Cases reported "kyphosis"

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1/436. Analysis of the cervical spine alignment following laminoplasty and laminectomy.

    Very little detailed biomechanical examination of the alignment of the cervical spine following laminoplasty has been reported. We performed a comparative study regarding the buckling-type alignment that follows laminoplasty and laminectomy to know the mechanical changes in the alignment of the cervical spine. Lateral images of plain roentgenograms of the cervical spine were put into a computer and examined using a program we developed for analysis of the buckling-type alignment. Sixty-four patients who underwent laminoplasty and 37 patients who underwent laminectomy were reviewed retrospectively. The subjects comprised patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) and those with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL). The postoperative observation period was 6 years and 7 months on average after laminectomy, and 5 years and 6 months on average following laminoplasty. Development of the buckling-type alignment was found in 33% of patients following laminectomy and only 6% after laminoplasty. Development of buckling-type alignment following laminoplasty appeared markedly less than following laminectomy in both CSM and OPLL patients. These results favor laminoplasty over laminectomy from the aspect of mechanics. ( info)

2/436. Severe progressive osteoporotic spine deformity with cardiopulmonary impairment in a young patient. A case report.

    STUDY DESIGN: This report describes a young patient with a rapidly progressive kyphosis caused by collapse of a severely osteoporotic thoracolumbar spine, which led to impairment of cardiopulmonary function. OBJECTIVES: To highlight the treatment strategy, difficulty of diagnosis, operative stabilization, and outcome. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATE: Little is known about natural history, treatment options, and results of this condition. methods: The magnitude of bone loss was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, and the deformity was visualized by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Laboratory investigations also were performed before and during halotraction in an attempt to establish a diagnosis. These data constituted the preoperation information required to assess later results of medical and surgical intervention. RESULTS: An extensive evaluation of possible underlying etiologies failed to identify a specific etiology. Before and during halotraction, bone mineral substitutes were given, partially correcting the bone mineral content as measured on repeated dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scans. In addition, the thoracic kyphosis was partially corrected, from 100 degrees to 70 degrees Cobb's angle. Subsequently, a combined anterior and posterior stabilization was performed from C7 to S1 using a vascularized fibula graft, a double Isola rod system (AcroMed, Cleveland, OH), and a carbonate apatite cancellous bone cement to reinforce the pedicle screws. At follow-up assessment 40 months surgery, the patient was asymptomatic and fully mobilized, with radiographs showing complete incorporation of the grafts and no loosening of the fixation device. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties of progressive spine deformity caused by severe osteoporosis in young patients emphasizes the importance of a thoroughly planned treatment strategy. Halotraction is recommended to stop progression of the deformity, or even partially correct it, and to allow time to search for the diagnosis and bone mineral substitution. Surgical treatment using vascularized fibular strut grafts and a strong fixation device was successful. Biocompatible carbonated apatite cancellous bone cement was successfully used to reinforce pedicle screw fixation. ( info)

3/436. Unusually mild course of beta-glucuronidase deficiency in two brothers (mucopolysaccharidosis vii).

    Two brothers with oligosymptomatic mucopolysaccharidosis vii were observed from age 11 8/12 to 16 years, and 15 1/2 to 19 years, respectively. Asymptomatic thoracic kyphosis and mild scoliosis were the prominent clinical features. Herniae, hepatosplenomegaly, corneal clouding and shortness of stature were absent. Both had Alder type granulations in polymorphonuclear leukocytes and to a lesser degree in monocytes. Ultrastructural analysis of blood leukocytes revealed polymorphous inclusions of probably more than one class of organic substances. Radiological signs were mild, confined to the spine and consisted of irregularities of upper and lower vertebral plates, of vertebral flattening and some osteophytic changes. Both patients excreted excessive amounts of acid mucopolysaccharides in urine and also globoside. Cultured skin fibroblasts of both patients contained metachromatic granules, had only approx. 10% of normal beta-glucuronidase activity and degraded sulfated mucopolysaccharides at a slower than normal rate. Sera of the patients had none or minimal beta-glucuronidase activity, the mother's serum had subnormal and the father's serum low-normal activity. The older brother is the oldest known case of mucopolysaccharidosis vii. As this hereditary disorder may take a remarkably mild clinical course, beta-glucuronidase-deficient juveniles may exist undetected in the general population. ( info)

4/436. Ischio-spinal dysostosis: a previously unrecognised combination of malformations.

    BACKGROUND: Ischial hypoplasia is an extremely rare malformation, both as an isolated anomaly and as a syndromic constituent. OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the clinical and radiological characteristics in five patients with the combination of ischial hypoplasia and spinal malformations. MATERIALS AND methods: The clinical records and radiographs of two females and three males, ranging in age from 3 months to 38 years, were evaluated. RESULTS: Ossification defects of the ischial rami were symmetrical and total in four patients, whereas the right ischial ramus was partly ossified in the other patient. All patients possessed multiple segmental defects of the spine, with rib anomalies of varying severity. One patient characteristically showed multiple rib gaps, resulting in respiratory distress. Severe anomalies of the cervical spine were evident in two patients. Four patients exhibited lumbosacral hypoplasia, which ultimately led to cauda equina syndrome in three older patients. One patient had mild facial dysmorphism and another had a diversity of anomalies, including ichthyosiform skin changes. Four patients were sporadic cases, whereas the other patient was born to consanguineous parents. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of anomalies in these patients constitutes a recognisable pattern of malformations but may represent a heterogeneous group of disorders. ( info)

5/436. Neurological complications of anterior spinal surgery for kyphosis with normal somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs).

    We report a case of neurological complications of anterior release for correction of kyphosis. After the operation, the patient had pyramidal weakness and decreased pain sensation below T5, whereas light touch, proprioception and vibration sensation were intact. Clinical and neurophysiological findings in this patient suggested a partial lesion of the spinal cord probably due to ischaemia in the territory of the anterior spinal artery. Intraoperative and postoperative tibial nerve SEPs remained normal, which stresses the need for recording from the motor pathways. ( info)

6/436. The importance of an intact abdominal musculature mechanism in maintaining spinal sagittal balance. Case illustration in prune-belly syndrome.

    STUDY DESIGN: A rare case of thoracic hypokyphotic deformity secondary to prune-belly syndrome is presented. OBJECTIVES: To discuss the role of an intact abdominal musculature mechanism in maintaining spinal sagittal balance, and to present a case illustration of prune-belly syndrome. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: There has been an ongoing debate concerning the integrity of the abdominal musculature unit in maintaining spinal support and stability. It is now believed that intra-abdominal pressure hitherto generated plays an important role in the stabilization of the spine. Congenital aplasia of the abdominal musculature, termed prune-belly syndrome, might therefore result in the loss of spinal function and stability. The literature also is reviewed for the incidence of spinal deformities related to this condition. methods: A unique case of prune-belly syndrome in a 33-year-old man with congenital aplasia of the abdominal musculature is presented. RESULTS: The patient exhibited loss of the spinal sagittal balance, with resultant development of a thoracic hypokyphotic deformity and thoracolumbar scoliosis. CONCLUSIONS: scoliosis appears to be the most commonly reported spinal deformity. Unequal compressive forces on the vertebral endplates may be the proposed mechanism for the spinal deformities. Compensatory lumbar paraspinal overactivity resulting from the inability to generate normal intra-abdominal pressures because of a deficient abdominal wall musculature mechanism seems to be the plausible explanation for the observed thoracic hypokyphatic deformity. ( info)

7/436. Anaesthetic management of two paediatric patients with Hecht-Beals syndrome.

    We undertook the anaesthetic management of two children with Hecht-Beals syndrome for orthopaedic surgery under general anaesthesia. Both patients had arachnodactyly, kyphoscoliosis, and multiple congenital joint contractures, but limited mandible excursion was not obvious preoperatively in either, although mental retardation made it difficult for them to cooperate with mouth examination. They had no apparent difficulties with their mouths in daily activities. The anaesthesia records of one patient showed that intubation had been difficult in an earlier procedure. The other patient also had a history of difficult intubation, with slight tearing of the corners of her mouth during an intubation procedure. During slow induction of general anaesthesia with sevoflurane, face mask ventilation was easily performed. We attempted to visualize the larynx under anaesthesia with muscle relaxation, but we were unsuccessful because of the limited mouth opening. After several trials, blind oral intubations were fortunately successful in both patients. There were no postoperative problems with the airway. ( info)

8/436. Cor pulmonale presenting in a patient with congenital kyphoscoliosis following intercontinental air travel.

    We present the case of a 59-year-old man with congenital kyphoscoliosis who developed cor pulmonale for the first time following intercontinental air travel. Prolonged exposure to the low partial pressure of oxygen in the cabin of the aircraft led to pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure. The case highlights the potential for long-haul air travel to cause decompensation in patients with thoracic deformity and apparently stable cardiorespiratory function. It also emphasises the need for patients and their medical attendants to carefully consider the potential health implications of the hypoxic atmosphere in pressurised aircraft. ( info)

9/436. A case of sternal insufficiency fracture.

    We report a case of insufficiency fracture of the sternum in a 70-year-old female patient with a review of the literature. She complained of sudden onset chest pain and aggravating dyspnea. She has been managed with corticosteroid due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for 15 years. diagnosis of sternal insufficiency fracture presented with thoracic kyphosis was made on the basis of absence of trauma history, radiologic findings of lateral chest radiograph, bone scintigraphy and chest computed tomography. Thoracic kyphosis and osteoporosis secondary to menopause, corticosteroid therapy and limited mobility due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were considered as predisposing factors of the sternal insufficiency fracture in this patient. ( info)

10/436. Facial pressure sore complicated by mandibular osteomyelitis.

    A case is reported of an 85-year-old woman with mandibular osteomyelitis secondary to a submental pressure sore. The main aetiological factors in the development of the pressure sore were dementia and severe senile kyphosis. Pressure sores are rare in the head and neck region and, though osteomyelitis is a common complication at other anatomical sites, it has not been previously reported in the mandible. ( info)
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