Cases reported "frontotemporal dementia"

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1/693. Old and new infarction of an epiploic appendage: ultrasound mimicry of appendicitis.

    Epiploic appendagitis is a self-limiting disease. Depending on its location, it may simulate nearly any acute abdominal condition. The ultrasound and computed tomographic (CT) features are characteristic, enabling ready diagnosis and thus preventing an unnecessary laparotomy. We describe a patient with acute abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant, in whom the combination of an old and fresh infarction of an epiploic appendage simulated appendicitis on ultrasound. Subsequent CT examination made the correct diagnosis. ( info)

2/693. carcinoma of the colon in children: a report of six new cases and a review of the literature.

    Of six children with carcinoma of the colon, none had ulcerative colitis or a family history of carcinoma of the colon or colonic polyposis. In 75 cases traced in the literature, a common early symptom of carcinoma of the colon in children is acute, crampy abdominal pain. At laparotomy for suspected appendictis, the possibility of the acute pain being due to carcinoma of the colon should be borne in mind. Otherwise the symptoms of carcinoma of the colon in children do not differ substantially from those in adults. The prognosis is unfavorable; in only 2.5% of the cases on record did the children survive 5 yr after the operation. ( info)

3/693. Bowel obstruction caused by dislocation of a suprapubic catheter.

    In patients with a suprapubic catheter, the differential diagnosis of acute lower abdominal pain must include a possible dislocation of this device. We report a case that illustrates such a complication, leading to bowel obstruction in our patient. ( info)

4/693. Fatal polyarteritis nodosa with massive mesenteric necrosis in a child.

    polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a rare vasculitic syndrome in childhood. There are few reported cases of ischaemic necrosis of the intestine and even fewer survivors in adults. We report the case of a 10-year-old boy with PAN and an acute abdomen that required operative intervention. Evidence was found of mesenteric arteritis with large ischaemic segments resulting in infarction and perforation. ( info)

5/693. Residual appendicitis following incomplete laparoscopic appendectomy.

    Growing popularity of laparoscopic interventions must bring along a thorough knowledge of possible complications inherent to the laparoscopic technique. With these two cases of residual appendicitis following incomplete appendectomy, the authors want to warn for this complication. Surgeons should be aware of residual appendicitis as a possible cause of acute abdomen at any time following a laparoscopic appendectomy. ( info)

6/693. Acute abdominal pain and urgency to defecate in the young and the old: a useful symptom-complex?

    In the belief that "pattern recognition" is an important first step of the diagnostic process, we report our observation of an uncommon and heretofore poorly documented symptom-complex in 10 patients, and suggest that the constellation of abdominal pain and urgency to defecate in the acutely ill surgical patient should raise the diagnostic possibility of intra-abdominal bleeding. In our experience, this is statistically likely to be associated with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in the old and a ruptured ectopic pregnancy in the young. ( info)

7/693. A case of urachal remnant presenting as acute abdominal pain.

    A 30-year-old male presented to the Emergency Department, over sequential visits, with abdominal complaints. The patient's presenting history and physical examination were mistakenly diagnosed variously as gastroenteritis, omphalitis, and appendicitis. Ultimately, the diagnosis of urachal fistula was made at surgery. This case is discussed in light of prior published experiences with this disease entity. ( info)

8/693. Acute abdominal pain as a leading symptom for Degos' disease (malignant atrophic papulosis).

    We report a case of a 16-yr-old white female patient with acute abdominal pain due to visceral involvement of Degos' disease that required extensive small bowel resection. skin manifestations of her disease had been present for 2 yr before the correct diagnosis. She died as a result of central nervous system involvement from Degos' disease. ( info)

9/693. The abdominal compartment syndrome: a report of 3 cases including instance of endocrine induction.

    Three patients with the abdominal compartment syndrome are presented and discussed. In one of the patients the condition was induced in an endocrine fashion, since trauma was sustained exclusively by the middle third of the left leg. The development of the syndrome as a remote effect of local trauma has never been reported previously. In all three instances only insignificant amounts of intraperitoneal fluid was found and the increase in abdominal pressure was due to severe edema of the mesentery and retroperitoneum. Since the condition is highly lethal, early diagnosis is imperative, and this starts by carrying a high index of suspicion. Measurement of the intraperitoneal pressure easily confirms this diagnosis. It is emphasized that measurements at various sites, like bladder and stomach, in each patient is essential to confirm the diagnosis, since one of the sites may be rendered unreliable due to intraperitoneal processes impinging on the affected site and affecting its distensibility. ( info)

10/693. Acute abdomen as an atypical presentation of meningococcal septicaemia.

    The clinical manifestations and course of meningococcal disease have been well described, but atypical presentations may, if unrecognized, lead to a delay in treatment. We describe here an unusual case of this disease in a 21-y-old woman who presented with an acute rigid abdomen, clinical and laboratory features of sepsis, shock and early DIC with no indication of meningococcal infection. She developed a rapidly spreading purpuric rash, conjunctival haemorrhages, hypotension and tachycardia and a low urine output. Laboratory investigations showed a low platelet count, low haemoglobin and normal WBC. A presumptive diagnosis of meningococcal septicaemia was made and recovery followed treatment with cefotaxime, fluids and inotropes. A fully sensitive neisseria meningitis Group C, type 2a, subtype NT was isolated from blood cultures, but not from CSF obtained after antibiotic treatment. ( info)
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