Cases reported "Pulmonary Embolism"

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1/343. Late massive haemoptyses from bronchopulmonary collaterals in infarcted segments following pulmonary embolism.

    Massive, recurrent haemoptyses requiring blood transfusions occurred in a patient who had been diagnosed as having pulmonary thromboembolism 3 months earlier. To the authors' knowledge this is the first case report of this kind, in which massive haemoptyses were proved to be caused by large bronchopulmonary collaterals that had developed in the infarcted lung segments affected by embolism. Selective embolization of the collaterals proved to be therapeutic and life saving.
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ranking = 1
keywords = thromboembolism
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2/343. Sudden unexpected death from pulmonary thromboembolism--examination of antemortem chest X-ray.

    An autopsy case of a woman who died suddenly from undiagnosed and untreated pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) on her way home from the hospital is described in this report. She had complained of chest pain and dyspnea on exertion when she visited the hospital and a chest X-ray taken at that time showed remarkable manifestation of right heart failure and PTE, compared with former x-rays taken during previous visits to the hospital. In this report we present the findings of four chest x-rays of this patient, which had been taken both before and after the development of PTE.
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ranking = 5
keywords = thromboembolism
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3/343. Visualization of functional improvement by 123I-IMP lung SPET after thromboendarterectomy for chronic pulmonary embolism.

    We report on six patients with chronic pulmonary embolism who underwent 123I-IMP and 99Tcm-MAA lung SPET before and after thromboendarterectomy. 123I-IMP lung SPET can assess the viability of lung parenchyma, because it is a non-particulate agent that accumulates in the endothelial membranes of pulmonary capillaries. Chronic pulmonary thromboembolism accompanied by pulmonary hypertension has a poor prognosis that may be improved only by thromboendarterectomy. We compared 123I-IMP and 99Tcm-MAA lung SPET in terms of functional improvement after such surgery. After thromboendarterectomy, all six patients were functionally improved, according to the criteria of the new york Heart association. The pre- and post-surgery percentage of vascular obstruction did not differ significantly with 99Tcm-MAA lung SPET (44.8 /- 11.2% and 32.5 /- 15.6% pre- and post-surgery, respectively). In contrast, 123I-IMP lung SPET revealed a significant pre- versus post-surgery difference (15.5 /- 9.5% and 3.3 /- 5.9% pre- and post-surgery, respectively). 123I-IMP lung SPET could be useful for evaluating thromboendarterectomy because pulmonary parenchymal viability owing to arterial microvasculature can be estimated.
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ranking = 1
keywords = thromboembolism
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4/343. Postoperative acute pulmonary thromboembolism in patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis with special reference to apheresis therapy.

    Eight patients with pancreatic abscesses secondary to acute necrotizing pancreatitis underwent drainage of their abscesses under laparotomy. Two of them died of acute pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) within 1 week. autopsy revealed a large thrombus at the main trunk of the pulmonary artery and in the left common iliac vein. Femoral catheter insertion/indwelling, immobilization, surgery, increased trypsin/kinin/kallikrein, increased endotoxin, and decreased antithrombin-III (AT-III) were present following drainage of the pancreatic abscesses. With respect to the bedside diagnosis of acute PTE, alveolar-arterial oxygen gradients obtained by blood gas analysis and mean pulmonary artery pressure estimated by pulsed Doppler echocardiography are very useful. In terms of the treatment, attention should be paid to the following to prevent deep venous thrombosis: prophylactic administration of low molecular weight heparin and administration of AT-III (AT-III > or = 80%), use of the subclavian vein whenever possible as blood access for apheresis therapy, as short a compression time as possible after removing the blood access catheter (< or =6 h), and application of intermittent pneumatic compression devices or elastic compression stockings on the lower extremities.
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ranking = 5
keywords = thromboembolism
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5/343. Fatal pulmonary tumor embolism caused by chondroblastic osteosarcoma: report of a case and review of the literature.

    Fatal pulmonary tumor embolism is an unusual phenomenon that has only rarely been reported with osteosarcoma. It usually presents with typical symptoms and signs of pulmonary thromboembolism. The authors report the case of a 65-year-old woman with chondroblastic osteosarcoma of the distal femur who suffered a fatal tumor embolism 30 hours after surgery and review the literature.
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ranking = 1
keywords = thromboembolism
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6/343. A successful case of pulmonary thromboendarterectomy for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension with a thrombus in the right ventricle.

    Chronic thromboembolism is a frequent cause of progressive hypertension and carries a poor prognosis. Medical treatment is not effective and surgery provides the only potential for a cure at present. We herein report a successful case of thromboendarterectomy treated via a median sternotomy with intermittent circulatory arrest. A 43-year-old man was admitted to our hospital complaining of progressive dyspnea, edema of the lower extremities, and a fever with an unknown origin. A subsequent definitive evaluation showed him to be suffering from surgically accessible chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension with a thrombus in the right ventricle. He underwent a pulmonary thromboendarterectomy and thrombectomy via a median sternotomy with intermittent circulatory arrest on November 24, 1994. Postoperatively he showed a marked improvement in his hemodynamic status and blood gas analysis. He has also returned to work with no trouble. Deep vein thrombosis appeared to be the pathogenesis of this case, but we could not find the origin of his unknown fever. He is currently being controlled by treatment with methylprednisolone as before.
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ranking = 1
keywords = thromboembolism
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7/343. Pulmonary hypertension secondary to neurofibromatosis: intimal fibrosis versus thromboembolism.

    Neurofibromatosis has been known to involve blood vessels throughout the body. Pulmonary involvement with interstitial fibrosing alveolitis has been described but no case of pulmonary vascular involvement has been reported to date. A 51 year old patient with cutaneous neurofibromatosis is described who presented with severe pulmonary hypertension and radiographic, scintigraphic, and angiographic evidence of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Severe intimal fibrosis consistent with vascular involvement with neurofibromatosis was found on endarterectomy with no evidence of pulmonary thromboembolism. Neurofibromatosis of pulmonary arteries should be considered as a possible cause of pulmonary hypertension.
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ranking = 5
keywords = thromboembolism
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8/343. Multicentric warfarin-induced skin necrosis complicating heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.

    Two patients developed catastrophic multicentric skin necrosis while receiving warfarin to treat venous thromboembolism complicated by immune-mediated heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). Patient 1 developed skin necrosis involving the breasts, thighs, and face, as well as venous limb gangrene and bilateral hemorrhagic necrosis of the adrenal glands, resulting in death. The second patient developed bilateral mammary necrosis necessitating mastectomies, as well as skin necrosis involving the thigh. Neither patient had an identifiable hypercoagulable syndrome, other than HIT. HIT may represent a risk factor for the development of multicentric warfarin-induced skin necrosis (WISN).
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ranking = 1.4959354898022
keywords = thromboembolism, venous thromboembolism
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9/343. Jugular vein thrombosis: a rare presentation of atypical chronic myeloproliferative disorder in a young woman.

    venous thromboembolism is common in subjects with chronic myeloproliferative disorders and is a recognized presenting feature of occult myeloproliferation. We report the case of a young woman who presented with acute thrombosis in the right jugular vein and pulmonary embolism. splenomegaly and myeloid proliferation with bone marrow fibrosis, in the absence of the criteria for typical myeloproliferative disorders, allowed a diagnosis of an atypical form of chronic myeloproliferative disorder. This form carries a high risk of thrombosis and venous thromboembolism can be the presenting feature, though the course is often indolent. Acute thrombosis in the right jugular vein has not been so far described in these subjects. The outcome of young people with myelofibrosis is unpredictable, but a normal level of hemoglobin and the absence of blast cells and constitutional symptoms at presentation identifies subjects with a low probability of rapid disease progression.
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ranking = 2.4959354898022
keywords = thromboembolism, venous thromboembolism
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10/343. Unusual appearance of thromboembolism on perfusion lung imaging.

    A 46-year-old woman with advanced ovarian carcinoma had progressive dyspnea and was evaluated with ventilation and perfusion lung imaging. A characteristic pattern of multiple branching perfusion defects of a segmental nature on the perfusion scan suggested tumor microembolism and lymphangitic carcinomatosis. However, in this case, this pattern was associated with pulmonary thromboembolism and was documented by the post mortem examination. Pulmonary thromboembolism should be included among the differential diagnoses in a patient with clinical symptoms and a perfusion scan that reveals multiple branching perfusion defects.
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ranking = 6
keywords = thromboembolism
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