Cases reported "lead poisoning"

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1/291. Lead toxicity from gunshot wound.

    Lead toxicity from gunshot wound is a rare complication. It occurs when body fluids, especially synovial cavity fluids, dissolve lead from the bullets, resulting in absorption and toxicity. Metabolic stress, infection, or alcoholism can also enhance absorption. Combination of chelation and surgical removal can result in favorable prognosis. awareness of this condition allows appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic interventions to be initiated in a timely manner. ( info)

2/291. flour contamination as a source of lead intoxication.

    CASE REPORT: A 43-year-old man was hospitalized because of severe anemia and recurrent bouts of abdominal pain over 20 days. There was no known occupational exposure to toxins. Concomitantly, the patient's father complained of having the same symptoms. Familial lead poisoning was diagnosed when all 6 family members tested had high blood leads (31-64 micrograms/dL). RESULTS: Following detailed examination of the potential sources common to all members of the household, the cause of poisoning was determined to be corn flour containing 38.7 mg/g lead. physicians are reminded to consider lead poisoning in the differential diagnosis of individuals with unexplained symptoms, particularly those of abdominal discomfort and anemia. ( info)

3/291. Lead induced anaemia due to traditional Indian medicine: a case report.

    Lead intoxication in adults without occupational exposure is a rare and unexpected event. The case of a western European is reported who had severe anaemia after ingestion of several ayurvedic drugs, obtained during a trip to india. Laboratory findings showed high blood lead concentrations, an increased urinary lead concentration, and an increased urinary excretion of delta-aminolaevulinic acid. Also, slightly increased urinary concentrations of arsenic and silver were found. physicians should be aware that with growing international travel and rising self medication with drugs from uncontrolled sources the risk of drug induced poisoning could increase in the future. ( info)

4/291. An unusual cause of recurrent abdominal pain.

    abdominal pain is a common complaint with diverse etiologies. We describe an unusual case of recurrent abdominal pain in an adult due to lead poisoning, a condition usually associated with childhood. A previously healthy 42-yr-old man presented with 2 days of severe crampy abdominal pain and a 1-month history of constipation. physical examination was remarkable for diffuse abdominal pain but peritoneal signs were not present. Blood tests were remarkable for hematocrit of 33 and mean cell volume of 78, with ovalocytes and basophilic stippling on blood smear. Abdominal x-ray showed stool throughout the colon and a nonspecific bowel gas pattern. The patient was treated with intravenous fluids and enemas, and his symptoms resolved within 2 days. Repeat history taking revealed he had been stripping paint from an old Victorian house in the preceding few months. He was discharged after a blood lead level was obtained. Before his clinic appointment he was readmitted 2 days later with recurrent abdominal pain. His blood lead level was elevated at 110 microg/dl (toxic range). After consultation with the occupational health and safety Administration and local poison control service, he was treated with intravenous calcium edetate disodium and intramuscular dimercaprol. He was asymptomatic at discharge, with a level of 56 microg/dl. Two weeks later, a repeat level was elevated at 72 microg/dl, for which he received a 3-wk course of oral dimercaptosuccimer. Subsequent levels were unremarkable, and the patient remains asymptomatic. abdominal pain secondary to lead poisoning in adults is uncommon. This case highlights the importance of taking a detailed occupational history and appropriately using "routine" blood tests to diagnose a rare condition that presented with a common complaint. ( info)

5/291. lead poisoning caused by glazed pottery: case report.

    A case of severe lead poisoning is described. This was caused by the ingestion of fruit drink prepared and stored in lead-glazed jugs. Results of tests to measure the extractability of lead from the jugs are given. ( info)

6/291. lead poisoning: a disease for the next millennium.

    The decline in the prevalence of childhood lead poisoning is a public health success story. However, nearly a million preschool-aged children in the united states alone have elevated BPb levels. Toxicity correlates with BPb concentrations and progresses from biochemical and subclinical abnormalities at levels around 10 micrograms/dL to coma and death at levels over 100 micrograms/dL. Treatment consists of the elimination of exposure, interruption of the pathway into the child, modification of diet to ensure adequate essential metal intake (calcium, iron), and on occasion, chelation therapy. The identification of children with the most lead poisoning depends on screening for exposure (questionnaire) or evidence of increased absorption (BPb test). Follow-up is crucial to maximize the effectiveness of any intervention. ( info)

7/291. Severe lead-induced peripheral neuropathy in a dialysis patient.

    Toxic neuropathy caused by lead (manifested as wrist drop) was a frequent phenomenon before 1925. In modern times, it is a distinct rarity. We report herein a Hispanic woman who developed end-stage renal failure, followed by wrist drop, in whom the maximal total blood lead was 69 microg/dL. Measurements of lead in her tibia and calcaneus by K-x-ray fluorescence, however, showed markedly elevated values. The wrist drop cleared after four treatments with intravenous calcium sodium edetate (Ca EDTA). in vitro studies of (210)Pb uptake by red blood cells (RBC) after incubation with normal or uremic plasma indicated that (210)Pb uptake was inhibited by uremic plasma. These studies suggest the presence of a transport inhibitor in uremia that modifies the distribution of lead between plasma and RBC, leading to lower overall blood values. ( info)

8/291. lead poisoning after gunshot wound.

    CONTEXT: Despite the absence of symptoms in the majority of patients carrying lead bullet fragments in their bodies, there needs to be an awareness of the possible signs and symptoms of lead intoxication when bullets are lodged in large joints like knees, hips and shoulders. Such patients merit closer follow-up, and even surgical procedure for removing the fragments. OBJECTIVE: To describe a patient who developed clinical lead intoxication several years after a gunshot wound. DESIGN: Case report. CASE REPORT: A single white 23-year-old male, regular job as a bricklayer, with a history of chronic alcohol abuse, showed up at the emergency department complaining of abdominal pain with colic, weakness, vomiting and diarrhea with black feces. All the symptoms had a duration of two to three weeks, and had been recurrent for the last two years, with calming during interval periods of two to three weeks. Abdominal radiograms showed a bullet lodged in the left hip, with a neat bursogram of the whole synovial capsule. A course of chelating treatment using calcium versenate (EDTACaNa2) intravenously was started. After the chelation therapy the patient had recurrence of his symptoms and a radical solution for the chronic mobilization of lead was considered. A hip arthroplasty procedure was performed, leading to complete substitution of the left hip. ( info)

9/291. lead poisoning from a retained bullet: a case report and review.

    A 47-year-old man with a prior gunshot wound presented with arthritis, constipation, abdominal pain, and weight loss. Arthrocentesis did not reveal the cause of the arthritic complaints, but lead poisoning was suspected and confirmed. We present this case along with a short review of the literature pertaining to this often overlooked and reversible cause of lead poisoning. ( info)

10/291. lead poisoning. A comprehensive review and report of a case.

    Lead, a ubiquitous heavy metal which has realized increased use, can cause poisoning by environmental contamination in either its organic or its inorganic form. lead poisoning can be either acute or chronic, with the latter being the more common. The clinical signs and symptoms of lead poisoning are nonspecific, resulting in a difficult diagnostic problem, especially when it is not industrially related. On occasions, the dentist or oral surgeon may be the first to see an afflicted patient because of oral manifestations. ( info)
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