1/31. Retrieval of a dropped corneal button from a vitrectomized eye. A successful retrieval of a dropped corneal button from an aphakic vitrectomized eye during penetrating keratoplasty is reported. A 52-year-old female patient underwent penetrating keratoplasty for aphakic corneal edema in a vitrectomized eye. The donor button inadvertently dropped into the vitreous cavity and was retrieved successfully. The dropped corneal button was visualized after focusing the operating microscope on the retina. The visualization significantly improved after aspiration of the fluid from the vitrectomized eye. The donor button was picked up by McPherson's forceps and subsequently sutured to the recipient's cornea. Corneal surgeons need to be aware of this rare complication in aphakic vitrectomized eyes and its retrieval after accurate visualization. ( info) |
2/31. Traumatic subluxation causing variable position of the crystalline lens. We present a case of traumatic lens subluxation that was evident only when the patient was in the supine position. This case illustrates that a crystalline lens with traumatic zonular rupture can change its position depending on the posture of the patient. If such a lens is suspended by the remaining zonules at the superior quadrant while the patient is erect, phacodonesis may be present while the lens remains in its normal position. However, when the patient is in the supine position, the lens drops back into the vitreous cavity. Examination in erect and supine positions is important in the preoperative assessment of patients with traumatic phacodonesis or iridodonesis. ( info) |
PURPOSE: To reconstruct the anatomic and functional impairment in patients with post-traumatic aniridia, aphakia, and retinal detachment. methods: Four patients with unilateral aniridia and aphakia as well as retinal detachment as results of severe eye injuries underwent scleral buckling, vitrectomy, membrane peeling, endolaser photocoagulation, silicone oil or gas temponade, combined with iris diaphragm-IOL implantation. RESULTS: All four patients achieved successfully anatomic and functional reconstruction after surgery. During five to 22 months postoperative follow-up, all retinas remained attached. The final visual acuity increased from finger counting to 0.1-0.3. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of vitreoretinal surgery and iris diaphrgm-IOL implantation is an effective method for post-traumatic aniridia, aphakia and traumatic retinal detachment. It could ameliorate photophobia and improve the biocular vision. Furthermore, artificial iris diaphragm implantation could prevent silicone oil-endothelia contact and salvage silicone keratopathy. ( info) |
4/31. Modified surgical technique for repeated epikeratophakia surgery in aphakic eyes. BACKGROUND: Incomplete epithelial removal from the peripheral keratectomy at the time of repeat epikeratophakia surgery can lead to interface downgrowth and consequent failure, as observed in the case reported herein. We present a modification of the standard surgical technique aimed at avoiding such complication. methods: A 69-year-old white female underwent a third aphakic epikeratophakia modified to reduce the risk of epithelial interface downgrowth, which had caused a previous failure. The aphakic tissue lens, 8.5 mm in diameter, was sutured into a corneal pocket obtained at a deeper level, inside the peripheral keratectomy used for the previous two procedures. RESULTS: Useful visual acuity (20/60) was obtained and the refractive outcome remained stable up to 1 year postoperatively. Epithelial interface downgrowth did not recur. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the possible risk of perforation while undermining the recipient cornea at a deeper level, the modified technique might offer a more effective method of preventing epithelial downgrowth after repeat epikeratophakia surgery. ( info) |
5/31. Congenital corneal staphyloma associated with aphakia. A neonate had a globular mass bulging through the eyelids of the left eye. Computed tomography revealed a large ectatic corneal lesion and the absence of a lens. The enucleated globe revealed that the posterior surface of the ectatic cornea was lined by iris tissue, indicating corneal staphyloma. ( info) |
PURPOSE: To describe two cases of secondary congenital aphakia in association with Peters anomaly. methods: Two infants were noted to have corneal opacification at birth. Each child was found to have Peters anomaly requiring corneal transplantation in 1 or both eyes. RESULTS: Each child underwent penetrating keratoplasty, revealing absence of the crystalline lens in 1 eye. Histopathologic evaluation of the corneal buttons was performed. Each specimen showed full-thickness corneal defects with lens remnants. CONCLUSIONS: Secondary congenital aphakia from corneal perforation should be considered in the presentation of severe Peters anomaly. ( info) |
7/31. neodymium:YAG pupilloplasty in pediatric aphakia. An adequate pupillary aperture is required for accurate ophthalmoscopy and retinoscopy in pediatric aphakia. When pupillary miosis does not respond to pharmacologic dilation, optical iridectomy performed with a vitreous suction-cutting instrument under general anesthesia may be required. We report a 27-month-old aphakic child whose pupillary aperture was enlarged from 1 mm to 3.5 mm with neodymium (Nd):YAG pupilloplasty, following intramuscular sedation with meperidine, promethazine, and chlorpromazine. Removal of the laser chin rest and positioning of the patient on a table with adjustable height facilitated delivery of 140 applications at 2.5 to 4.3 mJ to the pupillary border. levobunolol 0.5% controlled the transient posttreatment rise in intraocular pressure. We suggest that Nd:YAG pupilloplasty performed with sedation be considered as an alternative to intraocular surgery when pupillary miosis in pediatric aphakia does not respond to dilating agents. ( info) |
8/31. Combined relaxing incisions and epikeratophakia for the correction of aphakia and high postkeratoplasty degree astigmatism. A combined surgical procedure consisting of corneal relaxing incisions and epikeratophakia was used to correct high-degree postkeratoplasty astigmatism and aphakia in two patients. Both patients achieved their final refractive result as soon as 1 month after suture removal (2 and 3 months after surgery, respectively). Keratometric readings showed a reduction of approximately 20.00 diopters in one case and 10.00 D in the other, while the spherical equivalent changed from 10.00 D to 0.50 D in one eye and from 7.50 D to 1.75 D in the other. Spectacle correction was prescribed for both patients. At the last follow-up visit, about 2 years after surgery, these values were unchanged. The main advantage of the combined technique over two separate procedures was that postoperative visual rehabilitation was faster. Equally important was the stability of the refractive result over a long period of time after surgery, as well as the absence of negative effects on the preexisting corneal graft. In spite of the technical complexity of a combined surgical procedure, this approach probably represents the best choice in rare cases such as the ones reported here. ( info) |
9/31. Management of traumatic rupture of the globe in aphakic patients. We report the successful treatment of three cases of traumatic ruptures of the globe complicated by massive choroidal hemorrhage, uveal prolapse and retinal detachment. All three of the eyes were aphakic prior to injury and all patients were age 64 or older. The presenting visual acuity in all patients was light perception. The blunt injury in each case caused a wound dehiscence at the site of previous cataract extraction. All injuries were associated with uveal prolapse. Secondary surgical intervention was performed when the hemorrhagic choroidal detachments had decreased as demonstrated by echography in the suprachoroidal space, occurring at an average of 14 days after injury. The management consisted of surgical drainage of the choroidal hemorrhage combined with vitrectomy and silicone oil injection. Successful reattachment of the retina was achieved in all cases. Postoperative epiretinal membranes formed in two cases but all were anatomically successful at six months. Final visual acuities varied from 20/70 to 1/200, visual acuity being a function of secondary contusive damage to the retina and choroid. We believe that in eyes sustaining severe blunt injuries resulting in rupture of the globe complicated by massive choroidal hemorrhage and retinal detachment, properly timed external drainage of the choroidal hemorrhage combined with pars plana vitrectomy and silicone oil injection is a useful approach. ( info) |
10/31. Chromatopsia. More than half of the cases with complaints of chromatopsia had recent-onset retinal pathology. Erythropsia due to bright (sun-)light is a relatively common finding in aphakia and pseudophakia. UV-coated intraocular lenses do not provide complete protection. Cerebrovascular chromatopsia usually occurs in transient attacks. ( info) |