keywords = tunica
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3/5. Ultrasound diagnosis of tunica albuginea cyst: clinical perspective.

    Two case reports of tunica albuginea cysts are presented. Imaging of this lesion by high resolution ultrasonography and the impact of this technique on management are considered.
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ranking = 5
keywords = tunica
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4/5. Impotence in the bull: (3) rupture of the corpus cavernosum penis proximal to the sigmoid flexure.

    Penile haematomas, lying outside the tunica albuginea, were found in six bulls of various breeds, aged one-and-a-half to nine-and-three-quarter years. In five cases the haematomas definitely arose from rupture of the dorsal or crural canal and tunica albuginea of the corpus cavernosum penis (ccp) within the proximal 12 cm of the penile body. In the sixth bull, lesions of the tunica albuginea and distortion of the penis just proximal to the proximal bend of the sigmoid flexure may have represented the site of rupture. There was no evidence of rupture at the distal bend of the sigmoid flexure or of rupture of the dorsal penile vessels in any of these specimens. In all six specimens, the dorsal canals of the ccp were occluded by translucent fibrous tissue distal to the sites of rupture; this was considered to be the factor immediately predisposing to proximal rupture of the ccp. Clinically, a small haematoma in the perineal region is difficult or impossible to palpate externally. However, when the haematoma of proximal origin is large, differentiation from rupture at the distal bend of the sigmoid flexure may be based tentatively on a careful clinical examination. In cases of proximal rupture the haematoma lies caudal and dorsal to the scrotum and no abnormality of the distal bend may be palpable. In cases of distal rupture, the haematoma usually lies cranial to the scrotum and involves the distal bend of the flexure. Severe disruption of the vascular structure is found in cases of proximal rupture of the ccp; therefore the prognosis is grave.
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ranking = 3
keywords = tunica
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5/5. Spontaneous corporeal herniation of the penis: a new abnormality of the tunica albuginea?

    A 63-year-old man presented with a penile mass present only during erections. Radiographic evaluation suggested a vascular lesion but the only abnormality identified at exploration was local attenuation of the tunica albuginea with aneurysmal dilatation of the corpora cavernosa. We believe this to be the first report of spontaneous herniation of the tunica albuginea of the penis. The possible etiology of this disorder is discussed.
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ranking = 6
keywords = tunica
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