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11/19. Miliary tuberculosis in an in-vitro fertilization pregnancy: a case report.

    A 33-yr-old woman with primary infertility of no known cause of 10 years duration underwent in-vitro fertilization. Mild flu-like symptoms and intermittent vaginal bleeding developed, and miliary mottling was seen throughout both lung fields. At 14 weeks she aborted a normal male fetus; urine culture was positive for M. bovis. Six months later, after a course of antituberculous drugs, the patient was symptom-free.
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ranking = 1
keywords = fertilization
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12/19. Intra-uterine transmission of cytomegalovirus in women known to be immune before conception.

    A prospective study identified 785 pregnant women who had been shown to possess complement fixing antibodies against cytomegalovirus (CMV) during a previous pregnancy. As these women were thus known to have been immune prior to their subsequent conception, their neonates were examined for evidence of congenital CMV infection. Specimens were obtained from 725 (92%) of the neonates and congenital infection was found in only one (0.14%). The elder sister of the infected child was also shown, by retrospective testing of her stored cord serum for specific IgM antibodies, to have been infected in utero. Thus, one woman was identified who had delivered consecutive siblings congenitally infected with CMV. We conclude that some women have a propensity for intra-uterine transmission of CMV, despite being immune prior to conception, and speculate that such women may have acquired their infections perinatally.
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ranking = 0.055403632625488
keywords = conception
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13/19. Prognostic aspects of aplastic anemia in pregnancy. Experience on six cases and review of the literature.

    Our resent experience on six cases of aplastic anemia complicated with pregnancy is described. In addition, 43 similar cases were collected from the literature and reviewed to analyze some prognostic aspects of this relatively rare but potentially serious complication. Clinical and hematological data were treated to extract some clinically meaningful factors in relation to the success and failure of pregnancy. Among initial hematological parameters, no significant difference was found between successful and unsuccessful cases with an exception of hemoglobin concentration. The patients diagnosed as aplastic anemia prior to conception demonstrated an better outcome of pregnancy as well as survival rate of mother when compared with those diagnosed during pregnancy. mortality has apparently improved after the late 1950's. Success rate of pregnancy before 1958 was 21%, while it was 67% and 71% in the era of 1959-1969 and after 1970, respectively. However, hemorrhage and infection remained to be two major causes of maternal death in both eras. Based on these observations, the currently recommendable attitude to this complication is discussed.
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ranking = 0.0092339387709146
keywords = conception
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14/19. Congenital rubella syndrome despite repeated vaccination of the mother: a coincidence of vaccine failure with failure to vaccinate.

    Congenital rubella syndrome occurred in a boy born to a mother who had been properly vaccinated three times before conception, but developed only low titers of rubella antibody. The non-vaccinated father most likely infected the mother on a home visit during the third to fifth weeks of gestation. He served in the army and fell ill during an outbreak of a rubella-like disease in his military unit. The mother subsequently developed a slight rash, but rubella IgM antibodies were lacking and rubella infection was not suspected. This incidence demonstrates the necessity of vaccinating all children, including boys and young men, in order to reduce the number of infections and prevent further cases of congenital rubella syndrome.
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ranking = 0.0092339387709146
keywords = conception
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15/19. Metastatic placental lymphoma associated with maternal human immunodeficiency virus infection.

    BACKGROUND: pregnancy complicated by maternal human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection is increasing in frequency. This report describes a maternal malignancy associated with hiv infection that may complicate pregnancy. CASE: A 33-year-old primigravida was delivered by cesarean. Histologic examination of the placenta revealed the presence of metastatic non-Hodgkin lymphoma of B-cell origin. The patient was then found to be infected with hiv. Nine months postpartum, she was diagnosed with immunoblastic lymphoma. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy. CONCLUSION: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of B-cell origin is an indication of AIDS. Pregnancies associated with maternal hiv infection may be complicated by this malignancy, which may metastasize to the products of conception. Careful examination of the placenta can detect metastases in women with non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphoma.
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ranking = 0.0092339387709146
keywords = conception
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16/19. The effect of an in-vitro fertilization pregnancy on a woman with genital tuberculosis.

    The coexistence of an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancy and genital tuberculosis may pose life-threatening consequences. This case report describes catastrophic dissemination of latent genital tuberculosis, followed by IVF and pregnancy. The role of both IVF manipulation and the pregnancy itself in the exacerbation of latent tuberculosis is discussed. In addition, some measures for the detection, follow-up and treatment of latent genital tuberculosis in patients who undergo IVF are proposed.
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ranking = 1
keywords = fertilization
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17/19. q fever in pregnancy.

    We describe a case of acute symptomatic infection with coxiella burnetii acquired between the 16th and 28th week of pregnancy. Oral ciprofloxacin therapy was started on diagnosis, at the 28th week of pregnancy, but symptoms were unabated after 3 weeks treatment, suggesting persisting infection of the products of conception. Caesarean section was therefore performed at 32 weeks gestation when a healthy infant was delivered, and subsequent investigations showed no evidence of transplacental spread of infection. infection control measures were applied at the time of delivery to minimize the risk of infection to obstetricians and midwives from potentially infectious products of conception.
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ranking = 0.018467877541829
keywords = conception
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18/19. Gestational psittacosis: case report and literature review.

    In europe, chlamydia psittaci is a relatively common cause of abortion in sheep and other mammals. psittacosis in humans is typically described as a mild-to-moderate flu-like illness. If psittacosis is acquired during pregnancy, it can present as a severe, progressive, febrile illness, with headache, disseminated intravascular coagulation, abnormal liver enzyme studies, and impaired renal function. Only cases with significant fetomaternal morbidity and mortality have been reported. Recovery from this disease follows termination of pregnancy and appropriate antibiotic therapy. Direct exposure of gravid humans to infected products of conception is the most commonly reported mode of transmission. diagnosis is suggested by the placental histopathologic findings, which consist of an intense, acute intervillositis, perivillous fibrin deposition with villous necrosis, and large irregular basophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions within the syncytiotrophoblast. Commercially available genus-specific monoclonal antichlamydial antibody is available for the rapid confirmation of the diagnosis. In the united states, only two cases of gestational psittacosis have been previously reported. In contrast to the experience in europe, both cases were associated with psittacine birds. This is the first reported instance of ovine-related gestational psittacosis documented in the united states. Gravid patients should be warned to avoid contact with sheep and their products, particularly during the spring lambing period.
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ranking = 0.0092339387709146
keywords = conception
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19/19. Intrauterine candidiasis in a twin pregnancy after myomectomy, in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.

    A IVF twin pregnancy in a patient who had previously undergone a myomectomy ended in a intrauterine infection, placental abruption and fetal losses at 21 weeks. Intrauterine candidiasis may have played a role in the pathogenesis of the unsuccessful outcome.
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ranking = 0.8
keywords = fertilization
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