In a retrospective analysis, five cases of zollinger-ellison syndrome were found in a typical urban inner-city teaching hospital. Chronic alcohol abuse and heavy smoking characterized these patients, and four of them also had pancreatitis, suggesting an association of gastrin-producing tumors and pancreatic inflammation. Ductal obstruction by neuroendocrine tumors has been reported to cause pancreatitis in a few cases. In this analysis, however, a nonobstructive gastrinoma was the surgical diagnosis in three patients, and it was suggested by imaging studies in the two other cases. The potential other pathomechanisms for a dual cause-effect relationship of gastrinoma and pancreatitis are discussed. ( info) |
12/223. The relationship of the serum gastrin and calcium concentrations in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type I. The relationship between the serum gastrin and calcium concentrations has been examined in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type I. Variations in gastrin concentrations were induced by metiamide and secretin; calcium concentrations were altered by parathyroidectomy and by calcium infusion. Changes in the serum gastrin concentrations were not accompanied by changes in the serum calcium concentration. However, alteration of the serum calcium was accompanied by significant parallel changes in the serum gastrin. It is concluded that acute changes in the serum calcium may induce changes in the serum gastrin. parathyroidectomy in these patients produced a fall in the serum gastrin, but the ability to produce large quantities of gastrin remains. It is postulated that the thyro-parathyroid hormones may modulate the relationship between calcium and gastrin. ( info) |
13/223. Curative resection of microgastrinomas based on the intraoperative secretin test. The intravenous secretin injection test (secretin test) has been used for the differential diagnosis of gastrinoma. In this study we report that the intraoperative secretin test (IOS test) is also useful for determining the extent of curability in patients with zollinger-ellison syndrome (ZES). Twelve patients with ZES underwent surgical exploration and the IOS test. The results of the IOS test were obtained by rapid radioimmunoassay of the serum gastrin level (IRG) within 60 minutes. The test was diagnosed as negative when the maximum increase of serum IRG was less than 80 pg/ml and also less than 20% of the basal serum IRG level. Three of the twelve patients underwent pancreatoduodenectomy (PD), and two patients underwent distal pancreatectomy. Extirpation of duodenal tumors with dissection of regional lymph nodes was performed in seven patients. In two of the seven patients the IOS test remained positive after extirpation of the duodenal tumors and the dissection of regional lymph nodes. In one patient PD was performed on the basis of the positive results, and the IOS test became negative after PD. In the other patient, two tiny metastatic liver tumors were identified and were resected, but the IOS test did not become negative. We closed the abdomen in 11 patients when we obtained negative results from the IOS test. The results of the IOS test were almost identical to the data obtained by the standard assay postoperatively. The serum IRG levels of all but one patient fell to the normal level, and the secretin test became negative postoperatively. The IOS test is thus useful and indispensable for curative resection of microgastrinomas in patients with ZES. ( info) |
14/223. Development of an inveterate gastroduodenal ulcer caused by antral G-cell hyperplasia of the stomach (pseudo-zollinger-ellison syndrome): report of a case. We describe herein the case of a 54-year-old Japanese woman in whom an inveterate peptic ulcer developed in association with pseudo-zollinger-ellison syndrome (pseudo-ZES). The patient presented with weight loss and abdominal distension caused by antral and duodenal stenosis due to an inveterate peptic ulcer. Her serum gastrin level was very high; however, no evidence of a gastrinoma or carcinoid tumor was detected by preoperative examinations or surgery. A total gastrectomy and double-tract reconstruction was performed, and pathological examination revealed a gastric ulcer (UL-IV) with no histopathological evidence of a neoplasm. Immunohistochemical staining showed an obvious increase in the number of endocrine cells that were positive for chromogranin a, and marked G-cell hyperplasia was observed in the antral mucosa. Furthermore, the number of enterochromaffin-like cells was remarkably high. From the results of the immunohistochemical examination, the patient was diagnosed as having hypergastrinemia due to antral G-cell hyperplasia. Postoperatively, the patient's serum gastrin level fell rapidly to within the normal range, her nutritional status improved, and her weight increased by about 10 kg within 1 year. ( info) |
The histamine H2-receptor antagonist metiamide is an inhibitor of endogenous and stimulated gastric-acid secretion. It appears to have therapeutic possibilities in duodenal-ulcer disease. Three patients exhibiting the zollinger-ellison syndrome have been treated with this drug for six months or more. Rapid symptomatic improvement occurred in each case, followed by ulcer healing. There were also reductions in gastric secretion and consistent changes in the fasting serum-gastrin concentration. On patient relapsed temporarily during therapy. There have been no side effects. It is concluded that, in the short term, metiamide is of benefit in the zollinger-ellison syndrome. ( info) |
16/223. liver metastases of endocrine tumour associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1: a sustained response to interferon therapy or a peculiar benign course? The authors describe the case of a 51-year-old male with zollinger-ellison syndrome manifested by epigastralgia, nausea, vomiting, hypergastrinemia and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. history included a Billroth II procedure for a perforated duodenal ulcer. Multiple metastatic liver lesions were found that were gastrin-negative and chromogranin-positive. endoscopy revealed a large ulcerated gastro-jejuno-colonic fistula which was surgically repaired. Pre- and postoperative imaging studies, including the highly sensitive somatostatin-receptor scintigraphic scan using In-pentetreotide, have consistently failed to disclose other tumors. Recent reports indicate that most zollinger-ellison syndrome-associated gastrinomas are small, easily overlooked lesions located in the proximal duodenum rather than in the pancreas as formerly believed. In the present patient therapy with omeprazole and alpha-interferon has produced complete remission of the zollinger-ellison syndrome and a stabilization of tumor growth has occurred during the last 7 years, allowing the patient to live a normal life. This peculiar response to therapy is discussed. ( info) |
We prospectively evaluated the initial presenting symptoms in 261 patients with zollinger-ellison syndrome (ZES) over a 25-year period. Twenty-two percent of the patients had multiple endocrine neoplasia-type 1 (MEN-1) with ZES. Mean age at onset was 41.1 /- 0.7 years, with MEN-1 patients presenting at a younger age than those with sporadic ZES (p < 0.0001). Three percent of the patients had onset of the disease < age 20 years, and 7% > 60 years. A mean delay to diagnosis of 5.2 /- 0.4 years occurred in all patients. A shorter duration of symptoms was noted in female patients and in patients with liver metastases. abdominal pain and diarrhea were the most common symptoms, present in 75% and 73% of patients, respectively. heartburn and weight loss, which were uncommonly reported in early series, were present in 44% and 17% of patients, respectively. Gastrointestinal bleeding was the initial presentation in a quarter of the patients. patients rarely presented with only 1 symptom (11%); pain and diarrhea was the most frequent combination, occurring in 55% of patients. An important presenting sign that should suggest ZES is prominent gastric body folds, which were noted on endoscopy in 94% of patients; however, esophageal stricture and duodenal or pyloric scarring, reported in numerous case reports, were noted in only 4%-10%. patients with MEN-1 presented less frequently with pain and bleeding and more frequently with nephrolithiasis. Comparing the clinical presentation before the introduction of histamine H2-receptor antagonists (pre-1980, n = 36), after the introduction of histamine H2-receptor antagonists (1981-1989, n = 118), and after the introduction of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) (> 1990, n = 106) demonstrates no change in age of onset; delay in diagnosis; frequency of pain, diarrhea, weight loss; or frequency of complications of severe peptic disease (bleeding, perforations, esophageal strictures, pyloric scarring). Since the introduction of histamine H2-receptor antagonists, fewer patients had a previous history of gastric acid-reducing surgery or total gastrectomy. Only 1 patient evaluated after 1980 had a total gastrectomy, and this was done in 1977. The location of the primary tumor in general had a minimal effect on the clinical presentation, causing no effect on the age at presentation, delay in diagnosis, frequency of nephrolithiasis, or severity of disease (strictures, perforations, peptic ulcers, pyloric scarring). Disease extent had a minimal effect on symptoms, with only bleeding being more frequent in patients with localized disease. patients with advanced disease presented at a later age and with a shorter disease history (p = 0.001), were less likely to have MEN-1 (p = 0.0087), and tended to have diarrhea more frequently (p = 0.079). A correct diagnosis of ZES was made by the referring physician initially in only 3% of the patients. The most common misdiagnosis made were idiopathic peptic ulcer disease (71%), idiopathic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) (7%), and chronic idiopathic diarrhea (7%). Other less common misdiagnosis were crohn disease (2%) and various diarrhea diseases (celiac sprue [3%], irritable bowel syndrome [3%], infectious diarrhea [2%], and lactose intolerance [1%]). Other medical disorders were present in 55% of all patients; patients with sporadic disease had fewer other medical disorders than patients with MEN-1 (45% versus 90%, p < 0.00001). hyperparathyroidism and a previous history of kidney stones were significantly more frequent in patients with MEN-1 than in those with sporadic ZES. Pulmonary disorders and other malignancies were also more common in patients with MEN-1. These results demonstrate that abdominal pain, diarrhea, and heartburn are the most common presenting symptoms in ZES and that heartburn and diarrhea are more common than previously reported. The presence of weight loss especially with abdominal pain, diarrhea, or heartburn is an important clue suggesting the presence of gastrinoma. The presence of prominent gastric body folds, a clinical sign that has not been appreciated, is another important clue to the diagnosis of ZES. patients with MEN-1 presented at an earlier age; however, in general, the initial symptoms were similar to patients without MEN-1. gastrinoma extent and location have minimal effects on the clinical presentation. overall, neither the introduction of successful antisecretory therapy nor widespread publication about ZES, attempting to increase awareness, has shortened the delay in diagnosis or reduced the incidence of patients presenting with peptic complications. The introduction of successful antisecretory therapy, however, has dramatically decreased the rate of surgery in controlling the acid secretion and likely led to patients presenting with less severe symptoms and fewer complications. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED) ( info) |
18/223. growth hormone overproduction in a patient with multiple endocrine neoplasia type I. In a 69-year-old woman with a complicated history of multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (MEN 1), growth hormone overproduction was found without clinical features of acromegaly. zollinger-ellison syndrome was diagnosed at the age of 36 years. Total gastrectomy and partial pancreatectomy were performed. Two years later hypercalcaemia occurred, hyperparathyroidism was suspected and three hyperplastic parathyroid glands were removed. In 1994 the plasma gastrin level was elevated and a computerized tomography of the abdomen revealed a 1.5-cm large pancreatic tumour. Screening of the pituitary functions was unremarkable and a magnetic resonance scan of the pituitary gland showed no abnormalities. In 1995 type II diabetes mellitus was diagnosed. In 1997 basal plasma growth hormone levels were raised and plasma IGF-I levels were alternately high and normal. The patient had no clinical signs of acromegaly, but glucose tolerance testing resulted in a paradoxical rise in growth hormone concentration compatible with the diagnosis of growth hormone overproduction. magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland revealed a microadenoma. ( info) |
19/223. Ovarian gastrinoma in multiple endocrine neoplasia type I: a case report. We report a very rare case of ovarian gastrinoma in the context of multiple endocrine neoplasia type I, including primary hyperparathyroidism and zollinger-ellison syndrome. somatostatin receptor scintigraphy revealed the ovarian involvement at an early stage. Oophorectomy led to the final diagnosis and complete healing. ( info) |
The report describes a case of a four-month-old infant, who developed acute gastric ulcer while being hospitalised because of pneumonia. One year's observation of the patient, additional tests, especially gastroscopy with histopathological evaluation of biopsy specimen, determination of gastrin level in blood serum, and therapy analysis allow to establish a diagnosis of pseudo zollinger-ellison syndrome. ( info) |